View from the window: Blurosaurus!


Shocking view from the window today… absolutely terrible, in fact.

I heard a strange rumbling noise outside, almost like a stampede, coming from the Grinds. I was on the ground floor, around back and I glanced out of the window, only to see dinosaurs running passed. Running in circles in fact, for some strange reason.

There were also mountains in the distance, and palm trees. There are no mountains or palm trees in the Grinds, which can only mean one thing: the Mansion has shifted again!

I tried to capture the image as best I could, but as everything was moving so quickly, I could only get some really awful images… three terrible ones in fact. The blurred one above is by far the best. And here are the other two:The lighting is all wrong, and the third one I don’t think I was even looking toward the window! I’m actually quite surprised that I didn’t manage to capture my thumb in the image as well… or my eye – I just grabbed my mobile phone and took the picture! (The third one was the first one I took… by the way)

There were also a couple of pterodactyls circling overhead – you can just about see one in the middle pane, at the top. Yes, the black smudge is a pterodactyl.

The thing is, the back door was open.

I mean, I’ve had a good look around and haven’t seen anything, but some of those dinosaurs are quite small; some are human-sized and others are massive. The small to human-sized ones could have easily fitted through the door, if they wanted to. I suppose the massive ones could have had a go as well, if they were so inclined!

I don’t think any of them have come in before the Mansion shifted again, but just thought I’d mention it.
You know.
Just in case…

22 responses to “View from the window: Blurosaurus!”

  1. CMStewart avatar

    Funny, the same thing happened to me about a year ago . .


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It happens quite frequently, CM…


  2. Andra Watkins avatar

    I hope no velociraptors were in the mix, Tom. From my memories of Jurassic Park, they are pretty terrible creatures to have running around the mansion.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I’ve not seen any yet, Andra, but I have to keep alert!


  3. Visionkeeper avatar

    Oh no…The mansion is at it again. Keep the outside light on tonight and maybe they will move off in search of darkness. Also put a plate of goodies down in the kitchen too and if they disappear you’ll know one or more of them got inside. Good luck TL…..VK


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It is indeed up to its old tricks, VK. Luckily, I think the creatures have all been left behind!


  4. lameadventures avatar

    If they veer much closer, post a sign out front with an arrow pointing next door and a message reading, “The neighbors can’t wait to meet you!”


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That’s a good idea, LA. I’ll try to remember it for next time!


  5. prenin avatar

    Hmmm… Hope nothing meat-eating got in!!! 🙂

    Have a great Easter Monday Tom! 🙂

    Remember it’s all fool’s day today so be wary!!! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I don’t think so, Prenin… lucky this time, I guess!
      Yes, AFD! I fell for the Google Nose one, but no others! I hope…
      Hope you have a good Easter Monday too!


  6. penpusherpen avatar

    I’d double check though, Sir Aquatom, these prehistoric animals can be pretty tricky… check under t’bed for a start … (You haven’t found that game Jumanji by any chance? 😉 ) … Happy April Fools Day … (why do they call it day when it only lasts a morning?) … xPenx


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      No, Pen, there’s no sign of any prehistoric animal, or Jumanji, I’m pleased to say!
      What baffles me about today, is the custom of tripping people up in the afternoon. What’s all that about?


      1. penpusherpen avatar

        Just finding start point for commenting, Sir Aquatom….. blimey was I gone that long?… Off to have a Sip of Red Wine… 🙂 xx


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          You’ve not been gone too long, Pen. Unless it’s me, and time is still flying by…


  7. Carrie Rubin avatar

    Gee, all I see from my window are bushes. I feel cheated…


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Usually, Carrie, trees and bushes are all I see… but on the odd occasion, I get to see something else!!!


  8. The Hook avatar

    Interesting view you have….


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It’s forever changing, Hook!


      1. The Hook avatar

        That’s awesome!


  9. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    They’re smarter than they look. Hope you checked behind the shower curtain.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I will have to do that, Tess, as soon as I find the shower. It’s gone missing! 😉


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