Everything in twos

I have a strange compulsion. Strange in the fact that it isn’t there all of the time, and strange in the fact that it can be ignored as well. I experience this strange compulsion of mine mostly when shopping in Sainsbury’s (other supermarkets are available) but it does creep in to other areas of my life as well.

I need to do everything in twos. Well, I need to when my compulsion strikes, if I don’t ignore it.

If I need to buy something, and there’s only one item left on the shelf, I won’t buy it. I always wonder why there’s only one left – why hasn’t the product sold out. Even if I only need to buy one of the items and I’m not in the midst of a compulsion, it stays on the shelf.

I love it when items are on the buy one get one free offer – I usually buy two. Four. Two plus the two free ones. I’m not too keen on the three for the price of two offers as I feel I’m being short-changed. And that also goes for the buy three items and get the cheapest free. Odd or what?

If I need a tissue, I’ll always take two. The one that I need, and a second just in case.

The same applies to kitchen roll… I always take two squares there.

I love seeing buses in twos, especially when they’re on the same route. In the past, when I used to use public transport, I always wanted to get on the second bus when this happened but never did.

Magpies – I need to see magpies in twos. When I see one, I always instantly look for another, and don’t rest until I see one. They may obviously not be together, but as long as I see two I’m fine.

I love seeing tandem bicycles, but always wonder how they work. Does one rider do most of the work and the other just goes along for the ride? What if one cycled quicker than the other – would the bike bend? No, I know that it wouldn’t, but I always imagine the front rider being high in the air if the back rider is the stronger peddler. I always chuckle when I see a tandem bike for this reason.

And cats. I love cats when they visit in twos. Yesterday Spudley and Shadow visited. I imagine these two as friends, but they are always hissing and growling and glaring at each other, but inches apart. I feel bad when I tickle Spudley as Shadow watches on, so I then have to tickle Shadow – and feel bad as Spudley watches on. They won’t allow me to tickle them both at the same time… which I am compelled to do.

There. I’ve written about my strange compulsion, and hopefully I can now move on. Or write a follow up post…

42 responses to “Everything in twos”

  1. Visionkeeper avatar

    Oh my…I too have a two compulsion, only mine involves throwing things away not buying. It centers mostly around food. If I just can’t finish a meal I have to make sure there is at least two of everything being thrown away so nobody gets lonely. Such as peas for example. Never scrape the plate with one pea remaining into the garbage!!! Is this insanity or compassion do you suppose? VK


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Possibly a bit of both, VK… with a bit of habit thrown in too. We are creatures of habit! 😀


  2. Carol avatar

    I think we all have a little OCD in us about something. I do like symmetry and struggle not to have ornaments and stuff just so….


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Carol… symmetry isn’t such an issue with me, but I can’t have everything the same size. We are quirky, aren’t we? 😉


  3. mairedubhtx avatar

    I typically buy more than one of a thing. Especially pens. And tissues and paper towels. And tea in cans. I buy in groups of ten. Beauty products I also buy in twos so I don’t run out, like cleansing pads. Maybe a bit of compulsion or insanity, I don’t know which. My daughter would say insanity but she’s always running out of things. Who’s the insane one, mmm?


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Always best to be prepared, M! One to use, and one for just in case. Works every time!


  4. nrhatch avatar

    I’m “odd” . . . I like groupings of THREE . . . or SEVEN . . . or THIRTEEN. The symmetry of pairs (except for shoes and shocks and mittens and gloves) holds no allure. 😀


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I’m glad to hear about the shoes Nancy – it would be odd to buy them in threes! Hehe! But no – you’re not odd. You’re just not the same as me. It’s good that we’re different! 😀


  5. Diane Henders avatar

    I’m surprised you’re not a Gemini! 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Nope, Diane… I’m Piscean. 😀 Pisces, the two fish swimming in opposite directions. And just to add to the ‘twos’, Thomas means twin. I’m doubly affected! 😀


  6. prenin avatar

    I am lucky in that I don’t have a compulsion, but I DO buy two for one offers and anything with 50% extra in the box.

    I buy my boxes of teabags in pairs, especially if they are 50% extra free – that way I get three boxes for the price of two! 🙂

    I also have a compulsion to look for the second Magpie – we have three breeding pairs in the area and they are VERY smart birds! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I still buy the 3 for 2 and the like, Prenin, but I feel shortchanged when they should have the buy one get one free offer on! And yes – finding that second magpie is important!


  7. Andra Watkins avatar

    My weird compulsion when shopping is to never take the thing on top or in the front. I almost always move them out of the way and pick something from the interior.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      That makes sense, Andra. Especially when getting something from a supermarket freezer – I always have to get the item second from top.


  8. Elaine - I used to be indecisive avatar

    I takes all sorts, they say. If we were all the same it would be a dull world. Or… maybe in your world we would all be identical twins? 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      No, I like us all being different Elaine! Even if we do similar things, I’d be freaked out if everyone was a twin…


  9. Jo Bryant avatar

    I don’t know what to say to this…
    I don’t know what to say to this…


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I’m seeing double here, Jo! Hehe! 😀


      1. Jo Bryant avatar

        I knew you’d see what I was getting at…hehehe


  10. mairedubhtx avatar

    I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Go to my blog to find out about it.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Ah. Thank you very much for thinking about my blog Mary, but I’m one of those who doesn’t participate in the awards. However, I am grateful for your nomination!


  11. lameadventures avatar

    I don’t share your proclivity to buy items in two, but I am pretty obsessed with freshness dates. Last week, I noticed that my boss bought a yogurt dated October 2012. She doesn’t check freshness dates, but now I think she might develop that habit.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Last week? Yogurt? October 2012! Yeek!
      I must admit there are some food things I don’t check the dates on, LA, your comment has served as a timely reminder that I must!


  12. shreejacob avatar

    Hmm..it’s the duality in you (like how we all have our dualities) that want those pairs! My untrained professional opinion..hehe..I *do* like using that line 😛


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I’d agree with your opinion, Shree… professional or not! 😀
      I’m Piscean… Thomas means twin… it stands to reason I’m going to want to do things in twos! 😀


      1. shreejacob avatar

        Wow…yup…most definitely! lol


  13. europasicewolf avatar

    I’m the opposite of you in so far as if I see something all on it’s own on the shelf I am compelled to buy it even if I don’t need it because it looks so sad all by itself and rejected by everyone! 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Nooo… Icewolf… there needs to be balance in the trolley. And why has everyone left that lone item on the shelf all alone? Another thing that makes me feel the urge to look away quickly is if someone has placed a single item on a completely different shelf… like a tin of baked beans in with the sweetcorn. It’s just not right! Shopping’s fraught with challenges such as these…


      1. europasicewolf avatar

        Everyone has left that lone item on the shelf all alone because they’re mean and selfish! How do they think it feels sitting there all unloved and unwanted and passed over like that?!! 😉


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          OK then. Next time when I see an item all alone on a shelf, I shall move it to another shelf… absent-mindedly, obviously, as I don’t want anyone to think I would be doing it intentionally!.


  14. Carrie Rubin avatar

    Chocolate is good in twos, too. 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes it so is, Carrie! And even better when they are buy one get one free! 😀


  15. aFrankAngle avatar

    As a golfer, wish I had two chances on every shot, thus able to take the best one. Thanks for sharing your quirk … after all, who doesn’t have one? 😉


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Are you saying you don’t have two chances on every shot, Frank? I’ve played golf wrongly for years then – not that I play it often, I must add! 😉
      Quirks are good, I feel! 😀


      1. aFrankAngle avatar

        Two chances on every shot would improve my score … no doubt!


  16. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    Magpies aside, what about turtle doves? I worry when I see only one dove cooing. They mate for life and I worry something awful has happened to the missing one.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes, Tess… and swans too. I always try to find a second one…


  17. Geoff avatar

    I think your idea works well Tom
    and just think of all the extra goodies
    you will have stashed away 🙂

    I like stroking Cats too and for once
    I am not even going to be facetious 😉

    Have fun my great friend…



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      The only downside to this, is I have to carry double what I intended back to the car.
      Have a good Thursday night, Geoff!


      1. Geoff avatar

        You need to keep hold of your trolley and return it after loading the car 🙂 I hope that your evening is going very smoothly my great friend 🙂


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