The Second Joy of Spam.

Yesterday, I did threaten a follow-up post. This is it.

I’m still being sent into the spam folders of various blogs, so rather than being catapulted out into the realms of the outer blogosphere, I’m using my latest posts to try to get a message through to the blogs I follow to see if they can help.

Also, as an additional bonus, my regular readers may get the chance to find other great blogs to follow.

So, without further ado, the blogs I visited tonight, in order of visitation, are:

1. Worth Doing Badly. Tinman’s blog, and his post Taken. Tinman can write about any situation excellently… he wrote me into a Doctor Who story once! My comment posted just fine here, I’m pleased to announce.

2. A Window Into The Woods. Zanny’s blog, and her post I Can’t Find My Keys. Zanny publishes some amazing wildlife and animal photography within her posts, always a treat to visit. However, tonight, my comment has been left elsewhere…in spam… but not for long, hopefully!

3. Diane Henders’ blog was my next port of call this evening, and her post Is There A 12-Step Program For That? Diane is a fun writer who tackles all situations when they come along. Tonight, she touched on addictions. To shopping; bulk shopping; bulk shopping shops. My comment made it all the way to her spam folder, unfortunately.

4. Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary was where I headed to next. Sue writes many thought-provoking posts and fine pieces of poetry, like today’s post Fly to Freedom ~ A Poem Spinning Threads. I tried to comment here as well, but, alas, my comment had other ideas.

5. Elenacaravela’s Blog was next on my visiting list, and her post Watercolour Wednesday. Elena is a fabulous artist – you should see some of her work! She’s also a relatively new, but not that new, addition to my blogging circle, and I have commented there before. Tonight, however, I was marked as spam.

I’m actually starting to feel like a spammer now. A total spammer. That’s putting a spammer in the works! Anyway, I’ll get on with it!

6. was where I ventured to next, and the post Ginger Heartache With Aunty Bill. Space travel seems easy now, and commenting does as well! I commented with ease here! Yay! Maybe I should write an interlude between each entry and see what happens.

Although it probably won’t help, as I visited the blogs earlier, before writing this post. Never mind. Onward and upward!

7. Adeeyoyo’s Blog next, and Denise’s post Blink. Denise writes some nifty little poems, and I need to make more of an effort to go and visit her blog. I commented without error tonight though.

Maybe the interludes DO work. Hmmm…

8. Visionkeeper’s blog was next on my visitation list. Last night when I commented, I was relegated to her spam folder. Tonight, I commented on her post Pushing Ourselves Beyond Where We Stand… and commented just fine!

9. My ninth blog for today was Prenin’s Little Page, and his post Tuesday – Quiet Day. No problems commenting there today, either. Things are looking up!

10. Spirit Lights The Way was next. And, unlike last night, I commented without error on Nancy’s post Order Your Lunch Decoy Dummy NOW! I actually want one! I do! I do!

11. Who Doesn’t Like Giveaways? Asks Becca at 25ToFly. Becca’s knee deep in organising a blogging collective event, and working very hard, but still needs help with promotion. I commented, without error, to say I’d add something here about it. And I have. Visit Becca’ site for further details…

12. Storytelling was the next post I went to, over on Fiona (AKA Speccy)’s blog Me, Mine and Other Bits. I commented there. Or rather I tried to. Commenting failed, I still left inspired. Which is always good, I find!

13. Andra’s blog was next, The Accidental Coochie Mama. Her post Roy’s Complete Guide To Back Room Bartering accepted my comment as easily as her post yesterday.

14. Next to visit Letter From Britain… a blog that, for some reason, I haven’t been to in a while. I tried and failed to comment on the post Buy Your Own London Tube Station. Which left me wanting to buy one, I must admit!

16. Kate Shrewsday’s post The Book of Roger was next, where I commented, unlike last night, with no problems whatsoever. Yay!

17. Karen Kubicko’s blog is relatively new to me, but I have stopped by and commented a few times before. Her post A Blissful Kaleidoscope of Color – Have you Seen IT? has left me wanting another spiritual experience. I also wanted to leave a comment, but, yes, you’ve guessed it, I was blocked at the point of posting once again!

18. Shree Jacob’s site was next on my list, The Heartsong’s Blog. And her post The book that stole my mind… left me wanting a new book. Check out her review! I also managed to tell Shree in a comment that she had sold me the book.

19. A Frank Angle’s blog was next, and Frank’s post On Satire Bits: Volume 67 accepted my comment without error. It was a mash-up of a few headline’s Frank has posted… although, as you can tell by looking at my post titles, headlines aren’t my strong point!

20. My twentieth blog to visit tonight was Tess’ How The Cookie Crumbles, and her post Flash In The Pan – Left. Tess has reminded me just how far behind I am in my own entries for Red’s Flash Fiction challenges, and I commented successfully on Tess’ post to say just that!

So. Twenty blogs visited. Some comments accepted OK, others not. Apparently, there’s still a problem. Never mind. It’ll be sorted soon.

And, I need to get my finger out for Red’s Flash Fiction challenge, so expect a few short posts over the next few days.

Well, these blog promotion ones can get a bit long, can’t they?

As with yesterday’s post, ignore the moaning about the comments, and go and visit the sites mentioned. You will find something that you’ll like!

33 responses to “The Second Joy of Spam.”

  1. speccy avatar

    You have been rescued from the spam! I wonder what’s going on…
    Thank you for the kind words and new places to visit 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Fiona.
      I’ve sent a message to Akismet this evening regarding it… it’s a problem that’s affecting quite a few of us, and it’s rather frustrating!
      Hope you find somewhere you like!


  2. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    Nice collage. Seems like lots of work you’ve done to make sure we don’t forget you, Tom.
    What a charmer!
    Spam BAM. Welcome back.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Well, you have to try, don’t you, Tess?
      Hopefully all of the problems will be resolved soon. I feel like I’ve been saying that for a very long time now!


      1. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

        Fingers crossed! : D


  3. elenacaravela avatar

    Thanks very much for the link! You will be relieved to know that you were not marked for spam, just a random approval to post. I had a busy day and just found your comment, which I just released from WP purgatory:)


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Ah, thanks Elena, although I think you’re referring to the pingback message from the link to your blog – they always need to be approved for some reason. I left another comment on your post which vanished without trace, which usually means it’s been sent to trash! But don’t worry! The problems will be sorted soon!


  4. aFrankAngle avatar

    Thanks for the stop-by for your test. Your systematic approach seems to be working!


    1. aFrankAngle avatar

      PS: Your headline was fine … and you took cement (initially used as a noun) but then used it as a verb. I say that’s brilliant!


      1. Tom Merriman avatar

        And thank you for saying so, Frank. I still could do better though…


    2. Tom Merriman avatar

      It does in parts, Frank. I’d rather it worked full stop!
      And… it’s a pleasure!


  5. Andra Watkins avatar

    Your pings are still going to spam for me, Tom. But, if it’s any consolation, my own pings to my own posts are also going to spam!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It’s as though the comments have a mind of their own! Do we go here… or there… or anywhere!!!
      I hope you don’t start to experience the comment spam problem though, Andra. It’s not very god actually…


  6. becca3416 avatar

    Tom, it has been a while since I have visited you, but I like what you’ve done with the place! Thanks for sharing the BI give away contest here. I really appreciate it. You will be thrown in the drawings!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Becca, and no worries… just call by whenever you can – I can’t ask for more than that!
      Always happy to help!


  7. nrhatch avatar

    Once I released you from the SPAM folder last night . . . that “broke the spell” . . . but only on my blog.

    As each blogger sets you free . . . you will remain outside prison walls. Or you can e-mail AKISMET and beg them to wave the magic wand on your behalf. Once and you’re done.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I’ve contacted Akismet this evening, Nancy. Enough is now becoming enough!
      I need to be free! Free I tell you! Wheeeeeeeeee! Ahem…


  8. shreejacob avatar

    Your comment posted just fine Tom! The pingback went to the Approve tab…which has been duly I’m thinking you’re in the clear for my blog at least 😀

    Thanks for the mention as well 😀


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      There’s always a silver lining, Shree!
      And it’s a pleasure!


  9. Diane Henders avatar

    Thank you for the mention, Tom, and thanks for trying to comment over at my place. When I dug you out of the spam folder, I clicked the “Approve” button extra-hard, so I hope WordPress got the message.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks for rescuing me, Diane. I felt the click, so I can only presume that WordPress did as well!


  10. Gray Dawster avatar
    Gray Dawster

    An artistic collage my great friend, and sadly
    you ended up in my Spam too, there are some
    bizarre happenings around our WP at the moment
    and many are getting fed up of it I can tell you 😦

    I am not sure what the problems are but I hope
    that WP are working on them otherwise peeps that
    are experiencing these hassles will leave…

    Hopefully this will not be a widespread issue but I
    keep seeing blogs around our blogosphere that are
    similar, being that there are quite a number of unhappy
    bloggers around, come on WP get these problems
    fixed and sooner rather than the better 🙂

    Have a superb Thursday Tom 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Yeah, it’s not much fun with all of these problems going on right now!
      But, keep on keeping on, and all that!
      Thanks for releasing me from your spam cellar, Andro… I’m hoping these problems will be resolved soon myself.
      Enjoy the rest of your Thursday as well!


  11. adeeyoyo avatar

    You came onto my blog quite normally. The problem I had was opening your blog. It took ages and ages and eventually I gave up. That was about 4 hours ago. This time I was successful, but it also took a long time and I was about to give up. By-the-way thanks for the pingback.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Ah, Denise, sorry you had such problems getting onto here… I’ve recently gone through THAT problem myself as well!
      Hopefully your problems were just a temporary glitch.
      And… a pleasure!


  12. kateshrewsday avatar

    Tom, so pleased you got through on mine! This must have taken quite some time to prepare – really impressive. Off to LFB to release you 🙂 Onwards with the battle against Spam!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I think once we are freed of the spam cellar, Kate, on a particular blog, we are then OK to comment on that blog every time after, so thanks again for releasing me yesterday… and again today!
      It didn’t take much time, actually, adding the links took the longest, but it was done within an hour!
      And thanks again. We will be victorious in this battle against spam!


  13. penpusherpen avatar

    I cannot for the life of me explain how I feel having caught up with your blogs, Sir Aquatom, I know we have to look on the ‘bright side’ but for goodness sake, we’re in need of a torch of humongous proportions to see any sign of light at t’end of this WordPress induced tunnel. I hope to goodness your ‘releases’ from spam jail are many and last for ever after. I shall be back, (how’s that for a threat eh? ) take care and keep that British Chin Up. xPenx


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Pen… I’m getting that humongous torch ready as I type!
      I’m still disappearing on some blogs, but I’m sure it’s, as I always say, a temporary glitch.
      See you when you get back my friend, and always keep looking on the bright side!


  14. elspethc avatar

    Whatever spanners are in the spammer works, this is a great creative way to deal with it. Maybe we all need to have a look in our spam queues and resolutely declare NOT SPAM


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That should work, Elspeth. I’m hoping that the problems have been resolved now…


  15. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Tom I am pleased to say you were dutifully rescued out of my Spam box… before I read this post :-)… Since all the problems I have been trawling through my spam box to rescue the afflicted.. you have not been in there on your own either…. I hope you now at least have the Pass the Jail free card when next you visit my blog Tom… 🙂 And loved this idea of a post too and will be looking into some of these amazing peoples posts…
    Enjoy your Sunday afternoon…
    Sue xox


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks for the rescue, Sue… I appreciated it at the time, even if I didn’t say so back then!
      Hope you find some new blogs that you enjoy!


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