The Results

Recently I posted, as an experiment, a request for readers of my blog to try to categorise eight of my posts. I wanted to gather if by reading one hundred words, the reader could tell if the post was based on a real event, a dream, a revelation or it was complete fiction.

Thanks to those who took the time to cast their votes. The instructions could have been clearer, in hindsight, but when I first read through the post, before publishing it, it made perfect sense to me… but then, I understood what I wanted from it.

Some of the posts seemed to carry on where the previous one ended, which was done deliberately, as I secretly didn’t want anybody to get any category correct. I didn’t say so, but that also came across in the post. It was Me against the Rest of the World… and a tally of points was needed. The Rest of the World got a point whenever they categorised a post correctly, but I got a point if they categorised it incorrectly.

My aim was to get the full allocation of available points to win. I wanted to beat the Rest of the World completely. And, as I didn’t do this, I lost this part of the challenge.

So, that’s a win for the Rest of the World.

For the first part.

I can now reveal the results of the vote. One point was available for each vote, either going to the Rest of the World if the voter was correct in their vote (guess / choice / inkling) or to me if they weren’t correct.

Six readers very kindly took part in this experiment. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: thank you! So six points were available for each post…

The House was actually a revelation. An image that I received whilst trying to do a guided meditation. In the moment of the revelation, I could feel the coolness that surrounded me, and I could clearly see the flickering of the candle inside the window. Nobody selected the category ‘revelation’ for this post, so I was the clear winner with this post.

Another Staircase was a dream. It’s actually a recurring dream that I have where I find a staircase, usually tucked away behind a curtain, or door, that usually leads to a hidden floor or room… or rooftop garden. One person thought this was a dream, so that’s one point to the Rest of the World. Five to me, but as I didn’t get the full six points it isn’t a complete outright win.

The Corridor was another revelation, from the same guided meditation as before, although it wasn’t part of the house. Again, nobody selected the revelation category, so another win for me!

Anticipation was based on a real event. I’d somehow managed to get myself roped into singing at a talent evening, and word had got out about it. It had seemed to get out far and wide as the room was packed, far busier than usual. I started singing, quietly, but then left the stage when a voice heckled from the back “What does the dummy do?” Never again have I attempted to perform in public. Two people said this was a real event, so two more points go the Rest of the World.

The Book was completely made up. Total fiction. I wanted to link it to a couple of the earlier posts in this experiment for continuity purposes, but it had nothing to do with them at all. Two readers said this was made up, so another two points go to the Rest of the World.

The Comet was also made up.There was a comet recently that should have been visible, but I never got to see it. And what gives this post its fictional edge is the mention of it being warm. We’ve just gone through the coldest March in fifty years – I was trying to warm things up a little! No reader thought this was a made up event, so I get all six points. Hehehe!

Existence was based on a real event. I have a ghostly visitor every now and again, who I’ve named Dot. I’ve mentioned her a few times in my posts, most recently in this post. Two readers said this was real, so another two points to the Rest of the World.

The Plummet was also based on a real event. Once again, I’d been roped into doing a bungee swing whilst enjoying a break at the seaside. Myself and two friends were hoisted what seemed like thousands of feet into the air, by a crane, and then we had to take out a pin to release us, when we were in free fall for several seconds before the rope caught once again. The swinging was nice, but the falling not so. Two readers correctly said that this was a real event.

So, going off points alone, I was the clear winner, 39 – 9. But, with the Rest of the World winning the first part of the challenge, the overall outcome was a draw. A point each!

World domination isn’t in my blood anyway, so I’m perfectly happy with a draw. At least I’m keeping up with the world, which is always a good thing!

26 responses to “The Results”

  1. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    Keeping up with the rest of the world IS a good thing. Very good.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I think so too, Tess! In a lot of cases I’m usually trying to catch up, so keeping up is very good! 🙂


  2. Elaine - I used to be indecisive avatar

    That was a hard challenge! 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Elaine. In all honesty, I thought it would be easy to tell the difference… thank you for taking part! 🙂


  3. prenin avatar

    Very interesting! 🙂

    Glad you had fun with this Tom! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Prenin, it was fun!


  4. Red avatar

    So, what I get out of this is your writing is convincing even when it is a complete fabrication. That sounds like a personal win. Eh?


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      There is that, Red!


  5. SidevieW avatar

    Beware the recurring dream, they have a habit of being true, maybe not quite as you see them, but when they occur, then they stop coming back.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I often try to work out the meanings of my recurring dreams… for the staircase one, maybe I’m reaching for something that is either just out of my reach, or I’m going to find something which will open a whole new venture / plan / view… outlook! The dreams are always slightly different, Sideview, so maybe the meanings are as well. We’ll see!


      1. SidevieW avatar

        I have had two come true, very differently, and then tnose dreams stopped.


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          I’m hoping in a good way, Sideview…


          1. SidevieW avatar

            one horrible when I was held up and my car stolen, and one just interesting


            1. Tom Merriman avatar

              That’s not good, Sideview… although to dream more than once about it, and then for you to stop dreaming about it after it happened, is very strange. And interesting. It would have been better if it was a nice dream though…


              1. SidevieW avatar

                The one was a recurring dream from childhood, when I had a high temperature, I re-saw the place i9n China (of all odd things).

                The other had only occurred for a few years, and it was weeks after the holdup that I realised I had dreamed the man with the knife.

                Another of lionesses cornering me has gone. Maybe I had to face just ONE of the scary ones. I have no answers really, just questions.


                1. Tom Merriman avatar

                  Very interesting though.


                  1. SidevieW avatar

                    It is.

                    I have a few other odd things that have happened, me predicting without knowing it. Not on demand, just when it happens. Quite odd really


  6. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Tom I can see I was wrong on several counts, but that just shows the genius of your writing! .. Hope you had a great Easter Break 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Sue. I had a nice, relaxing weekend… but without chocolate. That, sadly, started today… hehehe!


  7. Diane Henders avatar

    This was fun, but far too difficult a challenge for my little brain… I concede victory. 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Diane. But we’re all winners here… we drew, remember! 😉 😀


  8. penpusherpen avatar

    a draw, 🙂 quickdraw… a great outcome… xx


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I thought so, Lady P! 😀


  9. shreejacob avatar

    Seriously? *why* do I always take my *break* at times when stuff actually happens on WordPress! (or any other site I’ve joined!!). I have a feeling I shouldn’t have fully read this post…now I know the “answers”..hehe


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It will probably make more sense reading backwards anyway, Shree!
      I enjoyed this little challenge!


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