The Greek Gods and Me!

Iris is the personification of the rainbow in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Thaumas,  who in turn is the son of Pontus and Gaia. Gaia is the personification of the Earth: Mother Earth. And Pontus is the god of the sea, father of the fish. Thaumas, by the way, is taken from the Greek word thaumatos which means "miracle" or "wonderโ€, and Thaumas has another daughter, Harpyiai, who is the personification of the whirlwinds.

On the other hand, and nowhere near as grand, yet equally miraculous, if I do say so myself, is little old me. My name, Thomas, means twin. In Greek, Iโ€™m Didymus. In the bible, Thomas was referred to as Doubting Thomas, and, on occasions, I find myself doubting my abilities, information I come across, other peopleโ€™s motives and so on. I suppose I have no more or less doubt than anybody else, but at times I seem to think that everyone around me can do what they need to do with ease, whereas I โ€˜wonderโ€™ if I can do it myself.

Anyway, moving my doubt to one side (actually casting it far away from me and forbidding it to ever return!), that isnโ€™t the only connection I have with my namesakes from ancient history.

I have a long running battle at times with my hair. Yes, I understand that when talking about Greek gods, my hair is the least of anybodyโ€™s worries, particularly the Greek gods themselves. However, sometimes my hair problems are not caused simply by my hair. Sometimes, they are caused by a sudden gust of wind, a whirlwind perhaps โ€“ and the wind โ€“ and hair for that matter โ€“ is attributed to Thaumasโ€™ daughter Harpyiai. Itโ€™s strange how some things we write about often, yet have no idea as to how they are connected and relevant to us on a more deeper, hidden level.

This connection to Harpyiai isnโ€™t the only odd connection I have to Thaumas and therefore the Greek gods.

When I applied for my latest job, I asked for a sign from the Universe to let me know if the outlook was good after my interview. I asked to see a rainbow. At the time, I had no idea that rainbows had a personification, least of all it being Iris. I walked around the corner from the office building where the interview took place, and, in the sky, almost filling the sky, directly in front of me, was the biggest and brightest rainbow I had ever seen. There was no doubt (!) that this was my sign. Unfortunately, I havenโ€™t been particularly grateful to the Universe for it giving me this sign, as I have done nothing but moan about my work ever since. However, in the eyes of the Universe (see what I did there โ€“ Iris โ€“ eyes!), it thinks that I am happy at work because I am constantly thinking about all of the bad things that happen at work, and, through the Laws of the Universe, and in particular the Law of Attraction, we get back what we think about, negative or positive. So, Iโ€™m getting what the Universe thinks I want. This is something I need to turn around, and the reason why doubt must be cast away. I canโ€™t change if I doubt that I can.

Anyway, back to my connection to the Greek gods. Apart from my obvious Adonis physique, which links me to another post for a future time (and the Seventeenth Century, funnily enough!), I love the Earth. Many people do, and Thaumasโ€™ mother is Gaia, goddess of the Earth. This is an easy connection.

Thaumasโ€™ father, Pontus, is the sire of all of the sea creatures. The fish. Pisces is the sign of the Zodiac represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Twin means two, Thomas means twin, and Iโ€™m Piscean. Everything is linked when you look closely enough! I also like water.

On a stranger, yet more subtle connection, there is one musical instrument that I have always wanted to learn to play. I have written about it in previous posts, as I have everything else that I have mentioned in passing above; my name, the rainbow, the hair, the fact that I have the body of Adonis โ€“ I mean Iโ€™m Piscean, and that I love the Earth and the Universe. The instrument is the harp. I love the sounds, I like the way it looks. I hope that one day Iโ€™ll be able to play the harp, and play it well. The connection is simply the names of the daughters of Thaumas. Iris and Harpyiai. Irish Harp.

20 responses to “The Greek Gods and Me!”

  1. prenin avatar

    Hmmm… Sounds good Tom – Maybe you have the blood of the Gods coursing through your veins, who knows?

    One thing I know about Gods is that they liked spreading ‘it’ around!

    ‘And the sons of God saw the daughters of man were fair and cleaved unto them. Thus were born the great men of old, the men of renown….’

    If you have red hair it’s even more likely!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Maybe I do, Prenin… that would be a good tale to tell, wouldn’t it? “Oh, by the way, I have the blood of the gods running through my veins!” ๐Ÿ˜€
      One thing about me is that I don’t have red hair. I did for a day or so several years ago, but I don’t think that counts!
      Hope you have a fabulous Saturday evening! ๐Ÿ˜€


  2. Diane Henders avatar

    This post is a perfect Celtic knot: all in perfect order and harmony, all the ends tucked in to become the beginnings of another thread. Fascinating to read, but now I need to go and untangle my brain! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Ah, sorry about that, Diane… I tend to try to cram as much information as I can into as few words as possible when I’m writing about connections, but when writing about connections with the Greek gods there are so many to be found. My second part to this post, which I’ll post in just a moment, is along the same lines.
      I hope your untangling went well! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  3. Deb avatar

    I don’t think you doubt yourself anymore than someone else. When we see what some has done, or wrote we think it came with ease, but maybe it didn’t. When I read your post and your other posts I think it came easy to you, that you wrote it without doubt….Am I following you? Or am I just rambling? …Now that is the Pisces in me, which btw the way, we have in common…Along with unruly hair on a windy day.
    I’ve never considered gods for different things, but just one God for all…It’s much easier for me to remember that way.
    So back to your topic. I think you can change what you choose to change, but it is more than just a conscious decision. We have to get our whole being to be in agreement with that choice….Which is something like what you said in another way. But once we make up our minds the rest of our being begins to follow the rule in our actions and behaviors.
    I liked this post, Tom!
    Hugs, xx


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Deb, and it makes sense that you are Piscean – you’re an artist! The hair thing must be a Piscean trait too! ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Yes, you’re right – I write without doubt, as I just write… I just do it! Once I know what I want to write about, I get into the flow of things… sometimes, the problem is knowing what to write about!
      I’m finding myself more and more fascinated by all of the ancient gods from all over the world. I’m finding links to them and hopefully I’ll find links between them as well, but they are quite confusing. The ancient Greeks had more than one god for the sea, for instance!
      And yes, change can be made once we know what we want to change. Maybe I should use my writing approach, and just do it.
      I liked your comment, Deb, thanks for that… you’ve pointed me in a slightly different direction! ๐Ÿ˜€


  4. corisel avatar

    Some day I want to see a picture of that hair. It must have a personality of its own, as it manages to become an amusing feature of so many of your posts.

    I like the connections you find here. Diane summed it up well with that celtic knot analogy.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Ah, Corisel, I don’t think a picture will do it justice! That image you have in your mind’s eye – yes, that one! – that is how it is more often than not! Sometimes it’s perfect… but it doesn’t stay perfect for very long. And yes, I agree, I too think it has a personality of its own! ๐Ÿ˜€
      It is rather a twisty turny post this one, and the next one follows suit too. It’s how my mind works at times… ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Well Tom Greek God or not.. at least you are understanding the Laws of the Universe.. so maybe when you say from your heart ” I love my job” you will see all the positives instead of the negatives.. or Maybe the Universe has planted you their to rectify all of your companies faults by seeing them first?? ๐Ÿ™‚ Loved the Rainbow experience.. x Sue


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Sue, I’ve been working with the Laws for quite some time now, but I’m still not open enough to see the whole picture of what I’m doing, if that makes sense. I tend to be too focused, and too narrow minded, to not allow myself to see all available possibilities that exist around me. Your comment about me being planted there to rectify the company’s problems for example, is not a way I’ve thought before… you’ve opened me up to that possibility now Sue, and I like the way that possibility feels! Thanks for that! ๐Ÿ˜€
      And the rainbow experience was phenomenal!


      1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

        You See Tom, you asked for the Universe to show you a sign,, and it did exactly that.. What we often do not see are the Signs the Universe sends us every day… I will tell you a short story of a friend of mine, He had a vivid dream of seeing the symbol sign of Blue Peter~ living here in the UK you know the children’s programme ‘Blue-Peter’ and the Ship? well thats what he saw… He had to drive his workmates to a job in a part of the country he’d not been before, He’d been on this route for several days so had got used to the roads, when an accident blocked his road. He had no idea where he was and the dream symbol he’d had so clearly popped into his head again.. He laughing was telling his workmates as they said arrh.. you think your a psychic as they would rib him about his gift.. They said you dont even know where we are.. As they said that, he saw a Pub sign with the Blue-Peter on it.. He made a left as he was strongly urged to do, and he told his mates, that Spirit had just said make a left here -and as the sign seemed then to make sense in his dream he followed his intuition, and it brought them back out on their familiar road. Least to say his work-mates were more than a little silent after that!..
        So sometimes we are often guided within our dreams, as that date you search for.. Some day it may just pop up and make perfect sense Tom.. I hope so.. ๐Ÿ™‚


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          What a great story, Sue, thanks for sharing it! If your friend hadn’t followed his intuition, and the sign, and he’d just put the sign down to ‘coincidence’ he’d have been stuck on that road. His friends were taught a lesson that there is more to such coincidences… I experience lots of coincidences almost daily, so much so that they are too coincidental just to be coincidence… and I know that my answer to my 1642 quest will appear when I least expect it too! ๐Ÿ™‚


  6. kateshrewsday avatar

    Great post, Tom. I adore the way the Greeks chose to explain and rationalise their world and created such an individual spirituality.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Kate. I love the ancient Greek civilisation, and all of the mysteries and legends that come with it. I’m now fascinated by the Norse gods as well, and I think as a result of this I’m being drawn to other ancient civilisations also. I like how one thing leads to another! ๐Ÿ˜€


  7. Andra Watkins avatar

    Doubt plagues me almost every single day. Good thing we both go out and keep doing what we’re doing anyway. That’s what the gods did, I’m sure. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      You’re probably right, Andra. If we allowed doubt to stop us, we wouldn’t do anything… well, I wouldn’t, that’s for sure!


  8. beautifulchaos2 avatar

    Great post Tom. I hope you get yourself some lessons and learn to play the harp if it’s what you’ve always wanted. An adonis playing the harp sounds like a rare treat!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you, Nikki!.
      I’d love to play the harp, but I don’t want to be bad at it… see, I’m already looking at it from the wrong way. As soon as I start to believe that I will be good at playing the harp, then I’ll go for it! ๐Ÿ˜€


  9. Raven of Leyla avatar
    Raven of Leyla

    A boyfriend of mine called himself Adonis…he was a pleasure to look at. My late husband of 27 yrs called himself, Odin *(Norse God) who is often pictured with a Raven on his shoulder, a messanger/companion, it is said he took form of a Raven on occasion, hence…me!
    We are Pisceans, water signs…we are receptive, open to changes, MUTABLE and sensitive to our surroundings. I believe that water is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe, I wonder if the key to communication/connectivity is there. Like Humpback Whales and Dolphins…???
    Oh you get me thinking ๐Ÿ˜‰


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      As you do me, Raven! ๐Ÿ˜€ Water crosses the three states of liquid, solid and gas so there’s a connection already! Hmmm…


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