Halloween Fever

You may or may not have noticed, but I have been gripped by Halloween slightly more than usual this year. I don’t mind Halloween, so it isn’t too bad actually, this Halloween Fever. Seeing things in the night, hearing things go bump in the night, thoughts triggered by eerie sounds, random memories, piercing eyes, Full Moons, black cats and peculiar cackles are all signs of this fever. Seeing a lot of blood red, black, green and orange, and purple things and disembodied eyes are other symptoms. Noticing zombies, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, cats, skeletons, banshees and other creatures of the night are clear signs that others have caught the fever too.

My blogging friend Deb Adams created some amazing paintings of zombies for Halloween, and inspired me to have a go at adding some of my own Halloween artwork. I’ve been busy beavering away at these three pieces of computer art just for this occasion. I say computer art, but I really prefer to use the term doodles, it feels a more comfortable term with me. By the way, Deb doesn’t only paint zombies… oh no!… but you’ll just have to take a peek at her blog to see what else she does. Click her name above to go to her site!

So, without further ado, make way for the paintings artwork cartoons doodles:  

1. Zombie by night-vision:

2. Happy Witch:

3. Vampire Cat:

Time to lie down in a darkened room once again. Spooky music playing softly in the background… and snow gently falling outside. Well, it may be. We may have a White Halloween this year!

30 responses to “Halloween Fever”

  1. Deb avatar

    Oh I love these three, Tom! You did a fantastic job too. My favorite is that cat looking so pitiful and will a little bell on too…this is fun, we should do this again.
    Thanks too for the link…your a true friend! 🙂
    Hugs xo


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Deb, I’m pleased you like them! And yes, we should do it again… my Inner Dood thinks that’s a great idea! That’s Inner Doodler, by the way!
      And it’s a pleasure, for the link!
      Hope you have a good Sunday!


      1. Deb avatar

        I did some more, now it is your turn again. 🙂


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          OK, Deb… they’re on their way!


  2. nrhatch avatar

    Seriously, dude! These are AWESOME!!! No matter what you choose to call them. 😀


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you for saying so, Nancy!


  3. Naked Zombies « Spirit Lights The Way avatar

    […] (Eric John Baker ~ Clawing At The Keys) * Zombie Apocalypse (Barbara Gildea) * Zombies (Draug) * Halloween Fever (Me Me Me Me Me) * First Day (Hypothetically […]


  4. Andra Watkins avatar

    They are all scary and awesome, Tom. You are getting snow, aren’t you?


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Andra!
      I’m not too sure on the snow… I know Kate’s had some but I live up north, and the weather for my area is usually different to the rest of the country for some reason. I looked out of the window at about 2,30 this morning, everywhere seemed to have a light white covering and the sky was heavy and white, but I didn’t actually see it snowing – so it could have been frost. A white Halloween sounds good though!


  5. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    How can I not love these? Funny considering we’re talking about Halloween but there is definitely an alluring aspect…


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I love Halloween, Tess! I know it should be a freaky, spooky and eerie time, but it can also be fun!


  6. Visionkeeper avatar

    Fabulous T !!!! Love these…What other talents do you have hidden away? You should share them. Go out and chalk the streets with pictures!! Of course here in Amerika you would go to jail for doing such a delightful thing 😦 Happy Halloweening T…. VK


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you, VK. Doodling and my imagination are all I can share, I don’t think I have much else to offer! I think we’d receive the same fate if we were to doodle the streets as well!
      Have a good week, VK!


  7. prenin avatar

    Very good Tom! 🙂

    Don’t call them doodles – they are better than that! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Prenin. They are slightly more than doodles, I suppose, but only the next step up. Figures on a screen! 🙂


  8. Tilly Bud - The Laughing Housewife avatar

    The drawings are good but halloween leaves me cold. Are you sure you’re not American? 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Tilly. No, I’m British. English British with part Anglo-Saxon part Greek origins (apparently). I have no idea where my fascination with Halloween came from – it’s not as though it’s a holiday or anything. And when I was young I never knew it existed. I’ve always been drawn to ghouls and vampires and werewolves and the like, so I think I’m making sure the two go together.
      It’s a good thing that we all don’t like the same thing, isn’t it? Things would be very boring if that was the case!


  9. Diane Henders avatar

    Wonderful! I particularly like the night-vision zombie – seems much more forbidding than a daylight zombie.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Diane! I think seeing a zombie in the daytime wouldn’t be that much different from seeing other people (strangers, that is) wandering aimlessly around… meant in a nice way, obviously!


  10. shreejacob avatar

    Love the art and …love the cat!! (I can’t believe I said that…more of a dog person here), but he’s adorable! Great way to lure his victims I’m sure…. 😉


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Shree… yes, I’m quite fond of that cat. I wasn’t particularly so at first, but he’s grown on me!


  11. Red avatar

    Completely awesome. You are totally in the spirit!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Red!
      I am indeed! 😀


  12. Trail of Haunted Legends « Spirit Lights The Way avatar

    […] write on haunted trails and leys in Britain:  The Ley of the Land (Kate Shrewsday) * Halloween Fever (Me Me Me Me […]


  13. Blogoversary! | Momma's Money Matters avatar

    […] Aquatom (Me! Me! Me, me, me!) […]


  14. Androgoth avatar

    After seeing these great paintings I am ready to
    ditch my pencils and stick to what I know best, you
    are definitely a fine artist Tom 🙂 🙂 Brilliant…

    I especially like the Happy
    Witch and the Vampy Cat 🙂
    Actually the Frankenstein
    looking Zombie looks ghoul
    too 🙂



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Nonsense, Andro! Keep at it!
      I’m just experimenting with colour!
      I think the cat is my favourite of these three!


  15. beautifulchaos2 avatar

    Oh my goodness these are so good!! I cant choose a fav, I love them all!
    Have a great night Tom.
    Hugs, x


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Nikki. I like the cat myself!


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