Between the snowflakes

It’s been an odd day today, weather-wise.

I think I may have used that line once or twice before in a post or two… but I’m saying it again today!

It’s been a pretty non-descript day otherwise, but we can’t have too much going on in one day, can we? Or can we?

I mean to say, it is the middle of May. And, I know that we shouldn’t cast a clout until May’s out, but today I wouldn’t know whether to cast one or not.

It’s been snowing in Cheshire today.

It’s actually been everything, all at once, if I’m honest.

I was looking out of the window at work, and it took a while for me to realise that it actually was snowing. Thick snow at 10.30am on a Tuesday in May.

It soon changed to hail, and rain, and then brilliant, warm, sunshine. Strong winds, more hail, a little more snow, a little sleet, and then heavy rain. Blue skies dotted with grey clouds.

And white clouds.

Apart from the snow, it was the white clouds that fascinated me more.

The cloud formations to be exact. I saw a dolphin, a puppy trying to pick up a ball, an Angel with real flapping wings, several faces, and a traditional weather-forecasters cloud shape. All within a matter of minutes. The winds must have been very strong up in the cloud layer… which will probably explain the snow flurries.

I’m not on high ground, or in an exposed place. I’m in a valley that usually doesn’t get any kind of unusual weather… or bad weather for that matter.

Today we must have been catching up, we had it all. With icing on the top.

19 responses to “Between the snowflakes”

  1. Andra Watkins avatar

    I love those days when the weather puts on a show. 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Actually, Andra, so do I! 😀


  2. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Much the same here too Tom.. although no snow, but sleet and rain, and a sky that looked like something out of Dooms Day!.. Wierd tonight as around 8-30 pm down came torrents of rain lashing on the windows with rain… Dark clouds and yet a ray of sunshine shone through then lighting everything in a weird yellow hue which even to me was a bit spine chilling.. Colder here again, looks like the heating will have to come on again.. 🙂 Enjoy your Wednesday Tom.. ~Sue


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes, Sue, we had one of those yellow days a few months ago… the sky seems to be closing in on days like that, I feel. Still, the sky looks fascinating with all the yellows, greys and blacks it blends together so well!


  3. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    Oh my, did you ever get it all! It has been getting crazy though but what does it all mean? Is it climate change or is it just history repeating itself (somehow)?


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Tess… we’re more settled today, I’m pleased to say! I don’t know whether it is climate change, but the summers aren’t what they used to be…!


  4. Tilly Bud avatar

    You’re in Cheshire! Me too, but we didn’t have snow. It has been cold, though.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Tilly… I thought it was too warm for snow yesterday, even with all of the other weird going on, but we had it. Two heavy bursts, actually… but they didn’t settle! And speaking of settle, it was more today. Settled, I mean! 🙂


  5. prenin avatar

    Hi Tom! 🙂

    We had bright sunshine and pouring rain at the same time yesterday (Tuesday) so I was glad I didn’t need to go out! 🙂

    Hope the weather improves – it’s been a weird summer so far…

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hasn’t it just, Prenin?!
      Yes, much better today – hope it was the same over your way!


  6. Diane Henders avatar

    Yikes, your weather is starting to sound like ours here in Calgary! Hope you don’t get buried. 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      No, the winds would prevent us getting snowed in. That or the warmth, anyway Diane! So, you have mixed weather in Calgary then?


      1. Diane Henders avatar

        “Mixed” is a nice way to describe it. The local joke is, “If you don’t like the weather, stick around for ten minutes.” We’ve had snow here in every month of the year, which is nicely balanced by the fact that we also get frequent temperature spikes in winter thanks to the chinook winds. It certainly keeps things interesting…


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          I suppose it causes havoc when trying to decide what to wear…! 😉


  7. Soma Mukherjee avatar

    Oh I love reading glad you had a lovely time
    i want snow ..its scorching hot here 😦


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Ah, sorry Soma, didn’t mean to rub that in… I know your having a hot time at present aren’t you? Hope it becomes more comfortable for you very soon!


  8. europasicewolf avatar

    Snow! In Cheshire…wild wild weather 🙂 It’s been sunny and warm here today but as I’m originally from Cheshire myself and my family live there I had maybe best contact them…make sure they are not buried under snow drifts! You saw a puppy picking up a ball? Ah! So that’s where the missing pup in the pack got to then!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Ah, Icewolf, so your part of the Cheshire Set as well then…. there seems to be a few of us! It would appear that not all of Cheshire had snow, so your family may have missed it too. And yes, the pup was having a good old time floating around with the ball!


  9. Reminiscing III – Beyond the Sphere avatar

    […] to one side enough! No, I jest!) I mean how often do you see a polar bear walking down a road? Or snow in May? (Actually you can get snow in May, just we don’t normally here in Cheshire). Speaking of […]


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