Just Being Tomanova


I’m Tomanova.

I’m sitting here, well, reclining actually, in my chaise longue. I don’t need to do anything else. I just sit here and be.

I ooze.

I drape.

I put the oo in swoon. Well, you do when in my presence, truth be told. I pretend not to notice. Please try to control yourself.

I know, I know.

Such magnificence in a perfect package. Is it any wonder I tend to say not a lot…?

Words don’t come easy to me anyway.

I use actions. And aloofness.

More so aloofness nowadays. Actions tend to be me sitting or reclining here in a chaise longue. I’ve still got it.

Back in the day, though, there would have been enchanting moonlight and milk and plain chocolates and soft music, rooms bedecked with candlelight, de-thorned roses and scented rose petals, fresh, chilled strawberries and the sparkliest of champagnes (decanted, of course), and a roaring open fire in a stone fireplace. And an indoor picnic on a gingham floor mat. Oh yes. With vol-au-vents. And speaking French.

Oh, oui.

Er, je pense que oui, anyway… if I said it right.

The accent is all it takes. And the champagne. Please. You’re swooning again.

And the right kind of lighting helps as well sometimes.

Now, please. Be gone.

I must recline.

*** ***

I think we’ve just been dismissed by my Inner Romantic. Although reading that, I think he needs a new job title. And they say romance is dead…!

Yet another post linking to my theme for February. One would have done, it must be said.

6 responses to “Just Being Tomanova”

  1. Amy Reese avatar

    Ooh la la. Can I have a fine glass of champagne?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Mes oui, madame… s’il te plait sert toi.
      My, Yes ma’am, please help yourself.
      (Although, Amy, Google Translate translates that last part into ‘please do serve thee’ which doesn’t quite have the same ring to it!)
      Ooh la la indeed!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Amy Reese avatar

        I, too, am in the reclining mood. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          One of the better moods to be in!


  2. prenin avatar

    Yes, a lady of delight no doubt!!! 🙂

    God Bless!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Quite possibly, Prenin.


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