The Superhero Diaries 3.5: When Again?

The Elite Force of Britain, a team of heroes who banded themselves together to protect a city from a group of underhanded businessmen who wanted to own the city for their own dastardly deeds. The businessmen dealt with, the superheroes decided to stick together, and call upon each other in times of need to look after more national interests. Recently, some of the team have been catapulted into a completely different timeline, and have been trying to make contact with their correct time so they can return home. Using the immense power of social media site UMetroNetworkMediaK they have managed to do just that. Here, as boring and mundane as it is, is their conversation in full.

Is anyone on-line?
I am, Lycra. Where’ve you all been? It’s as though you’ve vanished off the face of the Earth
In a way we have, Parrots. After our jaunt back to the 1920s we’ve now ended up in tomorrow. Literally tomorrow.
How do you know? Surely it’s still today for you…
The Firetop:
Captain Mindstorm is one of the superheroes in this future timeline, PG, and he told us. And showed us.
He was the one who managed to communicate with the Psychic Recorder, for all the good that did.
The Firetop:
At least he’s managed to configure the chronal interface on this UMetroNetworkMediaK stream
True. And this seems to be working better. Are any of the EFB available yesterday.
The Firetop:
Nobody will believe that we’re speaking from tomorrow. It’s just ludicrous.
We’ve experienced weirder things. Remember that time when our heads had been turned upside down? Ha ha.
Sorry to poop the party people, but we’ll have to skip the trip down memory lane until we can get ourselves back into the past. PG – can you page the EFB?
Or phone them. It’s strange that out of all of the EFB members, the only ones on-line are three of the four trapped in the future. It’s looking more like a conspiracy.
Muriel Magnificent:
No conspiracy, Lycralad… you’ve managed to get through to 2.45am and everyone’s as;eep. I only got up for some milk and nothiced the stream is active
2.45am today? Or yesterday? It must be yesterday, if it was today we wouldn’t need rescuing.
Muriel Magnificent:
It’s today here. Actually tomorrow, thinking about it. But our tomorrow – not yours. I’ll call a meeting with the other members and see if we can come up with a rescue plan for you.
Thanks, Muriel. It’s OK being in the future, but weird. We’re in the same room as you, but not. We’re like ghosts crossing over each other. Really odd feeling
The Firetop:
PG, are you still on line?
I am, but something weird’s happening to my stream. My avatar’s changed, and the text is pulsating. Ive never seen anything like it
Muriel Magnificent:
The same things happening here, My avatar has reverted back to the first one I used. And the int
image Muriel Magnificent:
erface has reverted back to the old one as well. I always hates how it split the comments up into seg

Muriel Magnificent:

ments. My avatr’s completely vanished now.
Mine too. Text is back to normal though. Lycra… Firetop… Betty… are you all still there?
It looks like they’ve gone.
Muriel Magnificent:
I’ll get everyone up and call a meeting. It looks as though tomorrow we’ll be heading into tomo

5 responses to “The Superhero Diaries 3.5: When Again?”

  1. Andra Watkins avatar

    This is hilarious.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Pleased you think so, Andra! 🙂


  2. prenin avatar

    Sounds just like what used to happen on WLS!!! 🙂

    Good story Tom!!! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I never had that experience, Prenin, but when these superheroes are involved, anything and everything could happen!


  3. europasicewolf avatar

    Well that was interesting! Reading away at the dialog thinking it was a very strange set of commentors before I realised my error! 😉


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