One Minute Ramble: Maybe tonight?

The Northern Lights are visible from the UK! Those swirling green, red, yellow, purple and other coloured hues have been visible last night over Scotland, Northern Ireland, and North East England.
I live in North West England, and as such, too far south to view them this time round. Maybe tonight, but I’ve looked out of the window here at Aquatom Mansion, and everything looks normal as night. No special celestial light show is visible yet, but who knows? Maybe later.
I saw a couple of shooting stars last year, just by chance, so you never know, I may get the chance to see the Aurora Borealis with my very own eyes, rather than looking at stunning photographs, tonight. Or this week. Or year…
Apparently, there’s been a Solar Storm that has caused the lights to be greater, and more active than they usually are.
If I don’t get to see them with my eyes when I’m awake, I may get the chance to dream about them when I sleep. Like I said… Maybe tonight…

16 responses to “One Minute Ramble: Maybe tonight?”

  1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Tom I got to see them right here.. those Green lights just flickered across all the words upon your post!!! hehe

    Great write up Tom… yes I have been following that an more on ‘Extinction Protocol 2012 and beyond’ on WordPress.. link can be found on my Bloglist.. things are beginning to ‘Hot’ up as they say… 🙂 .. I just had a scout through our windows here in the East Mids, and no lights, but clear stary night..
    Have a great week..


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks once more, Sue! 🙂 Pleased you saw my lights!
      I’ll be by your pages soon to have a look at your bloglist… have a great week yourself! 😀


  2. susan nolen avatar

    Lovely write up! I so hope you get a chance to see the lights! I try but always forget! I’m in the south and have big trees to the back of the house and the front. Sometimes when the moon is out, I scare myself! I’ve forgotten there is a sky over head! lol! Lovely post!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you, Susan!
      I’ll see them one day, I just know it! :D. Hopefully, I’ll see them here. There used to be a lot of trees at the back of Aquatom Mansion, but someone came along and took a lot of them away one day, so the sky is considerably more visible now. I’m always looking up to the sky, so I don’t think I’ll ever forget about it (although I did once completely forget a colleague who I worked with, so anything is possible! :D)


  3. Andra Watkins avatar

    I’ve never seen them, either, Tom. MTM has, because he used to live far enough north for it. Until someday comes, your lovely green post will have to do.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      In that case, Andra, I hope you get to see them too. I believe there is a magical feeling associated with seeing them, a breathtaking feeling of awe (that’s what I’ve been told anyway!). I just know that I’ll feel good when I see them! My green post is nothing compared to the magic of the Universe. I’m getting carried away now…


  4. Diane Henders avatar

    Love your aurora of words! I grew up on a farm in the wilds of Canada, so I’ve seen the Northern Lights many times while attempting to keep my extremities from freezing. They’re always a treat, and I’ve missed seeing them for many years as an unwilling city dweller. I hope you get your chance.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you, Diane.
      How lucky you are to have seen them many times… wow! I’d probably be beside myself if I saw them once! I hope you get to see them again, too. 🙂


  5. Raven of Leyla avatar
    Raven of Leyla

    What a lovely way of writing this post. Lol you always give me an Awh moment, my dear Aquatom;)
    From the Aqua Mansion is sounding like a charming yet mystical abode.
    Ravenwood Bungalow is a winter wonderland these days…yayyyyyy, but warm fire inside 😀
    Hope you get to see the Northern Lights a sight to behold!!!
    warm feathery,
    Raven of Leyla


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you too, Raven of Leyla! 😀 Pleased you like my post!
      The Aqua Mansion (I prefer that name to Aquatom Mansion – I’ll be using that from now on (hope you don’t mind!)) is far from charming, but extremely mystical indeed! Ravenwood Bungalow has a certain magical and mystical ring to it as well – and being set in wintry surroundings even more so!
      I agree, the lights are a sight to behold!
      Thanks for commenting Raven!


      1. Raven of Leyla avatar
        Raven of Leyla

        Oh no not all, it was my mistaken name. Interesting as I was going to check that before finishing up…then forgot. It was clearly meant to be yours to use. 😀
        YOU bring the Charm to Aqua Mansion, our dear friend 😉
        May the Lights always shine for you wherever you are,
        Raven of Leyla xx


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          Thank you, Raven… you bring a lot of charm yourself!


  6. kateshrewsday avatar

    Oh, Tom, I do hope you get a change to see them! A skywatcher such as yourself richly deserves to….


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you, Kate… I’ll keep looking until I do! 😀


  7. Deb avatar

    I’ve never seen those lights before. Though I have on TV, and they are a sight to behold.
    Hugs, Deb


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Deb, they are indeed!
      I’ve only seen them on TV or in photos, but even there they look amazing, I imagine they’d be far more impressive to see them in person…


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