Sixteen Years Later

The energy is still as strong.

The magic, the force, the Universal Power that surrounds us and connects us shows no signs of weakening. In fact, the turbulence we feel is the magic growing.

We are the stars.

We are the magicians of our own reality.

We create our life as it is every day – we have the power of the Universe within… we still have the power to shine.


Posted for Six Sentence Stories, and the prompt word Energy. (Prompt 234, magically!)

And no, I haven’t been away for sixteen years. The title refers to the fact that sixteen years ago, I was introduced to the terms Cosmic Ordering and The Law of Attraction, and although the energies attributed to them have always been with me, they seemed stronger somehow once I had a name for them.

Not that names matter.

The two photos are from the Lake a few days ago, highlighting the magic of the Universe. That leaf was simply suspended in mid-air, just waiting for a photograph to be taken. The magic is all around us. We just need to open our eyes / minds / hearts to become fully aware of it!

15 responses to “Sixteen Years Later”

  1. joylennick avatar

    Hi! The older I get, the more I realize just how much evil there is in the world and in some people, and yet…now and then a feeling of sheer elation sweeps over me as I become almost overwhelmed by the sheer beauty, power and magic of nature and of ‘being’ and life itself. Sincerely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Hi Joy, I agree there are some people out there who deliberately go out of their way to ruin the existence for the majority of people… but they have to live with themselves. There must be something eating them up from within.
      However, leaving them to their lives, the rest of us are free to enjoy the magic of being. It’s when you notice the awe that the magic begins to hit home! 🙂
      Enjoy the rest of your awesome Sunday!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. lorriebowden avatar

    The magic is all around us, Tom…and not everyone notices! Here’s to noticing the magic and knowing that we truly design our lives!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Exactly, Lorrie… all of the pieces are there!
      All the best with your new cards. 🙂


      1. lorriebowden avatar

        😊 Thanks, Tom!! I really appreciate the good energy. Hope you have a super week!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Diane Henders avatar

    Beautiful thoughts and photos! I particularly love the hovering leaf. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Diane.
      That leaf was mesmerising! It was twirling around in the breeze… I just had to get a few photos of it! 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Spira avatar

    So glad to see you writing again! Missed you man!

    I couldn’t agree more with what you wrote, with every word.
    It is true that the weavings of Fates make it hard sometimes to connect with that Energy.
    It is also “truer” that when we do, it is humbling and awe inspiring.

    Thank you Tom, for reminding us.

    (And I love the patina you have applied to Denise’s new logo!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Nick.
      It’s that connection, that knowing, that opens doors to great new opportunities. We could continue listening to that voice inside our heads and remain where we are, or we could open up, connect and give it a go!
      I’m still opening up, have been doing so for the last twenty years or more… but I’ve experienced the awe many times; and when I think I’ve seen the greatest thing ever, something else soon comes along and tops it!
      And it’s my pleasure… it’s also a way of reminding myself as well… that inner voice can get quite persuasive at times.
      I was just playing with layers on the logo… practicing with my little version of Photoshop.
      I’m feeling ready to start posting more often now, but whether daily as before, time will tell…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. europasicewolf avatar

    Great to see you here again Tom, I hope all is very well with you and that you’re enjoying your break😀 Hope to see you here again soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Icewolf. Yes, the break is going wonderfully! I had planned to do some writing ‘off-blog’ whilst away, but that never happened… I’m a lot more relaxed now than I used to be, still going within myself to clear my thoughts (and transforming the Inners’ voices more into characters and getting them out of my head!)
      I’m planning on writing more soon, ‘though possibly not as frequent as before, but we shall see… I may catch the writing bug again!


      1. europasicewolf avatar

        Excellent! Keep up the good work🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. ladysighs avatar

    Your last posts didn’t appear in my Reader. WP acting up. 😦 Glad to read you whenever and wherever you appear. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Ladysighs.
      I shall probably not be away as long before the next post! 🙂


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