
It’s One Word Sunday once again, and this week, Debbie’s theme is ‘Pink’. The Seedlings are on their way out now, but every time I look at them there is always a new flower that has opened. They have been a remarkable surprise this year, those little Seedlings have!

A few days ago, I spotted this blood red flower, all by itself apart from one of the pink flowers a little way behind it. I knew that this week’s theme was going to be ‘Pink’, but I used one of the pink Seedlings for my interpretation of ‘Wet’ last week, so didn’t want to use another one of those… I saw this and thought it would be a good compromise. The pink element has been fulfilled, if only as a splash of background colour, and this little flower now gets to live on forever more! And it has a subtle link to my Hallowe’en theme for this month as well!

9 responses to “Pink”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    Enjoy the little surprises …they will not last much longer

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      True, Beverly… but we still get the off surprise even now! 😀


  2. Jodi avatar

    what a beautiful and interesting little flower surprise!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Totally unexpected, Jodi!


  3. Debbie Smyth avatar

    The pink works well as a background colour, and the red one is great with all its detail.
    My One Word is really only there for inspiration, so I’m more than happy with this interpretation Tom

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Debbie. Sometimes, my responses to your themes are a bit ‘out there’… but I’m pleased this one is allowed! 😀


  4. prenin avatar

    Nature’s beautiful gifts my friend, only to fade when the year is done – until the next generation! 🙂

    God Bless!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Indeed, Prenin… and at this rae, they’ll be back sooner than we think! 😀 It’s almost Spring!!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Mobile – Travel with Intent avatar

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