
Like clouds they appear, gently at times, urgently at others, jolting us from our daydream existence. Thoughts of yesteryear, yesterday, this morning… what ifs and what could bes… whys and hows… remember thems and remember whens. Teardrops fill laughter lines, hearts beat sometimes faster, sometimes heavier. Answers are gleamed. Questions raised. Blanks are filled, names are remembered. Schooldays. Away days. Even boring rainy days. Unfinished plans… realised dreams… successful outcomes paired with future goals.

Old friends, one-time friends, zany friends, and strangers with familiar faces.

Places. Favourite places. First-time places. Pass-through places. Meant to go places. Even scary places.

Glances. Secrets. Wishful thoughts and hidden regrets. Happy moments. Cherished moments. Wished I’d bottled them moments.

Cheerful hellos… tearful farewells.

Missed opportunities and moments grabbed.

Flavours. Scents. Sounds. Sights. Sensations. Vibrations. Imagination! Exhilaration!!

What ifs and what could bes…

Blanks are filled. Teardrops fill laughter lines.

Happy moments.

My moments.


Even boring rainy days.

14 responses to “Memories”

  1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Beautiful thoughts Tom.. and a wonderful reflection as one gazes up to the clouds.. And a wonderful capture my friend.. Happy Days.. 🙂 to YOU..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      And to you as well, Sue. Thank you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Visionkeeper avatar

    Well done TL !!! Great little journey weaving in and out of ‘BEING”…Your words were right on…. Ah those memories! Enjoy your journey back in time. Have a good week….. VK 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Ah, indeed, VK!
      It was fun going with the flow with this one… and thank you for sharing Barbra – it’s been a while since I heard that song! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. bcparkison avatar

    Oh goodness……memories … some long forgotten …some painful to remember …some as fresh as the morning after the storm of night.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Indeed, Beverly! I find the long forgotten ones that make me laugh the best… although I’m baffled as to why they should be forgotten in the first place! 😀


  4. Jodi avatar

    sweet and beautiful Tom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Jodi.


  5. balroop2013 avatar

    Well articulated! Memories are precious moments, which we carry in our hearts and as Wordsworth has vert aptly said : “They flash upon that inward eye and are a bliss of solitude.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thank you, Balroop. And I agree with both yourself and Wordsworth! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. prenin avatar

    May you always be gifted with sweet memories Tom! 🙂

    God Bless my wonderful friend!!! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      And you, Prenin. Hopefully we can forget about the sour kind.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Inside the Mind of Isadora avatar

    Descriptive words of times experienced and indelibly in our memories. Brings one to a pondering moment in time.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Always a fascinating moment to be in, Isadora!


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