Daybreak at the Dawn of Time

#WorldWatercolorMonth Day Twentyfive

Here we are just after the Dawn of Time. At dawn. Thick, dense volcanic clouds obscure the morning Sun, and only the sturdiest of trees and grasses can make this volatile world their own. Animal life is yet to emerge on land, although there are a few tiny creatures swimming in the little rock pools that are yet to merge to form oceans. Daylight is scarce, due to the cloud cover, yet there is still a comforting golden glow that shines through. Warm winds swirl around the landscape, bringing with them torrential showers and thunderstorms, and sheet and fork lightning that dance with the volcanoes that spew their molten contents high into the atmosphere.

For a few moments, when the volcanoes rest, and the dust settles, an eerie peace surrounds the land. But only for a few seconds. As another enraged volcano erupts in a fiery anger the peace is shattered once more.

Most definitely not the calmest of times.

It’s a good job that we don’t live in times like that now, don’t you think?

This is a watercolour experiment. Well, every one I paint at the moment is, I suppose, but I painted this one very wet. I wanted wild. I wanted fiery. I wanted light breaking through the darkness. I wanted volcanoes and mountains and hilltops fading away into the distance under a golden Sun… but because of all the wet, the colours had their own ideas. The trees look electrified and frozen, but I can also make out strange faces, observing the maelstrom before them in a completely alien world that appears to be mostly fire.

My imagination takes me off to the strangest of places… but, being honest, I really love going there!

18 responses to “Daybreak at the Dawn of Time”

  1. europasicewolf avatar

    Me too! I’m currently bogged down writing essays for my canine psychology course which is wiping out the imaginative ideas very effectively for now and driving me quietly nuts! This post is a nice way to escape for a moment or two and piggy back on your rich and colourful imagination 😀 the Fire and volcanoes make me think of Io and the Firewolves and tempt a blog post into play…but the theme on my blog is vocanically difficult to negotiate and I’m still looking for a new background that isn’t impossible to post on! The effect is very similar to your world at the beginning of time 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I hope you find a good background, Icewolf – why not create one yourself? That’ll bring in some more creativity for you. I shall be checking out your Firewolves post shortly… I’ve been trying to keep their legend ticking over for you both here and over on Splodge from time to time, but you obviously know them better!
      And good luck with your canine psychology course! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. europasicewolf avatar

        My canine psychology course is currently driving me nuts!! If it hadn’t cost a small fortune to do it I’d have jacked it in by now and sat in a dark corner eating worms!! Creative juices are at a low ebb at mo. I’m struggling to find some way to have a cool background but still be able to post on it without it being impossible to read…Live Writer isn’t working either after I changed the whole theme for a temp new one.Its throwing up errors and presenting a blank page all the time 😠 maybe a fire wolf would work. An Icewolf certainly won’t if the writing stays white! Your perception of fire wolves is great ☺Did you know there are very shy and elusive black wolves on Mars? 😉😊 Little is known about these shy cosmic beauties….your imagination and experience of the Grinds may be exactly what it is needed to discover some some of the mystic mysteries surrounding them 😎😊

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          You never know, Icewolf… all I can say is watch this space, I may be able to find something out for you…
          As for Live Writer, I’m using a ‘new’ version I discovered recently, Open Live Writer it’s called… you can read all about it here; and you can download it from there as well if you like. It’s very similar – almost identical in fact, although there are a few subtle changes.
          And stick with your course! I threw a life coaching course away once and I regret it now… although at the time, the time wasn’t right to do it!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. europasicewolf avatar

            Cool…thanks for that! Anything is an improvement on the expanse of white and the strange symbols and shapes that are meant to represent the theme heading etc fonts 😞
            Battling on with this canine psychol’ course though based on this current unit and the research I’ve had to do lol I’m seriously considering whether I am in fact training to be a canine nutritionist instead! It’s a shame you didn’t complete your life coaching course…I think you’d have been brilliant at it ☺ You could give it another go though…when the time was right of course. ..nowadays there are plenty of choices and the costs to do them online are minimal with huge discounts on the original prices ☺

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tom Merriman avatar

              Thanks, Icewolf. I still have the material, so I can look over it just for myself if I get time… you never know…

              Liked by 1 person

              1. europasicewolf avatar

                Go for it! The Mansion is your oyster 😆 See where it leads you ☺

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan Feniak avatar

    Glad I don’t live there or during that time! However nice to visit if only for a second or two.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It isn’t a place to stay a while, Susan. The plants are flesh eaters too, which is another minus point! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Susan Feniak avatar

        A lot of minuses! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. anotherday2paradise avatar

    I’ve often wondered what it was like. Thanks for showing me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      A pleasure, Sylvia. Very exciting times indeed!

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  4. Charlie O'Shields (doodlewash) avatar

    This is cool, Tom! I think I can actually feel the heat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Charlie. Yes, it was certainly hot when I painted it!

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  5. prenin avatar

    To enter a vivid world, one must first be open to what our imagination reveals, not only what we dream of, but how we perceive the world! 🙂

    God Bless!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Indeed, Prenin. Not only what we see, but everything else we encounter with our senses!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Diane Henders avatar
    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      😀 Thanks, Diane! 😀

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