Yesterday, I blew up…

Whoa! Hold on there!

Yes, I’ve changed the old appearance around here again. It may look as though the meter’s gone (I hope you understand what I mean by that, I’ve never had a meter so I’m not entirely sure I’ve used the correct term…)

I’ll start again.

It may look as though the fuse box has tripped (that’s better!) and all the lights have gone out, but they haven’t. I’ve decided to plunge us all into darkness once again – I like changing things every now and then. This yellow text occurred entirely by chance, but it looks slightly better than white / grey / black (well, obviously it looks better than black, because if it was black we wouldn’t be able to see it anyway!)

The size of the text is bothering me. I can’t decide if it’s too small or not. Could you let me know what you think? Don’t worry too much about the pitch blackness… I will be tweaking with that over time, but for now we’ll just have to imagine it isn’t as dark.

So, did you recognise any of the blown up parts of pictures in yesterday’s post? Did the blown up part of picture set the wheels of your imagination rolling with such speed you had no choice but to reach for your nearest pen and pad and jot your ideas down? Did one particular splash of colour affect you in such a way that you had an urge to create a piece of work so beautiful, so breathtakingly beautiful, you had to sit yourself down after writing it and say, softly, loudly or with a quiver, “Wow!”?



OK. These are the pictures I blew up yesterday…

1. This wasn’t Batman’s chin, but it was the man-who-wasn’t-Batman’s chin.
2. This was the tail end of a fish, one of the Piscean fish to be precise.
3. This is part of the Persistence of Memory, although I’ve forgotten which post it was from.
4. This is the ear of a Risen Devil.
5. This was a tricky one… you have to have a nose for detail to get this. Aphrodite’s in fact!

6. A sweet tooth would have helped with this one. It’s a sweet.
7. Another challenging one. Would you have believed this was part of an orange?
8. This is the Eye of the Tiger. My tiger.
9. Bubbles and water beneath the waves.
And number 10 was one of the new WordPress smileys, which I’m sure most of you saw instantly.

Apart from the smiley, which I haven’t posted again, but doesn’t really need publishing again all things considered, the pictures are all parts of images used on past posts on this here blog. I thought I’d mentioned that in yesterday’s post, but it appears not.

Well, with things being blown up all over the place you’re bound to miss one or two important facts aren’t you?

Oh, and I nearly forgot this shameless plug as well. Clicking the picture on this post will take you to the post in question so you can see the image in full. Can’t remember what the posts are actually about, though, so apologies in advance there. There may be something you find interesting though. Click through and have a look, if you haven’t already.

17 responses to “Yesterday, I blew up…”

  1. DCTdesigns avatar

    I like the yellow and the font a size.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks for saying so, Dana.


  2. prenin avatar

    I loved the Tiger’s eye! 🙂

    God Bless my friend! 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Prenin – that’s one of my favourites too! I still can’t believe I managed to ‘paint’ that – let alone twice!


  3. Jo Bryant avatar

    I love the yellow font…but am distraught that I got Batman’s crack wrong


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Jo – and don’t worry about the crack… you weren’t exactly a million miles away.


  4. penpusherpen avatar

    Shameless self promoting Sir Aquatom, they can’t touch your for it…(or at least, I hope not, ‘cos we all do it in some way or another methinks. 😉 ) I was right for some , or left with others, I can live with that… It was the Puddy tats eye that led me to think I was on the right track, explorer wise, wearing my pith (no problem with t’teef now if you’re wondering 😉 ) helmet and using my extra powerful binoculars.. Liking the Black ( no, it’s brown Johnny, from The Fast Show ) … and the yellow font shines out bright.. like daffolifls in the Spring, which is now, so you’re bang upto date eh? xPenx


    1. penpusherpen avatar

      *cough* as you can tell, teef are ok but fingers? well broken methinks. 😉 daffolifls are a new line in daffs, y’know? xx


      1. Tom Merriman avatar

        I only saw daffodils, Lady P, my mind has a mini spell-cjecker and auto corrects some words.


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          But not checker, obviously.


        2. penpusherpen avatar

          😀 x (Just trying my best to do a comment in French. Sir A, (Google translate of course,but methinks somethings lost in translation 😉 )


          1. Tom Merriman avatar

            Whenever I use Google Translate, I look to see if I recognise a word or two, and then just hope it’s correct. Although, if it was or wasn’t I’d be none the wiser!


    2. Tom Merriman avatar

      It had to be done, Pen.
      I’m liking the yellow on black (or brown) look myself… even if I managed it by accident.


  5. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    OOooops seems I have spoiled the next post by visiting backwards as is often the case in my catch up visits Tom.. First the yellow text is fine, mellow on the eye… second the type size is fine for me.. but then I wear glasses anyway! 🙂 and third yes I knew what you meant about the metre. In our first home a we had a prepaid metre and when the shilling ran out.. everything plunged into darkness… Given it would be night time! 😉 and will await the changes in theme in due course… Sending you some thoughts for a restful weekend with no fuses I hope being lit.. 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Sue. I’m usually in catch up mode myself, so I know what it’s like!
      And thanks for your comments on the new look!


  6. colonialist avatar

    Clarity is fine, but size could perhaps be tweaked up one notch.. A lighter dark might make the yellow stand out less, of course, unless that is also adjusted for contrast.
    My brilliance would have run to guessing an eye and a smiley. That would have been it.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Col. The text is now at its maximum, but it is just a tad larger than how it was previously, so I’m hoping it’s OK now. I may try changing the background to a very deep blue or something which should work well with the yellow, but we’ll see!
      And two entries would have been fine – you can still have two points anyway!


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