Today, I blew things up!

After the epicity of yesterday’s post – most probably the greatest example of epicitism yet seen within this blog – today’s post is rather tame by comparison. Hardly epic at all, yet still, as with all others, oddly different.

New smileys have been introduced on WordPress. Vector images, which when expanded to their greatest size possible still remain as crisp and sharp as when they were the tiny image they started out as. So it says on the tin, but I haven’t blown up a smiley to its maximum size to test. Yet.

Below are some images that aren’t as crisp and sharp when blown up. I wonder if you can tell what they are? I was going to put the answers at the end of the post, in the age old upside-down tradition, but no matter how many times I tried to get the words to appear upside-down, they just wouldn’t. So, I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

It’s just for fun… and it doesn’t matter if you’re wrong! Post your answers in the comments below…











Ten not so crisp and clear images (give or take one or two…) Do any look familiar to you? And more to the point, do any spark your imagination with anything? If so, please share…!

28 responses to “Today, I blew things up!”

  1. Andra Watkins avatar

    The green one is your eyeball????


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      The bright green one, or the less bright one, Andra?


      1. Andra Watkins avatar

        The less bright green one.


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          It isn’t my eyeball, Andra, yet it also is. I shall give you a point anyway!


  2. Diane Henders avatar

    I’m not doing so well here… I think #1 is Batman’s chin, and the eyeball in #8 looks distinctly tigerish… and I’m pretty sure #10 is a smiley face… 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      You may be doing better than you think, Diane. Or you may not be. Hehehe!


    2. Tom Merriman avatar

      OK, Diane. One point each for your answers, although technically 1 is incorrect, you’re only missing the word ‘not’. It’s not Batman’s chin.


  3. CMStewart avatar

    Fun first day of spring where I am! Here are my answers:

    1. A chin dimple. Or the dimple of a… um, never mind.
    2. The steel wing tip of a mechanical time-traveling goat (though I suspect this photo is fabricated, as no mechanical time-traveling goat has ever been known to be fitted with a steel wing tip*). Plus 2 vampire sparkles in the background.
    3. Martian landscape, back when it had free-flowing H2O. (Or in the future, when it will again have free-flowing H2O.)
    4. A waxwork pierced ear with an earring, framed by a neck and hair, in a hot environment.
    5. The nose and brow ridge of an albino set against a red velvet wall.
    6. A green balloon in a bouquet of balloons of different colors.
    7. The crescent of a supermarket orange.
    8. The eye of a non-mythical dragon. (You can tell it’s non-mythical from the mascara. No known mythical dragon has ever worn mascara.*)
    9. The hottest trend in aquarium backdrops, according to unverified sources.
    10. Gee, this one’s a toughie. I’ll take a wild guess and say the bottom of Tom Hanks’ shoe?

    *But don’t quote me on this. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks for taking part, CM! As the first player you are automatically awarded the first player bonus of ten points.
      1. Correct. 1 point.
      2. Not quite right, but the time-travelling goat I saw HAD steel wing tips. No points.
      3. Again, not quite right, but it does look Martian. As this wasn’t one of mine, it may have been Martian for all I know, so half a point.
      4. Half a point again. It is a pierced ear, but on no waxwork.
      5. Half a point again! It’s a statue of Aphrodite. Although I don’t think Aphrodite was albino, her statues tend to have that look.
      6. No point this time, it isn’t a balloon.
      7. Again, no point, although no – half a point. It is an orange, so I’ll give you a point. Met myself coming back there!
      8. No point this time, however, this is my tiger, not a mythical or non-mythical dragon.
      9. Oh, go on then. One point!
      10. Half a point. I’ve never seen the bottom of Tom Hanks’ shoe, so it could be there.

      I make that 15 out of 10. Not bad going, CM!


      1. CMStewart avatar

        Thanks, Tom!




  4. prenin avatar

    No idea! LoL!!! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Prenin.


  5. Gray Dawster avatar
    Gray Dawster

    You wouldn’t want to know
    what I think of number one 😦 lmao
    Is this a regular feature now or
    something that you are experimenting
    with? Your Space looks inviting, for
    a Vampire 🙂 Hey just kidding, I think? 🙂

    Have a superb Friday
    and a rocking weekend
    Tom 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It may be an occasional regular feature, Andro. I tend to re-use ideas over time.
      Yes, I’ve plunged us all into darkness again, for now. Things will inevitably change again over time… and vampires are more than welcome here!

      Hope you have a good weekend, Andro.


      1. Gray Dawster avatar
        Gray Dawster

        This is good to know, as I have a lot of Vampy followers and they will love your Space, especially the darkness aspect, oh and all those necks to feast on of course 🙂 Have a great weekend Tom 🙂



        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          Thanks, Andro… you too!


          1. Gray Dawster avatar
            Gray Dawster

            🙂 🙂



  6. penpusherpen avatar

    Oooo, I do so like puzzles, Sir Aquatom, (so long as I can find the answers of course, which probably explains why life gets to be disappointing sometimes ;-)) BUT I think I recognise artwork from your posts….
    No/1 Batmans chin. (must admit it looks like a décolletage, but I thought no way hose’ 😉 ) .
    No/4 Concept of Good ..Devil wise..
    No/5 Aphorodíta,
    No/6 Sweet Fantasy photo..(love the red ones best)
    No/8 as the eye of Puddy Tat on Taming the Beast,
    No/9 Sea view from Beneath the Waves
    now, I was on a roll once I started, (figuratively) but time called a halt…and I feel sure further detective work would find more… I do like the new colours , site wise… have a good friday…(’tis not Good Friday yet is it? erm…scrub that!!) xPenx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      As the first player, Lady P, you get an automatic bonus of ten points, plus an extra point for recognising that some are my work.

      1. Had to Google décolletage, Pen, as this wasn’t a word in my vocabulary, and I can see what you’re saying, and it isn’t, but it is a chin, only not Batman’s. One point.
      4. Yep. One point.
      5. Yep again. One point.
      6. Yep yep. One point.
      8. Of course it was! One point.
      9. Yep! Another point.
      So, you have scored 17 out of 10, Pen! Good going, and no, it’s not Good Friday just yet – although it will be soon!


      1. penpusherpen avatar

        Aww, can’t I have +ten for no typing h’errors? I checked so many times my headache got a headache. 😀 xx


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          Oh, go on then, Lady P. I’ve hundreds of points to give away, so why not?!


          1. penpusherpen avatar

            Yaaay!!! 🙂


  7. Jo Bryant avatar

    I reckon the first one is Batman’s crack


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Although technically it isn’t Batman’s crack, Jo, I shall give you half a point. You’re in the right area, almost.


  8. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Maybe I would have guessed the chin,, and the smiley, but no clue with the others Tom xx


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Well, have two points anyway Sue!


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