One Minute Ramble: Signs of the times?

I’m seeing a lot of signs at the moment.

I’m reading an increasing number of posts on other blogs I follow, about taking time out… recouping energies… having a break…

Visitor numbers are currently down here, although I don’t normally bother about visitor numbers… however I have noticed that I now receive more visitors a month than I did in my entire first year of blogging (without using any of that SEO rub stuff the spammers seem to be offering on a regular basis – luckily my spam comments are down as well!)

Blogs I follow with eager anticipation don’t seem to be being updated as regularly as usual, others take an age to load, and others are just not being updated at all. I’m not saying they’re frustrating, but I’m feeling frustrated. Maybe that’s too strong a word. There seems to be something different about Blogland at present, something lacking. Maybe the signs are there for me.

I’m going to be following some of these signs, for the next few weeks at least.

I’m not stopping blogging, I like it too much, but I’m taking a break. Another break.

Not a complete break, I hasten to add.

I’ll still be participating in the things I participate in, Sideview’s weekend theme; Illustration Friday; Red’s challenge; but will cut back on my other posts for a few weeks.

I shall try to read any new posts on the blogs I follow, and comment where I can, but feel, at this time, a rest is needed.

A change is as good as a rest; and if you can’t change, then rest anyway!

See you on the other side… if not sooner! Have fun and feel good in the meantime!

For now: SIGNing out…

44 responses to “One Minute Ramble: Signs of the times?”

  1. Andra Watkins avatar

    Tom, here’s my two cents.

    Both Google and Facebook have made major changes in recent months that impact how blogs are seen on the internet. It has caused a huge change in page views for a large number of bloggers, me included. Everyone is down. It is demoralizing, especially for those of us who’ve been blogging for a while. I am determined to push through, because I know the truth: IS ISN’T ME. And, it isn’t you. I hope that helps you take a little heart, and I hope to see you lots in the coming weeks.


    1. lameadventures avatar

      Andra, you’re the first person that’s addressed this. My traffic in February, March and currently, this month, is not like what it was in January or in 2011 or 2012. Perversely, in 2013, my following has steadily increased. At the risk of sounding like the cyber-idiot that I am, what exactly did Google do to screw up traffic? I had assumed it was somehow WordPress-related.


      1. Andra Watkins avatar

        Last September, Google released Google Panda, a dramatic update to their search engine that essentially overturned everything you’ve ever heard about search engine optimization. It was their goal to help people find exactly what they were seeking on the internet, but it has relegated many bloggers (who cannot afford to go back and optimize their entire post history to the new format) to the hinterlands of the worldwide web.

        It is also an imperative under Panda that you have a Google+ account, and that you claim authorship of your blog. I don’t see this requirement as bad, because Google is indexing our writing and assigning it to us as authors, giving us a real way to protect ourselves against plagiarism going forward. I wrote about this issue here:

        Combined with the declining page views Facebook is allowing, we bloggers have been hammered. We should all understand that we haven’t done anything to drive people off. They just are not finding us like they used to.


        1. lameadventures avatar

          Thanks for the link to your post. My head’s officially spinning. I know I’ve got to join G+ now, but what a slog! I have a minimal presence on FB. I’ve always hated it.


          1. Andra Watkins avatar

            I hate FB also, but I rather enjoy G+. It’s a very different place. Best of luck, and please circle me once you’re there. 🙂


            1. lameadventures avatar

              I will. You sound like an expert on this, so maybe you can answer my bonehead questions when they arise such as, how do I even join G+? I have a gmail account.


                1. lameadventures avatar

                  Thanks. Can I call myself Lame Adventures or do I have to use my actual name? Or would I then have to join as a business?

                  (Tom should cross the pond just to beat me with a cricket bat for using his fine site to ask these questions.)


                  1. Andra Watkins avatar

                    I believe they require you to use your actual name. You can set up a Google Page (which is different from a profile) for Lame Adventures if you like.

                    A beating with a cricket bat would hurt. Those things are hard. 🙂


                    1. lameadventures avatar

                      Okay, I am going to look into all of this over the weekend. Fortunately, Tom does seem like a rather gentle spirit — who is probably sleeping soundly at this moment. Can’t wait until he reads this thread come morning. Thanks for all your help Andra!


                    2. Tom Merriman avatar

                      I was well away, LA. I almost overslept in fact. My next post will reveal all…


                    3. lameadventures avatar

                      Sounds good!


                    4. Tom Merriman avatar

                      I’ve set up my G+ account with my writer’s name, but it looks like a real name, and it’s my blogger’s name too.. so maybe there are some ways around it (for now)


                  2. Tom Merriman avatar

                    Not at all, LA. Ask away… I’m learning as well! 😉


                    1. lameadventures avatar

                      You’re such a gentleman!


    2. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Andra. This explains a lot.
      I’ve decided to cancel my break, and continue where I left off…


  2. Visionkeeper avatar

    It definitely is in the air TL…Not sure what it is all about other than maybe we are growing beyond our blogging needs or the info they provide? I don’t know, I’ve been trying to figure it out myself as you know. There seems to be a strong need with people right now to get their lives in order and be prepared for the coming chaos which will indeed hit very soon….Hang tight and stay in touch. Have a happy break and keep writing….VK


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Well, VK, I’m staying where I am. I’m now not taking a break!!!
      This storm, or whatever it is I’m experiencing in Blogland, needs riding and not running away from!


  3. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    I’ve noticed bloggers taking time our now and again and then disappear. I wonder if its not what Visionkeeper mentioned, taking care of life. I’ve become overwhelmed trying to keep up now and again and have had to back off. Doesn’t everything work in cycles, blogging included?
    Don’t be gone too long–


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Tess. I’m back now after possibly the shortest break in blogging in the history of mankind! I shall explain all in my next post!


  4. lameadventures avatar

    Tom, I have been so hammered at The Grind, working on my Manhattan Project (which I hope to reveal by month’s end) after work and on weekends plus ushering plays on weekends, I have not had the time to crank out LA like I used to. I hope to be more active on my site again in the months ahead, but there’s only so much one can cram into a single 24-hour day. Your capacity to hold a job, crank out posts, tinker with your theme and comment regularly blows me away. Are you on steroids? But now you’re going off them as you post less, right?


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Hi LA… sorry, I didn’t mean to ‘single out’ anyone in my post, I was only typing generally – I know a lot of us have been really busy away from Blogland; you especially! And, no, I’m not on steroids, I’m just super-human. Or was, anyway…


      1. lameadventures avatar

        Oh, I didn’t think you were singling me out, Tom! But I strongly related to what you wrote.


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          I know we’re all going through a bit of a busy period right now, LA…


  5. prenin avatar

    Since I get around 150 emails per day I cannot just stop as otherwise my email box would be overflowing! 🙂

    Hope you enjoy your break Tom and get chance to relax! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I’ve changed my mind, Prenin. I’ve had my break now, and I’m back. My next post will explain all…


  6. Cat Forsley avatar

    Hey Tom …………….blogging is fading – feeling it too – lots of people leaving their siites – have seen it especially in the past few weeks ………google plus and facebook ……Youtube and podcasts …. people are publishing on different mediums more than ever ….


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Yes, things are changing, Cat, but I like the world of blogging. Far better than the other methods, in my opinion!


  7. Diane Henders avatar

    I’ve noticed quite a few of my favourite bloggers seem to be taking a sabbatical lately, too. Maybe it’s just spring fever. 🙂 Enjoy your break!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I will, and have, Diane!
      I’m back! 😀


  8. kateshrewsday avatar

    Hi Tom. I shall miss you. I always do when you’re having a break. However, rest! And by all accounts, join Google plus. I shall look you up there!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Don’t worry, Kate! I’ve changed my mind! My next post will reveal what’s happened! And yes, I’ll see you G+!


      1. kateshrewsday avatar

        Huzzah. Now just trying desperately to work out how to put a Google Plus badge on my site!!!


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          Don’t worry about that either, Kate. I’m still trying to work out how to use Google Plus!!!


  9. shreejacob avatar that why the latest email notification for your blog post showed Tom Merriman??…maybe not. I went back to my gmail and checked…it must have always said that..
    I joined G+ ages ago ..unfortunately it just stopped at that. No idea how to use it or it’s sitting quietly with a few scattered friends in an even more scattered group of circles with I think just ONE post I decided to share..just for the heck of it!

    Would be great if you helped lazy bums like me and did a post on how to “Enrich our lives with G+ without getting lost”..hehe


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      No, I’ve changed my blogging name. Aquatom has flown off into the depths of the other realms now, Shree. It was time!
      I’ll look for you on Google Plus and add you to my circle… but so far, that’s all I’ve learned to do. I’m not too keen on the updates side of social media, ie… I’m in the car park at the moment… who wants to know that??? So, I may not use the system to its best advantage.
      If I can work out how it will enrich our lives, I’ll write about it… 😉 Is there a tongue-in-cheek smiley??? hmmm…


      1. shreejacob avatar

        heheheh made me snort…at work!!! ok..I shall check out your replies to my comment later! I’m off to do more catching up..

        I’m glad thought that we can still see Aquatom once in a while…sigh will miss his greek god’s body and pineapple hair…:P


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          Oh, believe me, Shree, those aspects of him remain… 😯


  10. penpusherpen avatar

    I to would like to find a tongue in cheek smiley… 😉 Sir Aquatom and this was an interesting blog, and interesting reading the comments too, hehe!! … so much about google+ that seems ‘pushy’ .. in that you ‘add’ someone else’s friends and join in circles (naming circles is odd too,… I called one Acquaintances, 🙂 is that coming across as standoffish one wonders?) ….. posting Blogs seems to take second place to adding as many people as possible… anywho, I won’t say sorry to see you go for a break, ‘cos you’re back, so… erm…I’ll get on with reading your next blog ‘n concentrate my mind on commenting… right!! … off I go, … erm … now!! xPenx


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I’m not entirely using Google + properly right now, Lady P. My circle, I’ve named The Originals, as the folk in there are the first ones to be included in my Google sphere. I don’t know if anyone can see the names of my circles… I don’t know how to comment (and I bet that is staring me in the face!), and I’m struggling with the navigation of the pages… AND I don’t know what a Google Plus Page is – is it like another blog or website or something? Confused am I. I also get frustrated so have to leave things as they are and return later. I’ll sort it one day. I know I will!!!
      I’ll not move from blogging though… not yet, anyhow…


      1. penpusherpen avatar

        I’ve tried Google+ ing peoples blogs on WordPress, Sir A, and it works a bit like Twitter, giving a link to the original blog via Google+ … so, in a way, I’m learning, but slowly kindathing… trouble is the amount of time spent trying to figure things out… I agree It’s frustrating, and that’s ferzackerly what I end up saying… I’ll sort it… I’ll definitely sort it…someday, some time , somehow…. (erm. is that a song lyric again? 😉 ) xx


        1. penpusherpen avatar

          Sir A, just went all the way up to where the ‘share’ usually sits below your blog, and it’s not there, so I can’t Google+ this… (dashboard, settings, sharing then enabled services,,, like Twitter, etc…. unless you chose not to use this feature… then I’ve typed all this for naught…shucks… an’ it’s all typed correctly too.. 🙂 ) xxPenxx


          1. Tom Merriman avatar

            Thanks, Lady P, I’ll look into this. I’m just releasing a hot off the press post, and then I’ll get right to it!


          2. Tom Merriman avatar

            Done! G+ and the WordPress one all added and switched on. Don’t know what they do exactly as yet, but I’m still learning! Thanks for guiding me here, Lady P!


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