What does a whisper look like?


I’ve been playing with words again this morning, trying to come up with a visual illustration for a whisper. No, I’ve not lost my mind or anything, it’s for this week’s Illustration Friday theme. And yes, I know that I’ve only just done one, but we’ve had another Friday since then so we’re now in another week. Time’s getting faster by the minute!

I imagine whispered words to be transparent, like the wind. A breath of fresh air mixed with a little secret – or something like that. A hushed comment, unless, of course, the whisperer is shouting their whisper for dramatic effect.

My whisperer in the image above, the one with the crooked teeth, is whispering a little sweet something into the listener’s ear, the ear that looks like a slab of meat. They are funny things, ears, when you look at them closely.

Well, they are in my illustrations when I give myself five minutes to come up with one anyway!

I also think my whisperer in the illustration is whispering in one of those shouting whispers, the letters are a little more solid than I had intended… I could have gone slightly more transparent with them, but I think it (kind of) works.

They’ve not really been easy, the themes of late. Maybe next week, I’ll have an easier challenge… we’ll see!

32 responses to “What does a whisper look like?”

  1. mairedubhtx avatar

    That is a rather good representation of a whisper, although perhaps the hello could have been smaller. But if it is a shouting whisper, than it is okay. Whispers come in all forms. They are difficult to pin down. This wasn’t an easy challenge you took on. You did well.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks. I think it will be a shouting whisper, Maire. I wanted the text to be mouth-and-ear sized, but it may be a little larger than it should be!


  2. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Well Tom your impression of a whisper looks fine to me… crooked teeth or not.. LOL… and even whispers can be loud… reminds me somehow of that game we would play as children, Chinese Whispers!… where a sentence whispered was passed down the line to emerge a completely different at the other end… Today this is now called GOSSIP! LOL 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Sue. The teeth were perfect when I first created them, so I don’t know what happened along the way! Yes… gossip is Chinese Whispers – you’re right there!!!


  3. penpusherpen avatar

    whispers of transparency,… in a sea of tranquillity… just north of the Border down…. Ooops… trains of through can derail one sometimes. … I like the thought of the whispered word being a few shades different than the spoken harshness of louder sound…. gentle words, needing the lighter touch, the lips almost caressing the ear of the responder, did you know?…whisper, whisper… (fades off into the distance…..) xPenx


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      That Border town sounds like an interesting place, Pen… by the sea of tranquility. I’m feeling relaxed already! I’ve a couple of questions about whispers though… when you whisper, is it your own voice or just ‘shaped’ air??? And, if a large choir sang only in a whisper, would their ‘voices’ carry??? Oooo – I think I need to visit the sea of tranquility myself…


  4. prenin avatar

    Pretty good effort Tom! 🙂

    Whispers can take many forms – I prefer the chocolate version myself!!! 😛

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Prenin. I’ve not had one of those chocolates for years!!!


  5. CMStewart avatar

    I always take notice of whispers more than I do shouts. 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      The quiet voices need to be listened to as well, CM!


  6. colonialist avatar

    *reaches furtively inside jacket* Psssssst! Feelthee peectures?
    That would be a low whisper!
    Your picture does have a, ‘Your place or mine?’ sort of feel to it!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I hadn’t thought of it that way, Colonialist… but you’re right!


  7. Andra Watkins avatar

    Whispers are such an awesome vocal tool. I love what you did with the illustration, Tom.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Andra. I don’t think it’s too bad for a quick five minute attempt!


  8. lameadventures avatar

    Tom, I think you nailed an illustration of a whisper, but what a challenge! I hope that next week you’re not assigned to visually illustrate “the” for that would truly be cruel and unusual.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you, LA. It was a bit of a tough challenge, but once I’d decided on my idea it was pretty quick to complete. If I had to illustrate ‘The’ though, I’d have to give that one a miss. There’s only so much inspiration I can draw on. I wonder what the next theme will be?


  9. WordsFallFromMyEyes avatar

    Low whispers give me chills, loud whispers cause me to jump. Like this picture though. I can’t believe I’ve not realised you are an artist! Great stuff, Tom 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Noeleen. I don’t class myself as an artist, though… I like to doodle!


  10. nrhatch avatar

    I like the illustration, Tom, but it doesn’t whisper “WHISPER” to me. It looks LOUDER than a whisper . . . but not quite a SHOUT!!!. 😀


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Nancy… I agree, I think the text should be slightly smaller and more transparent. It’s a loud whisper! 😉


  11. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    This whispherer sounds a bit louder than usual. If “hello” was a few shades lighter without the outline and in kind of floating font, that might get closer. Maybe?


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Tess… I can see what you’re saying. The text is a little too solid, but I’m explaining that away as it being a shouted whisper…


  12. Jo Bryant avatar

    i had never thought of trying to show a whisper


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      It’s not something you would generally think about, is it Jo?
      Like your new Gravatar, by the way!


      1. Jo Bryant avatar

        Thanks Tom !! It is one of the ones I took for the 365 challenge. There have never been so many photos of me floating around in years…but I am learning to live with if not totally love the me with wrinkles and all…hehehehe.
        you should check out the last one I took yesterday…boy did I have fun editing that one. Got a few ‘OMG’s’ on facebook at least.
        Maybe I’ll use it later for my gravatar…


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          I shall check it out!


  13. The Laughing Housewife avatar

    I hate whispers. They set my teeth on edge. I don’t know if it’s a psychological throwback to mean girls at school, but, euggh!

    Good illustration, though.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I’m not particularly bothered by what people are whispering nowadays, Tilly, but I can’t bear to hear people whisper… but some people like being rude I suppose.
      Thank you, by the way!


  14. shreejacob avatar

    Love the illustration..I’ve been stumped by the two recent themes from IF…but your art is awesome! 😀


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Shree. The themes have been quite difficult of late, haven’t they? I hope there’s an easier one this week…


      1. shreejacob avatar

        Oh me too!!! It’s easy to imagine what I would like to draw but the actual drawing of it would have been quite disastrous! LOL


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          No such joy! Sigh. Talent.
          Back to the drawing board, as they say! 😀


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