Wordle: Knights and Dragons



Row after row of hollow armour
Split in places and locked behind glass and key in others
Knights no longer in court to hear the constant thrum from the fight
No longer decked in their finery
Lethal battles with dragons long finished
Bodies stripped, survivors given a stay of execution at the time
If they were lucky
But all now ghosts
Echoes from time
In tales passed down through the centuries
Yet also still ‘alive’, trapped within
Row after row of hollow armour


10 responses to “Wordle: Knights and Dragons”

  1. colonialist avatar

    The knights are spent with fighting dragons?
    Nice one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Col. Indeed, that battle was over eons ago.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. oldegg avatar

    It is good to be impressed this way by relics of olden days. Heaven’s knows what people in the future will think of our electronic gadgetry!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      They’ll probably be baffled, Oldegg. None of it will work and all of the files that would have explained what it was used for would be stored on it, so they have no chance…


  3. -Eugenia avatar
    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks again, Eugenia.


  4. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Excellent Tom.. Love these tales of Old.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      So do I, Sue. Magical times.
      And thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. prenin avatar

    In days of old when Knights were bold and toilets were not invented,
    They’d dig a hole in the middle of the road and sit there quite contented!!! 🙂

    Hence ‘Pot holes’… 🙂

    God Bless!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Some of the pot holes out there today, Prenin, certainly make you want to ‘go’ if you go over them in just the wrong way! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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