Uranus Sunaru

The Mansion’s taking me places again.

This is the view that greeted me from the Kitchen window this morning. I’ve never seen the Grinds looking so green!

Apparently, that’s Uranus, that is… and it’s either sunset or sunrise there… it’s hard to tell from this angle. And around here, there’s no point even mentioning the time. The Grandfather Clock chimed seven o’clock when this image was caught… although it said 6:45. It has struck thirteen before, so at least it was almost accurate this time!

I don’t actually know how I know that that’s Uranus, I just know that I know it.

That said, I could have been whisked through the looking glass and plonked  in an entirely different galaxy, far far away this morning, and that’s the planet… Sunaru. Yes, an alternative Uranus. Sunaru boasts amazingly green sun-glares around sunrise and sunset, similar to the diamond ring effect of a Total Solar Eclipse, only not as intense. I missed the full glare effect, and this is the final stage of the glare… it doesn’t last very long. 

I had to leave at seven this morning, so I nipped out of the Kitchen to grab my coat and car keys, but when I returned all I could see through the window was the Grinds.

This Mansion of mine takes me to the furthest, oddest and most random of places at times… yet I still manage to keep time back here.

Well, of a fashion, anyway. Sometimes, if I blink, I miss valuable seconds…!

14 responses to “Uranus Sunaru”

  1. aFrankAngle avatar

    The Pluto news has you on a planetary trail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It certainly does, Frank, and has helped with my theme for this week as well! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Visionkeeper avatar

    My Goodness….Off on another journey again. Thankfully the mansion always returns you from wherever you have been! Hope it was an interesting trip. keep your photo album filled for us. That way we can all go along as well 🙂 Happy travels TL….VK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, VK. Sometimes, I don’t know how I manage to fit everything into a day…


  3. prenin avatar

    Hmmmm… Interesting… 🙂

    The mansion certainly keeps you entertained!!! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Oh, it does that, Prenin! 😀


  4. Andra Watkins avatar

    Here I am, checking google every 60 seconds for more Pluto shots. 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Don’t blame you, Andra… I’m sure there will be some amazing ones coming through over the next few months!


  5. Gray Dawster avatar
    Gray Dawster

    I think we all miss those valuable seconds Tom
    in fact I have been missing a lot more than that
    and need to get my act together around here 🙂
    Love your posting by the way, you always have
    entertained us all with your amazing collections
    of postings 🙂 Have a fantastic weekend Tom 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      No problems, Andro! Just call by when you can!
      And thank you. I always try to post something different each time… usually.
      And you have a great weekend as well… what’s left of it now!


  6. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Great Tom that you are finding valuable seconds to planet hop.. Hope you have got your sun-visors handy? that Green Glow may have something to do with those memory lapses you keep having 😉


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That may be a very good tip, Sue, thank you.
      Although, I don’t seem to remember having any memory lapses… eek! 😉


  7. europasicewolf avatar

    Wow! The Mansion certainly gets you around! Must say that’s a very beautiful view of Uranus/Su natural and I think I might like to go there myself. ..immediately! See you later! ! 😉


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      You never know, Icewolf… our paths may cross sooner rather than later, especially with the Mansion zipping off here there and everywhere at present!


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