Right On!

Aaron smiled as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Dark hair, blue eyes, a slight covering of stubble around his mouth, chin and jaw line, a nice pale green shirt open at the neck with a thin silver necklace partly visible, and black jeans and boots that finished his look perfectly.

He was almost ready for his night out. Almost. He reached up to the shelf above the mirror, and selected the can on the right of the two that were there, without paying attention. He looked good, he thought, just as he covered himself in shaving foam.

No, this isn’t an advert for a new shaving product in my Twilight range… it’s actually another one-hundred word tale for Red’s Flash in the Pan. The limit is one hundred words, of which all have been used in this case… and the word this time is ‘Right’.

As always, visit Red’s site for more details if you would like to participate in this flash fiction writing challenge. It is fun!

32 responses to “Right On!”

  1. prenin avatar

    That’s why I keep my shaving gel in the bathroom and my antiperspirant in the bedroom!!! LoL!!! 🙂

    Good flash Tom and God Bless you! 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Always a wise thing to do, Prenin, as Aaron discovered!
      Thank you.


  2. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    That hot time on the town tonight will have to wait–just a bit!
    Fantabulous flash, Tom. You had me to the end.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Tess.
      Unless he went out as he was, of course…


      1. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

        Nah. I don’t think he’d do that. He’s waaayyy too particular about his appearance, I think.


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          I’d have to agree with you, Tess.


  3. Gray Dawster avatar
    Gray Dawster

    Great flash Tom 🙂
    Have a great weekend
    my great friend 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Andro… and you too!


      1. Gray Dawster avatar
        Gray Dawster

        🙂 🙂

        I like the look of your
        revamped Space Tom 🙂



        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          Thanks, Andro… I’m always changing the look. I’ve done it again, since!


          1. Gray Dawster avatar
            Gray Dawster

            I tried a much brighter theme recently but it
            just wasn’t the right look for my Space 😦 lol

            Keep tweaking it, eventually
            you will be happy with the results 🙂



            1. Tom Merriman avatar

              I prefer the darker look myself, Andro. The thing is, when I eventually settle on a look that I like, I want to change it again!


  4. CMStewart avatar

    In my single days, I would’ve passed over the rest of the crowd to give Aaron a nod and wink. Lucky for Aaron, I’m married now. 😉


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Even covered in shaving foam, CM?


      1. CMStewart avatar

        *Because* of the shaving foam. It’s the smell I can’t resist. 😉


        1. Tom Merriman avatar
    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That’s almost exactly what Aaron said, Andra.


  5. Soma Mukherjee avatar

    oh my god 😯 ready and how 😆


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Indeed, Soma!


  6. nrhatch avatar

    Good one. I’ve mixed up the conditioner and the the shampoo . . . but never spritzed on shaving cream instead of cologne. 😀


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It’s very easily done, Nancy!


  7. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    In my teen years I remember once upon a time reaching for hairspray to cover myself in flyspray by mistake… Needless to say my night was dead! after that! Cough splutter, gasp! 😀


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Oh no, sorry to hear that, Sue!
      At least there were no flies on you that night! Hehehe!


      1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

        HEHE! 😀 😀 Too!


  8. shreejacob avatar

    LOL! Well hey…at least he doesn’t have to redo any makeup 😉


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That’s true, Shree! Always a sliver lining!


  9. Red avatar

    I have seen this happen! Glad it was not me. *giggles*


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It nearly happened to me once, Red. Well, I say nearly; it did a bit! 😉


  10. europasicewolf avatar

    Yes?!! And what happened next! All sorts of exciting possibilities there 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      All sorts indeed, Icewolf. The imagination is limitless!
      (That’s my way of saying I haven’t actually thought about what happened next… 😉 )


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