The Cat Cam

My Inner Scientist has, it must be said, some totally bonkers ideas at times. Sometimes, the ideas are good and need a little work, and other times they take a lot of work only to turn out not to be so good.

The latest example may fall into the latter category.

A Cat Cam.

That’s right, a tiny camera that is fitted to a cat’s forehead, which is set to take a photograph of anything that the cat finds remotely interesting.

The thing is, cats are free spirits. They aren’t interested in things that we’d expect them to be interested in, and are rather drawn somewhat to something else.

Shadowcat was my willing volunteer for this experiment, although I had to trick him into wearing the tiny camera… and even then he didn’t wear it for long. And he doesn’t like being tricked, as he pointed out with his extremely sharp claws.

However, he did take some rather good photos… but he poses for the camera far better than he takes meaningful shots.

In the above three photos of the intrepid photographer himself, the first one shows his reaction as I showed him the device I was going to place on his head, like a cap. The second shows how pleased he was to have been chosen for such a unique opportunity for a member of feline society to undertake. And the third one shows him with the intricate receiving device in the background, cleverly disguised as a tipped-over old dustbin. The antenna is clearly visible on the side.

Was Shadow hunting for mice as he was taking these photos?  We’ll never know.

The thing is, the grass was so long, he ran head-first into a wall and destroyed the Cat Cam on its first outing. Ah well, back to the drawing board.

I’m already drawing up plans for a bird cam. I wonder how that’ll work out…

Oh, and no animals were injured in the making of this post.

18 responses to “The Cat Cam”

  1. penpusherpen avatar

    oh dear Sir Aquatom, what a ‘catsafterme’ and one is so glad no animals were injured in the process. (although you took a scratch or two methinks 😉 ) Mind you, before the cat cam was erm. done for, Shadowcat took some good photo’s of grass and ferns. Lovely!! Now, what about this willing volunteer angle? Are you sure he was, ‘cos the second photo looks positively argumentative. Just asking!! I shall await the outcome of the Bird cam idea. Still smiling here xPenx


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Shadow looks like that most of the time, Pen, well, when he’s not rolling over anyway! I like the word catsafterme!


  2. Madame Weebles avatar

    Shadow is so cute!!! But how did the actual photos get taken? I mean, you didn’t train him to click the little button, did you??? My cats would have taken much less interesting photos because they’re strictly indoor cats. So their photos would have consisted of the underside of the coffee table, the top of the couch, and under the covers. Not so interesting really.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It was all mind control, Madame W. Cats are good at that! 😉


  3. Andra Watkins avatar

    I love the cat’s eye view ones, Tom. 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks Andra. A different perspective is always good, I find!


  4. Deb avatar

    Great cat’s-eye view, Tom!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Deb… a little different, to say the least!


  5. Visionkeeper avatar

    Better be careful TL….You never know what kind of spying devices Shadow may have for you! He may actually be working alongside the NSA gathering info….Watch your step my friend. You may well be in some pix as well 🙂 Good post! VK


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I probably am, VK. Shadow tends to go missing for days on end, so you may actually be on to something…


  6. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    Shadow is Gor-GE-ous. My daughter had a cat that looked just like him. As for his photography skills…the less said the better–I don’t want any hurt feelings–and the less said, the better. I can tell Shadow was working under duress. The poor thing…haha.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      He is nice, Tess. Well, unless someone comments on his photography skills that is… 😉


  7. prenin avatar

    They did a documentary on the lives of cats using a camera and GPS device to track their movements.

    I didn’t watch it, but there was a lot about it on the BBC news website! 🙂

    Hope the scratches aren’t too bad!!! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I didn’t know about the documentary, Prenin, and only saw it yesterday. Another coincidence on my part! It’s amazing how many cats patrol the same areas but at different times… it’s as though they work shifts!


  8. kateshrewsday avatar

    I’ve always wanted to di this, Tom. Did you see the Horizon programme? The catcams on that looked quite large and cumbersome to me. Maddie and Felix know it almost by heart already….


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I only saw the Horizon programme yesterday, Kate, I knew nothing of it when I wrote this post. You know me and coincidences… this is an odd one though!


  9. shreejacob avatar

    lovely photos! and I really really wished that it was real ..the cat cam! hehehe.
    Btw…Shadowcat looks terrifying in the second picture!!!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I didn’t know it at the time of writing this post, Shree, but the BBC have recently made a documentary featuring cats wearing cat cams… so they are real devices!
      He’s just saying hello there, by the way!


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