A Scattering of Cool–Dabbing Blue

For some reason, it feels a tad warm of late. A tad warm and quite close.

So this creation is an attempt to counteract that… each blue dot is a little patch of cool, spaced nicely apart, so there’s plenty of room for the coolness to go around. The orange in the middle is the warmth in perspective, if ever it can be…

Just trying to regain some balance.

Dabbing blue is all I could come up with as I draped fluidly across the computer for this post…

2 responses to “A Scattering of Cool–Dabbing Blue”

  1. europasicewolf avatar

    It is warm Tom…very warm…your fluid draping creates some interesting thoughts….melting Tom’s….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Melting Toms dripping everywhere. Sounds delicious put like that, don’t you think? 😒😊

      Liked by 1 person

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