The Co-ordination of Supervillains

The Lady removed her master key after locking the door to her suite in the private section of the Elixir Spa Resort Hotel and Leisure Complex, and turned to walk along the corridor towards the lifts to go to the restaurant on the ground floor, colliding into Bubblegum who was running at speed the other way.

“B…” The Lady started, but wasn’t allowed to say anything further as Bubblegum stormed, breathlessly, “leave me alone” as she barged passed.

The Lady shrugged (and watched Bubblegum run to her room at the far end of the corridor, slamming the door after she’d entered) and continued along to the lifts at the opposite end of the corridor, where she moved the out of order sign that hung from a chain across the double doors, and placed it in a maintenance cupboard between the lifts and the stairs.

“They’ve been using the stairs long enough now,” The Lady thought, “and I’m in a very good mood, so it’s time they have full access to the facilities.”

Once on the ground floor, she put the out of order sign that was there away as well, and walked through to the empty reception area of the complex, looking at all the chairs and sofas that were dotted around all covered with dust sheets, noticing Moonbeam and Matthew Mist chatting in the lounge as she passed that room.

She walked quickly and quietly through the restaurant, making her way to the kitchen at the back, and in the corner she saw the Dropped Apostrophe sat a table speaking with a figure that she didn’t recognise; although she was well familiar with the figure’s police uniform.

‘Out of Order’ has been written for Six Sentence Stories, where the prompt word this week is ‘Key’.

Part five of this ongoing story featuring the Co-Ordination of Supervillains is here, with part four here; part three here, part two here, and part one, here.

22 responses to “The Co-ordination of Supervillains”

  1. Chris Hall avatar

    A seamlessly inserted key, Tom!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Chris. I write rough drafts for the supervillain stories, and then edit the word of the week into the story, this one didn’t need much tweaking! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Chris Hall avatar

        Always a bonus if you can do that, Tom!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          It’s good when it works out perfectly! I’d pre-written one of the Nova Luna sixes recently, and I’d already used the prompt word for that week in one of the sentences… job done without even trying! 😁😊 (it was the ‘control’ week)

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Chris Hall avatar

            Aha! That did fit in nicely. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for ‘labyrinth’ when it drops out of the hat 😉

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tom avatar

              Ooo… that’s a challenging one! My stories also rotate on a three-weekly cycle, ‘labyrinth’ will fit better with one, I feel… although that particular story is coming to an end soon. No idea on its replacement just yet, but you may have planted a seed… 😄

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Chris Hall avatar

                Ooh, a seed… Excellent!

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    I wouldn’t like to get on her wrong side Tom.. 🙂 so pleased she was in a good mood.. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      The Lady tends to keep her sides to herself, Sue, but it is probably advisable to stay on her good side! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

        I got that impression Tom.. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. europasicewolf avatar

    I’m assuming she got the lights into working order Tom🤔Could be a lot of very strange problems if people get stuck in it and transported to a parallel world or two 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Hmmm… Icewolf, now there’s a concept… I’ll go to the Lady with it and see what she thinks! 😃


  4. Frank Hubeny avatar

    I like how the out of order sign wasn’t there because anything was out of order.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      No, it was just The Lady taking control… of sorts.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    Did the uniform spoil her good mood?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I don’t think it did, Mimi, but it gave her food for thought.


  6. clark avatar

    First off, at the risk of it being said already* let me say, ‘Damn! The names!! Boss, boss da names, da names!’

    One of the things I like the most about these Sixes is how one of us will come up with something that makes us look at each other and say, ‘Damn! How cool is that?’
    (immediately followed by: ok, hows he doin’ that, what makes that work so well)
    am talking about your character’s names.
    I mean, seriously, I got me an overwhelming urge to buy a fedora and a 2-Way wrist radio.

    which brings us to the other aspect, and in a way, even cooler thing, is the ‘What about these names that make them what they are?”
    When I was young(er), I thought, ‘All I need is a Marshall stack and a Strat and time to practice and I could sound like Hendrix.’ It took a surprisingly long time for me to accept that, ‘No, it’s not that simple’.

    Your character names are like that.

    *and, when one is complimenting the coolest element of a Six, there is a surety of that happening, this time, I’m skipping reading the other comments first… to not take the fun out of this for me**
    ** ego? me?! hah!***
    *** ha ha! we laugh with rogerian scorn at your surprise at my assertion….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Clark. 🙂
      The characters tell me their names, which I think makes them more them… I just follow them along and write down what they’re up to! These supervillains, however, try to get me to write things that, well, how can I put it… make me ask them to rephrase things slightly. On the whole, they comply, knowing if they don’t, they don’t get written.
      Pleased you like their names, I shall pass your compliments on to them the next time our paths cross! 🙂
      Oh, and listen to your Inner Noir Fashionista – fedoras and wrist radios are to be the next in thing!


  7. D. Avery @shiftnshake avatar

    What’s up with Bubblegum I wonder. I’ll have to stay tuned.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      At present, D., I have no idea… she’s been like that for a few weeks now! I’m sure when she’s ready, she’ll let us know!


  8. Starry Night. It’s a 6. – GirlieOnTheEdge's Blog avatar

    […] miraculous resurrection except on this particular evening, Mimi and her spatula-slinging henchman Tom decided to celebrate his […]


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