
What makes a good character?

Someone mysterious? Boring? Risqué? Over-the-top? Untouchable? Surreal? Perfect? Ludicrous? Rude? Quiet? Professional? Heart-felt? Needy? Brash? Sexy? Offensive? Kind? Alien? Square? Thoughtless? Thoughtful? Dreamy? Inept? Quirky? Confident? Artistic? Argumentative? Stubborn? Creative? Constructive? Forward-thinking? Magical? Business-minded? Helpful? Shut-off? Energetic? Charismatic? Disabled? Old-fashioned? Forward-thinking? Imaginative? Colourful? Radiant? Beautiful? Ugly? Robotic? Moronic? Warm? Cold? Holier-than-thou? Devilish? Inappropriate? Risk-taker? Stick-in-the-mud? Comical? Interesting?

A mixture of all? Just one? Maybe a couple?

There are a lot of ‘interesting’ characters that call by this blog that could easily fit into the list above. Myself included… Tom Merriman’s a character, don’t forget. OK. Maybe ‘interesting’ was the wrong choice of word.

My characters are all adaptable. They try to fit into a number of different scenarios. Some they take to like a duck to water, and others they’re like a fish out of it.

But they are still characters. Surreal creations that exist in Universes far, far away. Surreal lives with surreal existences that desperately need for their surreal stories to be told.

But are they good characters?

I don’t know. They’re all a work in progress.

7 responses to “Characters”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    Aren;t we all?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Indeed we are, Beverly.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. -Eugenia avatar

    Aren’t we all a little of everything? If not, we would be boring. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I suppose it’s better than merely being carbon copies of each other, Eugenia!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. prenin avatar

    We are all different to some degree, but there is more that connects us than that which tries to part us.

    Maybe it’s time to remind the world about this. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Exactly, Prenin. It’s some of those differences that cause an untold amount of problems for some people.

      Liked by 1 person

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