Letters To The Universe… The It’s Friday Again Edition

Dear Fridays,
You certainly call around very quickly, don’t you? If I wasn’t a hundred per cent sure, I would say you crop up more frequently than the other days of the week. Not that I’m complaining, mind! Fridays are the gateway to the weekend, which is always a bonus!

Dear The Word Friday,
I think it is wonderful that you are named after the Norse Goddess Frigg, who is associated with foreknowledge and wisdom. I certainly have the wisdom that the weekend will follow, and the knowledge that two fabulous and easy days are on their way. That always gives the old Feel Good vibe a boost!

Dear The Beast From The East,
A little bird tells me you are planning on a quick return this weekend, bringing more winds and snow. Well, let me be a little bird to you, and tell you that Spring is now here, and you had best not go spoiling things. Some trees are now blossoming, and some flowers flowering and we wouldn’t want you affecting them now, would we?

Dear Road Resurfacers,
Please let’s not have a repeat of last Friday’s pandemonium on the roads, when you decided to close a major road, in both directions, during rush hour traffic. You caused gridlock. Perhaps starting an hour later may be more beneficial?

Dear The World,
Is it too much to ask that you sort yourself out this weekend? I really should have addressed this to the people of the world, rather than the world itself, as I know that the world will be more than capable of ‘sorting things out’ should push come to shove.

Dear The Weekend,
So good to hear you approaching once again. You certainly have a different vibe to the other days of the week (obviously not counting Friday!), but could you do something about Monday? That always seems a tad drab and a bit of a let down after the weekend. Thank you.

Dear Artistic Urges,
I may have time to be creative at some point over the weekend. I say ‘may’ as I may also be otherwise engaged doing nothing and relaxing – just as weekends were intended!

Dear Daft Drivers,
Please chill out a little and make the roads slightly more pleasurable for other road users. Especially if we have road closures and the Beast from the East to contend with, your choice driving skills aren’t really needed.

Dear Friday,
Have I mentioned that I’m pleased you’re here again? Yes indeed, Thank Goodness It’s Friday!

And Finally, Dear Blogland,
Once again I wish you all the very best for Friday and into the weekend! Feel Good, have fun and enjoy!

Thank you for reading,

P.S. I thought I’d end this week’s Letters post with a photo of things as they soon will be…

… well, Bluebells may be a few weeks off yet, but they will soon be here. And, I’m sure, that they may already be in flower in some places. Foreknowledge is a good thing at times – are you listening, Beast from the East?

13 responses to “Letters To The Universe… The It’s Friday Again Edition”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    The bluebells are beautiful. If winter would take an exit we would all be happy. Frost every morning for several days has taken it toll
    and only time will tell just how much damage has been done. Doesn’t scripture tell us the seasons will be all mixed up…yes I think it does.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Well, we can get every season in a day nowadays, so they do seem a little mixed up, don’t they?
      Hopefully we’ll be seeing the bluebells soon, Beverly.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. -Eugenia avatar

    Your letters to the universe are quite worthy, Tom. Thank you for your endeavors and getting things sorted out.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Eugenia. Hopefully some of the things get sorted! 🙂


  3. prenin avatar

    Yes my friend, Friday is a good day! 🙂

    The Beast from the East certainly made people panic – now the little beast is heading our way and I am wondering if I’ll get another £25 fuel payment.

    Something this government hasn’t yet taken from us… 😦

    Have a great weekend my friend and stay warm!!! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      We got off lightly with the big beast, Prenin, and we seem to have seen more of the little one – although it’s all clear again now.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Elaine - I used to be indecisive avatar

    I hope the daft drivers and the road resurfacers read your letters and don’t cause too many problems next week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      They paid no attention whatsoever, Elaine, and carried on regardless.
      Maybe the message will get through to them this week…


  5. anitashree avatar

    Oh my goodness, I loved the pictures of the flowers! SO pretty!! I did not know that Friday was named after a Norse God! Also, daft drivers..hehehe..nice name for them. I usually call the drivers here as “psycho drivers” because they really are quite cuckoo. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend too Tom. My Monday is soon approaching….as I bid the weekend adieu.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Yes! Psycho and cuckoo are definitely words that fit our drivers as well, Shree!
      And Happy Monday, Shree! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. thecobweboriumemporium avatar

    Great post. Mondays: Try calling them Pre-Tuesday or Early Wednesday. It’s the name which is perhaps doing it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Pre-Tuesday. I like that, Cobs. They feel better already! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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