Letters to the Universe… The Penultimate Edition!

Dear Blogland,
Just a couple of quick words to keep you in the loop. Stuck and Enclosed. Hahaha!!!! Ahem. Sorry. A little joke there; playing with words again… stuck? See? And enclosed. Within the… Ah well. Moving swiftly on. In my previous post, I included an image of some text in Latin, without checking beforehand what the words actually meant! Now, not speaking Latin myself, the words are just gobbledegook to me, but they do have meanings and may not be the exact Feel Good words I had intended to use. I’m writing this, and I still haven’t had a look at what the phrase is saying, but now I don’t want to know, and will remain merrily in cloud cuckoo land thinking they are still gobbledegook.

Dear Blogland,
Oops. Nearly forgot the second part to my ‘couple’! Yes, you did read the title to this post correctly. Next week’s Letters to the Universe will be the final post in this run, but there will be more letters at a later date. I do enjoy writing these posts, but I don’t want to have too much of a good thing. That said, the Letters may be back within the month!

Dear Disillusioned Folk,
Please think before you just act. Take a moment to look at yourself, breathe deeply. Think of other ways of doing things rather than taking the decision to go for what you have at the front of your mind. If you aren’t happy about some things, take positive steps to change them. Be a shining light for yourself and others and don’t make yourself yet another sad statistic. There’s a phrase I heard once that said ‘the hardest thing to do in life is live in it’… but we’re managing. I’m managing. And if I can do it, anyone can! Life is for LIVING.

Dear Thunderstorm,
Wednesday night’s performance was ground-trembling, I’m led to believe. I heard you rumble in the distance, just as I was drifting off to sleep, and then slept through the entire feature presentation. You had lightning, thunder, the works… and I missed everything. You’re in good company, though, as I tend to miss a lot of astronomical events as well.

Dear The Word Gobbledegook,
Such a fabulous word to be included in my penultimate letters post. Some would say you have featured in all of my Letters to the Universe posts since they began back in May 2017, but I couldn’t possibly comment there. Nor could I comment on the fact that gobbledegook is actually more widespread across a larger number of my posts, although I would be the first to admit that some may be erring slightly that way.

Dear Pastels,
I’ve had such a good time getting to smudge your colours all over my little 2.5X3.5 pieces of watercolour paper for my new range of ATC creations. I’ve also enjoyed smudging your colours all over myself as well, although the latter smudging was more by accident than done so deliberately!

Dear Days,
I’m starting to notice that you are getting ever shorter of late. It is now dark when I have to get up in the morning, but it is still light when I finish work, which is good… although I know that it won’t be long now before you are dark at both ends (and in the middle, depending on the weather that particular day!). I’ve also noticed a few signs of Autumn drifting in… yellow and brown leaves on the trees – and scattered on the ground. Still, it’s good to see you, however long you are… and may that remain so for a very long time.

Dear Ducks,
I’ve missed your colours this year. Usually you are all shiny and blue and green with bright orange feet, but this year you’ve been mostly brown and black with completely different wellies on (‘wellies’… Wellington Boots. Ducks don’t normally wear them), and I have no idea what happened to Tufty, since he met Mrs Tufty… they’ve probably gone to pastures new and raised hundreds of Tuftylets! Good luck to you all.

Dear Clouds,
I didn’t have time to photograph you this time around, but can I just say what a fabulous display you put on for me as you drifted by? You present many a flying pig, which I found hilarious. One after the other. I also like how you made the next one in turn smaller than the previous one. A nice touch!

Dear Watercolours,
Yes, I am tempted. Yes, I will use you again. Yes, it will be soon. Just waiting for the correct inspirational alignment, and then I’ll be right at it!

And to finish… Dear All,
And there we have it. The next but one last Letters to the Universe post for this run. As I mentioned earlier, a new run will be along in due course, but I want to try something new in a few weeks… something a little more interactive and hopefully fun; a little risky, perhaps; something that requires a bit of work from me to start off with, but should work OK once done. Fingers crossed. Something I feel ideal for Fridays, ready for the weekend. But we shall see. Until that idea is ready, Fridays will be handed over to quite an Elite bunch. Can’t say any more for now, though. Shhh!

Thank you for reading!

P.S. Here’s one of those ducks I mentioned, just because:

Still as cute, however, even if not as colourful as you were in the past. Love the new wellies, however!

11 responses to “Letters to the Universe… The Penultimate Edition!”

  1. thecobweboriumemporium avatar

    Fabulous duck. She’s adorable.
    I love these Friday letters Tom, so will be so sad to not see them anymore. However, you have piqued my interest with this promise of something new and am going to be busy waiting (’cause we all know how busy the waiting game is) for it’s arrival.

    Overall (apart from the sad news of no more ‘letters’) … a really great post Tom. Eloquent and entertaining. Loved it.
    ~ C. x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Well, they’ll be back next week, Cobs, and then that’ll be it for a while… but they will be back in the future as well. I like writing those letters, you see!
      The something new is a bit of an undertaking, I don’t mind admitting, and I also have to write the posts which will fill the gap between the last letters post and the first of the new ones. It shall be done, however!
      And thank you, Cobs. Good to have you along!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Soul Gifts avatar
    Soul Gifts

    Dear Word Gobbledegook,
    I love how descriptive and universal you are in application. Thank you.
    Dear Tom
    The Latin ad filler text is a quote from the the great Roman philosopher, Cicero. I sent you a link of the translation. I just had to find out…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I love Gobbledegook, Raili, which is why I write so much of it! 😀
      And thank you again for translating those words. I would have gotten around to it eventually… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. bcparkison avatar

    Oh no..I am concerned about the ducks changing colors. Could it be toxic overload? It seem to be every where…in the air, in our water , in our food .
    Now …about those foreign letters..this is something I have wondered about many times before. When people buy T-shirts- cards…what ever with a ‘new’ writing on them how do they know they aren’t saying something really bad. My husband once was given a T-shirt with nautical flags on the front. Really cute but when we checked it out
    ..it said Surf Naked. Of course most people don’t know the flags have a meaning. lol
    You do have us wondering…don’t stay gone for to long.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I know, Beverly. Really odd about the ducks.
      As for the foreign letters and symbols and signs I seem to be very trusting on that front, and go with the first I see… but I must learn to check them out first!
      I’ll be back sooner than you think… and so will the letters, actually, for next week’s last post, for now. And then,,, well… we’ll see… 😀


  4. -Eugenia avatar

    I love your letters to the universe and understand your need to change up every now and then. I change the intent and appearance of my blogs frequently. I am not concerned about the number of my followers but I don’t want to bore those that I have.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Eugenia.
      I really must try to make time to visit blogs as well… I like your posts about the years, but it seems to have been an age since last I was there… it’s the same with a lot of the blogs I follow right now. I will get something sorted. Somehow! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. -Eugenia avatar

        I understand. It’s not easy to keep up.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. prenin avatar

    Entertaining as always Tom! 🙂

    I bought some kick-ass batteries for my camera, but I’m waiting for the courage to go out and take some shots!

    I’m still getting anxious while I’m out in the open, so it may have to wait a while! 🙂

    God Bless and have fun my friend!!! 🙂


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      When you’re ready, Prenin… I’m sure you’ll take some kick-ass photos as well! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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