Spring Time

The bike was whole again.

Alex had spent all day taking it apart, tinkering, cleaning, polishing, and buffing, and eventually put it back together. He was meticulous with every single detail.

Apart from, that is, one spring he’d left out.

He was baffled.

How had he missed it, and where was it from?

Regardless, he started the process of taking the bike apart once more, hoping he would soon find the spring a home.

Another attempt at flash fiction for Red’s Flash in the Pan. The word for this tale is ‘Left’; and the word limit is 75. I’ve left one word out, and used 74 this time.

30 responses to “Spring Time”

  1. prenin avatar

    Well written Tom! 🙂

    I used to own a motorcycle until it was stolen.

    I have had no transport since… 😦

    God Bless!



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Prenin. Sorry to hear about your bike.


  2. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    So meticulous, yet I tiny mistake…
    Poor guy. He has the patience of Job. I’m sure he’ll find a home for the spring. If not, you’ll have to write another story. Great flash, Tom.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Tess.
      I think he’s using the spring for something else now…


  3. lameadventures avatar

    Maybe Alex should have read the instructions.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      You’d have thought so, LA.
      Mind you, instructions and me don’t always work very well together, having said that!


  4. aFrankAngle avatar

    Oh the agony.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Frank, it’s the resignation of undoing all the hard work that’s the worst part.


  5. Andra Watkins avatar

    This sounds so familiar…..being married to a bike tinkerer…….


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I can only imagine what it’s like, Andra… but yes. I can imagine it well!


  6. Diane Henders avatar

    After years of overhauling mechanical conveyances, I have come to the conclusion that in every car/bike/whatever, there are a certain number of redundant pieces the manufacturer puts in solely for the purpose of bamboozling do-it-yourselfers.

    Or, as a friend of mine says upon discovering a handful of leftover bits: “That’s the profit.”

    Great story, Tom, and I love that you “left” out one word! 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Diane. I left the word out deliberately as well, you know!
      I think you’ve concluded correctly. I always find some odd whatnot when I have to put something together.


  7. shreejacob avatar

    Ooo…first of all…awesome new look for the blog!
    Secondly…I cant believe he didn’t at least kick the bike once, for having an extra spring! hehehe.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Shree, but further tweaking is needed!
      It may have been less painful for him to kick the spring!


  8. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    You ;LEFT’ one word out Tom, LOL… great post, and humour, as you play with 74 words… I do hope that Spring wasn’t vital ! .. Great to read and loving coming into the Spheres Space 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Sue. Yes, I deliberately left out that one word. Ahem.
      The spring was vital to the tale, I must say, but that’s all. 😉


  9. Red avatar

    Bwahaha! An OCD nightmare. Great flash and I am glad to see you pop back up! When you comment, your posts are automatically added to your comments. Check them out. 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Red, it is a bit OCD isn’t it?
      I noticed the latest post appearing, but wasn’t sure if it was overwritten by my next latest post… but on checking it isn’t. It makes commenting easier now!


  10. europasicewolf avatar

    Oh dear 😉 what a pain! But at least this time you told us what it was lol was waiting to be left with another cliff hanger lol 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I love cliffhangers, but maybe I do overuse them a little.
      I am trying to write complete stories in these flashes, but it is a teeny bit more difficult to fit the story in. But, if I keep trying, I shall succeed. One day. Hopefully. 🙂


      1. europasicewolf avatar

        I know exactly what you mean about writing full stories as I have the same problem. You don’t overuse cliff hangers…on the contrary you put them to great use and do so with a skill that I both lack and admire 🙂 Long live the cliff hangers!


        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          OK then, Icewolf, I shall continue to use them.
          And thank you. 🙂


  11. cheryoncake avatar

    Love it. Though so frustrated for poor Alex! It reminds me of when I was young and used to take things like my radio or a torch apart and would often find something left over when I pieced them back together. They usually still worked though. Guess you can’t take that risk with a bike though…..!!!


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Hello, welcome and thank you!
      When I was young, I used to love taking things apart, but could never put them back together again!


  12. Gray Dawster avatar
    Gray Dawster

    Great Flash Tom 🙂 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thank you Andro!


      1. Gray Dawster avatar
        Gray Dawster

        You are welcome, keep flashing Tom but
        watch out for the nosy neighbours 😉 lmao



        1. Tom Merriman avatar

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