Twilight blues

I’m typing this post from in the bath.

No, I’m fine.

I have about half of the battery left on this portable computer device, and the lightbulb is good for a while yet. Summer’s coming on too, so it won’t be cold for long, although we are forecast a bit of an icy snap this weekend, it should be fine. I have no windows here in this bathroom, so can’t see outside anyway – I can imagine that we are at the height of summer, so the cold isn’t a problem.

I’ll start at the beginning.

Remember a while ago, when I wrote a post about my Twilight range of grooming products? (I reposted it here, if you can’t remember). Well, I’ve decided to have a go at creating some products myself.

I’m not much of an alchemist, however, and I should really have thought long and hard before I added one chemical to another. Unfortunately I didn’t, and I’m now in this predicament.

I decided earlier today that my first product would be a nice, luxurious, bubble bath. Invigorating tones with an earthy hint, to stimulate the senses ready for hunting through the forest.

I wanted the liquid in the potion to be quite thick, so only a drop is needed and it can last for months – unlike the watery products that you buy in the shops that are fully used after three baths.

I had my top secret base product ready, together with my top secret earth scent mixture. I had some top secret jellifying compound, and some blue food dye. I wanted red food dye, but didn’t have any, and the shop only had blue food dye in stock. Gardenia Blue to be exact. I thought ‘You don’t get any more earthy than a garden, so why not’ – and bought two packets.

I mixed the products together, and the smell that was coming from the bowl as I was stirring was phenomenal. An out of this world blend that would have stimulated anyone’s senses. C’est Magnifique! It really brought out the animal in me, I can tell you. It really made me feel good!

I stirred with vigour.

I broke the wooden spoon, I stirred that vigorously – but luckily I had another. I stirred again, and all the time this aroma was being generated.

I let the jelly mixture set in the fridge for an hour, so that it became more of a gloop than a liquid, and then I carefully spooned it into an ice cube tray. After freezing the cubes in the freezer for a further half an hour, everything was ready.

I ran the hot water for my bath. I lit some candles (that I had anointed with the left over top secret earth scent mixture) and placed them on the top of the loo in the other corner of the bathroom. A bit too far away to really notice, but the thought was there. I still needed to keep the light on to see what I was doing, but I thought never mind.

I placed the tray of bubble bath cubes on the side of the bath as I lowered myself into the hot, steaming water. I intended to try one of the cubes, just to see how the experience went, but, as my hand was wet, and the ice cube tray was still frozen, the whole thing stuck to my hand. As I pulled my hand away, the tray came with it briefly, then became unstuck and fell into the water.

Twelve cubes of untried bubble bath mixture were now in the water with me.

And this is where my problem began. The heat from the water seems to have had a metamorphosis effect on the concoction, or the concoction had a similar effect on the water. It turned brilliant blue, bubble-free, and set like cement.

And with me in the middle of it.

I know I’m part of the Cheshire Set, but this really is taking things a little too far.

Hopefully, I’ll have chipped myself out for tomorrow’s post, but if not, I’ll be fine. Although, I may not have a go at creating the shaving foam, which was next on my list…

34 responses to “Twilight blues”

  1. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    Maybe someone will need to use the bathroom and help you. Maybe a neighbour? How about the cat? Ok, maybe if you yell loudly when the postman is due, he’ll hear you?

    Blue? OMG.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I know Tess, it would have been so much better if it was red.
      I’ve managed to escape, I’m pleased to say…


      1. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

        Drat. Seems to me after all that, you got out pretty easily and here WE were ALL worried! Teehee.


        1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

          Ah, sorry for the worry and all, Tess, but I do have an Inner Superhero who is quite useful at times. He’s also quite useless at times too, but this wasn’t one of them… 😉


  2. Gloria Richard Author avatar

    Blue? Really? Blue?

    And, please don’t share your “top secret” earthy smell recipe with me. I don’t know if I could bear the temptation to replicate it. Funny stuff.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Gloria – I have lots of secrets that I don’t share – and how I escaped is another one! My lips are sealed.
      But yes… blue. Red would have been much better.


  3. prenin avatar

    Oh TOM!!! ROFL!!!

    Hope you chip yourself out soon!!! LoL!!!

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Prenin.
      Yes, I’m out now, without as much as a blemish!


  4. Diane Henders avatar

    Oh, dear, oh dear! Maybe you should use the last gasps of your battery to email Emergency Services. Assuming you’re not too embarrassed by being chipped out of your tub by emergency personnel holding back snickers at your blue-dyed nether regions…


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Diane, just after posting, the battery was completely depleted. And then, there was a power cut. Luckily, I’d lit those candles and could see a little but not a lot. I managed to escape, somehow, and even I didn’t need to see my blue-dyed nether regions!


  5. europasicewolf avatar

    HoooOOOOOOOWWWWwwwwwLLLLLLooooooooooL!! Is this for real! lol 😀 Initially I was a touch worried about you being in the bath with your laptop…. 😉 I should probably also be very concerned and asking after you chippy welfare lol…but somehow…for some reason…gasp…splutter…I am curled up on the floor howling uncontrollably with tears of laughter streaming down my Wolfie cheeks 🙂 I think I’m REALLY going to enjoy this blog!! Btw…did you stain permanently blue? 😉


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Icewolf – no need to worry – it was a palm top PDA thingy, and I don’t normally use it in the bath. I’d just left it in the bathroom as I’d absent mindedly carried it in with me the other week (hence the battery). And no, I didn’t stain blue for some reason. I’m quite lucky in that regard.
      I’m pleased you howled with laughter – that was the correct response! 😀


      1. europasicewolf avatar

        You left a PDA thingy in the bathroom for a whole WEEK?!! Poor PDA thingy! lol 😉 You totally deserved your fate in the bath tub then you gnawti ‘alchemist’ 😉


  6. Alannah Murphy avatar

    Glad you got out and glad you’re not blue, in every sense of that word 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes. I wasn’t stuck for that long actually… 😉 And no, Alannah, I’m pleased to say that I’m not blue in every sense of the word as well!


  7. kateshrewsday avatar

    Tha Mafia would pay you a lot of money for that cement, Tom 🙂


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      They probably would Kate, but would then be after me considering how easily it disintegrated once it started… 😯


  8. lameadventures avatar

    Wasn’t it Robert Burns who said, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men/ Gang aft a-gley”? It sounds to me like your experiment aft a-gleyed.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      It was indeed, Lame Adventure Woman, and I’d hazard a guess that it did! 😉


      1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

        I actually had to look it up, being honest…


        1. lameadventures avatar

          If we’re both swigging the Pentathol around here, I did some research to ensure I got that quote right!


          1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

            I needed to look up Pentathol too…


            1. lameadventures avatar

              That I thought you had in your laboratory …


              1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

                You may be right… I had a look at the Sodium Thiopental label a little closer… you learn something every day!


  9. Renée A. Schuls-Jacobson avatar

    So glad to read you have freed yourself from that gloppy mess. Still, I really think you were onto something. Baby, don’t quit after one experiment. Keep trying. I hear lavender is lovely.

    Tel me. Were the balls blue, too?


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      No… they were cubes, but yes they were blue…
      I may have a go with lavender next… I can’t give up now!
      Thanks for commenting, Renée!


  10. Perianne avatar

    I, too, was concerned about the laptop. When I have a bath I often have mine on a chair and play a seminar or meditation music. That adds to the alchemy. I was solidly laughing by the time the hand froze to the ice-cubes. Happens to me all the time but never in the bath. 😀


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Ah, Perianne, see, there was no need for concern! 🙂 Usually I’m only in the bath for a short while, so there’s hardly any time for music for me!


  11. Jo Bryant avatar

    For a superhero you sure do get yourself in to sticky situations…I can’t stop laughing…sorry


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      😀 No need to apologise, Jo… we superhero types are always getting ourselves into (and out of) sticky situations! 😉


  12. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    OH Tom… Such a laugh… the image you painted was very Blue!.. and chucked at the comments too.. AT last I am here to see what you have been up to.. and it seems you got yourself into a pretty Sticky situation Tom. Brings a whole new meaning to the Blues Brothers! 😀 ~Sue


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes, strange things have been happening around here at Aqua Mansion Sue. I’m happy you had a laugh, it’s why I shared the tale! 😀


  13. Reminiscing – Beyond the Sphere avatar

    […] tried all sorts to combat the effects of aging. I created a special bubble bath that had catastrophic effects… I’ve tried high speed travel to reverse the aging process, and […]


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