Fire and Ice: A New World Discovered

Fire and Ice
Reports are coming in of a newly discovered giant water-world, a mere 40 light years away from Earth. The planet is said to be over two and a half times bigger than Earth, and observations from the Hubble Telescope indicate that most of the planet’s mass is water. It is also said to have a hazy atmosphere, and is only two million kilometres away from its sun, a red dwarf star. The proximity of the planet to the sun indicates that the temperatures on the planet will be a balmy 200C.

It is also believed that there are other ‘exotic’ materials on the planet, which was first discovered back in 2009.

The star the planet orbits is in the Ophiuchus constellation, which, when looking toward the southern celestial pole of the sky, it isn’t too far away from the Phoenix constellation that I happened to write about a few weeks ago. Ophiuchus, incidentally, is the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac, according to some people.

Being a Piscean, drawn to both the water and the skies, I am looking forward to finding out more information about this brand ‘new’ world.

I wonder, though, if this planet’s inhabitants know that we have discovered their world…

24 responses to “Fire and Ice: A New World Discovered”

  1. Andra Watkins avatar

    I have to believe there’s life somewhere, don’t you? It’s hard for me to fathom an unfathomable universe with only us in it.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Andra, I believe one hundred per cent that there will be life somewhere else. The Universe is far too big for there not to be – and ‘we’ are still discovering new species on our own world… just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there! Besides, if there was only us in the vast expanse of the entire Universe, how lonely would that be for us? No… there has to be other life somewhere… 🙂


  2. Androgoth avatar

    Fire and Ice never looked so colourful
    Sir Aquatom and what a fine posting my
    great friend… Have a nice rest of evening
    and don’t be too good okay? 🙂



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thank you very much, Andro!
      I’m a little late in replying, but I did enjoy the rest of my Wednesday! I slept! 😀 Hope yours was good (or not!) too!


  3. yaakov avatar

    Wow! That’s cool! well…errrr. I guess it is really hot. I wonder if Kevin Costner would do the sequel to Waterworld there?



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      I don’t know, Yaakov. I wonder how long it would take to get there? Hmmm… Thanks, by the way! 🙂


  4. Diane Henders avatar

    I love the picture! Wow, the planet must have a high atmospheric pressure to keep the water from boiling at 200C. (Sorry, I’m such a geek.) With that kind of temperature and pressure, I think I’ll pick a different spot for my vacation this year…


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Diane. It may feel a little stuffy there, I would think, especially when the sun is closest to the planet. The atmosphere may be a bit dense!


  5. Deb avatar

    Tom, wouldn’t 200c make all that water boil?
    Hugs, xx


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Hi Deb, I wondered that too, but these alien worlds will probably have different laws than what we are used to here… or the planet has evolved to cope with the temperatures…


  6. libraryscenes avatar

    amazing picture…most interesting environment for anything ‘living’ ~


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Thanks, Angela.
      We never know… there could be something there. I hope there is, to be honest! 🙂


  7. Tilly Bud avatar

    Amazing! There must be other life out there. We can’t be all alone.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Isn’t it, Tilly? I agree – we couldn’t be all there is the whole vastness…


  8. prenin avatar

    Thermophiles (heat loving) bacteria are widely believed to be the earliest of our ancestors and can be found in Yellowstone national park’s geyser pools, so life is likely in even the most extreme environments.

    The next question has to be: “Is there intelligent life out there?”

    My answer?

    Count on it…

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes indeed, Prenin, and you have provided the proof we need as well! We’ll be aware of life soon… I can feel it! 😀


  9. kateshrewsday avatar

    Oooh. we wait with bated breath for the next episode. Wonderful that there are always new frontiers to explore.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      It is exciting, isn’t it, Kate? And there have been hundreds of other worlds discovered to date too, each one is the start of something new…


  10. susan sheldon nolen avatar

    Stunning Photo!! There is life out there!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      There is, Susan, there is! 😀
      The photo, by the way, is a little graphic I created with some nifty software obtained off the web! If I could find that software, our scientists can discover life!


      1. susan sheldon nolen avatar

        😉 that sounds like a plan! I ring Nato!


  11. Raven of Leyla avatar
    Raven of Leyla

    I long to visit this lovely water world barely 40 light years away…
    I shall put it in my Light Voyage Bucket List of Exotic Space Tours
    Of the Ophiuchus constellation….check 😀


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Well, Raven, don’t forget to send us a postcard when you get there! 😀


  12. A Breeze from the Stars ~ 13th constellation Ophiuchus that History forgot… « apanache avatar

    […] Fire and Ice: A New World Discovered ( […]


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