The Unicorn Challenge: The Authority of Animal Catchers

Élodie and Alain crouched behind a boulder on the Plage du Soleil, a rocky, secluded calanque on the shores of the calm and cerulean Mediterranean. The hot sun directly overhead providing just a little too much warmth for Élodie’s liking, who used a decorative harisen to fan more warmth around her. ‘Oh, la la…’ she whispered, as Alain brought his right index finger up to his lips.

Alain slipped his tee-shirt off, tucking it into the waistband of his shorts, and pointed toward a little black and white kitten that had climbed to the top of another smaller boulder nearby. ”Ush, Élodie,’ he whispered back, ‘zere’s one zere, un minou.’

Élodie extended a fishing rod from a crate of tricks they had with them, which had a small toy mouse attached to the end of the line. She tossed the mouse over towards the kitten and began drawing the mouse back in slowly. As anticipated, the kitten spotted the bright green mouse and began to slowly stalk it.

As the kitten approached, Alain tossed a large fishing net over the startled animal, whose flails wrapped the net around her.

He carried a cat box over, and carefully avoiding pin sharp claws and teeth, managed to get the kitten inside, who soon settled with the cat treats she was given.

‘Zat’s un less for ze autorité des chasseurs d’animaux to catch,’ Élodie said with a smile, ‘now can we please get out of zis midday sun. We’ve rescued nine already.’

© Ayr/Gray
Posted for The Unicorn Challenge. A magical challenge hosted by Jenne Gray and C E Ayr, where they provide a photo, and we write something, anything, up to 250 words inspired by it.

The text in the photo reads ‘Domestic animals, even on leads, are banned from the beach from 6h – 21h’

7 responses to “The Unicorn Challenge: The Authority of Animal Catchers”

  1. jenne49 avatar

    Ah yes, ze French and zeir cats!
    So glad they were being rescued, I had my heart in my mouth for a bit.
    Good tale, Tom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Jenne. Yes, I thought the animals needed a helping hand (or two!)


  2. The Sicilian Storyteller avatar

    Charming, Tom. As a kitty lover myself, your story made me very happy. A darling little tale!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Nancy… I’m pleased you enjoyed it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. clark avatar

    this week, even only this far down the list o ‘corns, broaden-one’s-horizon week… totally enjoy the scene and the language

    (old saying about animals upstaging human’s… you kept our attention on both human and feline)



  4. Margaret avatar

    This pair are just gorgeous. I just love their voices, and your opening paragraph is fantastic. Wonderful story. Love it.


  5. Chris Hall avatar

    That was lovely, Tom.
    Meow… meow… 🐾


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