Wrap Up

'...of Heroes and the Misunderstood...' a Six Sentence Serial story co-written by Clark from The Wakefield Doctrine and myself. All previous parts of the serial can be found here.

Constantin Szarbo stared stonily through Moonbeam, glanced at Rue DeNite, and walked off along the corridor without uttering another word; the door to the boardroom opened a second time, and an older looking lady wearing a long indigo robe glided through it, eyeing both Rue and Moonbeam, and without a word she followed Szarbo along the corridor.

The third time the door opened, Rocco and Isla Sora walked through with Rocco smiling broadly at Rue… Isla ignored both Moonbeam and Rue and ran after Szarbo and the strange nun.

‘What’s going on,’ Rue asked, sensing a change of dynamics between her and Rocco but shoving it to one side at the same time, ‘who was that woman… why are you still here… what did they want?’

Rocco explained what had happened since he arrived at Mooncross Industries: ‘we went to a ruined cathedral type building out back, where we were supposed to meet Sister Styxx, the lady you’ve just seen in the blue… I was brought because the Order, the owners of the cathedral and where the blue nun works, would only deal with ‘new blood’, or something like that… anyways, she wasn’t in the cathedral, and one of her apostles said she was here… we came over, had to wait for her to finish a meeting in there,’ he thumbed back into the boardroom, ‘another woman ran out in tears followed by a man, then two seriously angry looking men left, Sister Styxx came out, saw me, Szarbo and Isla, and shook her head before inviting us all in.

‘I had to hand her a letter, which I should’ve done over in the cathedral place in private, but she said the status quo had gone against the grain, or was misaligned, or something or other, and would look at the request here… which she did, said no, definitely not, stared at Szarbo before nodding to the door, he got up, left, and here we are.’

Isla came running back along the corridor, and looking directly at Rocco, said, ‘Szarbo’s gone… took the SUV and with it our chance of getting home.’

Posted for Six Sentence Stories. Denise’s prompt word this week is: Grain.

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