The Unicorn Companion: The Music Lady

‘Oh, Ognar, she’s on!’

‘Who’s on, my sweet pomegranate?’ Ognar walked into the living room with two large mugs of freshly made tea.

‘Nancy Trunk, the Music Lady I told you about the other week.’ Myrtle used her remote control to increase the volume on the television as Ognar placed her mug on a coaster with a cheeky wink. He sat down and watched a blonde lady’s face fill the screen. She was a special guest on Myrtle’s favourite show, The Mansionic Perspective.

The host, Tom Millennium, and Nancy were chatting about a competition the latter had run with an all expenses paid prize to her New York ranch. ‘Tom,’ Nancy said, ‘as you know, I’m here to announce the winner of the competition, live on air.’

‘Oh, with our winning streak of late, Ognar, we should’ve entered.’ Myrtle sighed.

‘So, what was the competition?’ Ognar asked, taking a sip of tea.

‘It was to come up with a name of a new Beatles song, if they were around today to sing it.’ Myrtle looked over at Ognar and said ‘Pomegranate Skies and Fields of Diamonds’… at the same time Nancy said the very same words on screen.

Nancy said, ‘yes, it’s you, Myrtle Rance, you are our winner.’

Confetti cascaded down onto Myrtle as a TV crew walked into the living room. Myrtle opened her mouth in surprise.

‘I entered for you.’ Ognar winked again and smiled, as he saw his wife’s happy face appear on the TV screen.

Myrtle and Ognar Rance
Nancy Trunk
Tom Millennium
Posted for The Unicorn Companion. An additional challenge for myself to write up to 250 words, based on The Unicorn Challenge format.
*Featuring extra special guest star Nancy, from The Elephant's Trunk.

2 responses to “The Unicorn Companion: The Music Lady”

  1. The Sicilian Storyteller avatar

    Well, that was a thrill seeing myself included in a story with the Rances! Thanks for the very gracious nod as well, Tom. Did you know there’s a very well-known music historian and radio personality here in NY named Eddie Trunk? I wonder if we’re related 😉 Thanks again, Tom. This was great fun! 🤩🥳

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      😮 I didn’t know about Eddie Trunk, Nancy… I just made the name up! Hehehe! 😆 Not that it required a great deal of imagination!
      It was a pleasure to include you in this special.

      Liked by 1 person

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