Out of Time

The longboat moored flush against the river bank, and tied securely in place by two thick ropes to a couple of large oak trees, Ert had to now catch up with the rest of the crew who’d wasted no time in disembarking.

They’d headed upstream toward the tiny hamlet Modlinium, a fortified Roman village that seemed totally out of place with the surroundings. Ert could hear his fellow travellers through the thick mist that had suddenly descended ahead, as they sang and shouted to each other, but as soon as he stepped into the thickening fog all he heard was silence.

The freezing moisture around him chilled Ert to the bone, so he pulled his skins closer and walked forward, although he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face; he was sure he was nearing the wall to the village, but didn’t seem to get there.

Regardless, he trundled onward, goatskin boots squelching through the muddy track beneath his feet, when a sudden bright light ahead caused him to tightly close his eyes and stop moving.

When he opened his eyes, the light, the fog, the track, the riverbank, and the village were nowhere to be seen… replaced by strange brick buildings, many storeys high… although Ert didn’t have time to comprehend where he was, as a large metallic bird roared overhead, snapping his consciousness back to the sodden riverbank and the shouts from his fellow shipmen.

Denise’s chosen word for this week’s Six Sentence Stories is Flush. The image for this post is an AI created image, which links two times together nicely, and was the inspiration behind this short story. Maybe we’ll see more of Ert in the future… time will tell.

19 responses to “Out of Time”

  1. Spira avatar

    Yes, Tom!
    Let Ert sing to you, drengr…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mother Wintermoon avatar

      Wonderful! Thank you! 🩶

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Tom avatar

      Very atmospheric, Nick!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Mother Wintermoon avatar

    Intriguing story and great use of the six sentences! Hopefully to be continued… 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      We shall see, Mother Wintermoon! My intention for these sixes are for them to be individual stories for now… but the characters always have other ideas! 🙂


    1. Tom avatar

      Pleased you think so, Chris! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Frank Hubeny avatar

    It sounds like he walked into the future. Interesting tale and well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Frank. Ert does appear to have crossed the dimensions! I wonder if he’ll let us know more…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    What a disconcerting moment that must have been. Intriguing story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Mimi. Yes, Ert certainly found himself lost there for a moment! 🙂


  5. Margaret Schaff Bednar avatar
    Margaret Schaff Bednar

    Well written – it took me right along! I will note that the print is very small and faint (maybe too gray?) and hard to read against the black background.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Margaret.
      On the back of your comment (which I spotted early this morning!) I tried to change a few things to make the text clearer (the text should be white on black). You’re not the first to mention this, but I ended up falling into a rabbit hole trying to change things! So, I now have a new look, with, I hope, clearer white text with a black background! 🤣


  6. Keith's Ramblings avatar

    They’ll never believe him if he says what he saw. More, please!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Ert may return at some point, Keith. Whether through the blog or on foot remains to be seen! 🤣🤣🤣


  7. clark avatar

    I’m with the others, looking forward to continuing adventures.
    (Being a fan of time travel fiction, I especially noted the ‘distance travelled’ in this opening. There is so much more work (and fun) when the protagonist is transported to a fundamentally different time. More paradigms destroyed, along with most reference points, in comparison to. the ‘within the lifetime of the protagonist’ type of story.

    Good Six

    For what it’s worth, I find this layout easier on my eyes, i.e. eyes not so new and ready to scoop up everything in front of them

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Clark.
      Firstly, I’m pleased you like the theme, because, by Jiminy, I’m not changing it now! Hehehe! 🤣
      We will probably return to Ert’s story, but I want it to be a surprise when we do! 😎🙂


  8. europasicewolf avatar

    Ooh! Erth went time travelling! Bet that gave him the scare of his life😅Not bad looking guy though!🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      He did indeed, Icewolf! 🙂
      He’d also probably be even better looking had the bloomin’ picture worked properly! 🙄😊


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