Honour, and Cheque, Mate!

This is a second Six Sentence Story for the prompt forge. It’s part of a crossover featuring my character, the despicable Dropped Apostrophe, and The Wakefield Doctrine’s exotic dancer, Rue DeNite.

The first part is here

The next part here (The Wakefield Doctrine)

Then, the next part is here

And the part before this one is here (The Wakefield Doctrine)

The Dropped Apostrophe forged through the dark and now open door to the vault room with eager anticipation, eyes wide open and mouth watering as he could feel the banknotes in his grasp in his mind’s eye, causing Rue DeNite to quickly step back out of the way of his hulking shadowy figure.

“Mind where you’re going, Dropsy,” Rue shouted, louder than she anticipated, “you almost knocked me for a burden back through the window there.”

Without a word, the Apostrophe scanned the layout of the room, his eyes adjusting quickly to the environment thanks to the dim light that entered from the street lights outside; he made a quick mental note of the lights and removed a large portrait of a man and a horse from the wall to the left, revealing the rotary combination lock to the safe and ultimately the reason for him being there in the first place.

He quickly attached a wire to a socket in his ear protectors, which had hung around his neck, and then attached a magnetic stethoscope to the other end before placing it just above the lock on the safe door; he removed a few other items from his trouser pocket: a couple of The Lady’s expandable heist bags (which he shook three times before throwing them to the ground as they enlarged themselves in a fashion similar to a pop up tent) and a handful of Bubblegum’s Stunning Sweets (which he threw in Rue’s direction, feeling the air pulse as they began to explode)… he quickly glanced over his shoulder to see Rue elegantly drop to the floor as the popping candy took effect.

Deftly, the Apostrophe listened through his headphones to the clicks of the combination and opened the safe door… inside, the shelves were rammed full of bundles of money, which, with his nimble fingers, he quickly emptied and stuffed inside the now fully expanded holdalls; he took a couple of notes out and looked back toward Rue.

He leant over her motionless figure as she lay on her back, looking up at him, and grinned as he said, “Thanks for your help, love… I’ll give you sixty for your troubles… the sweet’s effects will wear off in about five minutes, by which time I’ll be long gone…”; he placed a fifty and a ten gently down her ample cleavage, smiled broadly, grabbed the holdalls, turned toward the door, and continued “it seems I didn’t need to tie you up after all…”, he left the room just as the lights in the building came back on, and the window security alarms began to sound.

So, whatever next? This is the end of my part of the crossover (for now… the Dropped Apostrophe (and possibly Rue DeNite) will be back later in the year with a new series of The Co-ordination of Supervillains. Clark, from the Wakefield Doctrine, may have a final part to help get Rue out of her current predicament, but that remains to be seen! I’ll link to it here if another part follows.

The despicable Dropped Apostrophe

16 responses to “Honour, and Cheque, Mate!”

  1. Spira avatar

    Well played!
    Although, I would not be so sure about leaving the series so soon…something tells me Clark may have an Ace in his sleeve…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks Nick… we shall have to wait and see… although remember: there is always more to this tale! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Spira avatar

    The 60$…I ‘d prefer having lunch at Chernobyl than being close to Rue when she wakes up.
    (Brilliant title, too 😎)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      I know… I couldn’t believe it when the Apostrophe told me to write that! And thanks… I wanted to keep it quite chessy…! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. ladysighs avatar

    You have us jumping all over the place. lol I think I fell through the cracks. 😦
    Great imagination!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks Ladysighs! 😊
      What you’re describing here is the Crossover Effect! 🙂


  4. Frank Hubeny avatar

    Well described. I expect “Dropsy” hasn’t seen the last of Rue.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Quite probably not, Frank… but it seems their paths cross from time to time as it is!
      Thanks! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The Sicilian Storyteller avatar

    Fun piece, Tom. Cool title! ♟️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Nancy! 🙂
      It was fun to write!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. […] (in Tom’s side of the narrative): Read this Six first (though the music should be enjoyable if divided […]


  7. clark avatar

    Six seasons and a movie!!

    (lol from one of my favorite tv series. ‘Community’)

    Thanks for the co-write. Fun and challenging.

    Anytime, yo, anytime*

    *I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting these out-takes in my head… may have to add one to my TToT post tomorrow… less Jackie Chan and more those mid-credits scenes that Marvel does so well

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      I like out-takes, Clark, so I shall have to check yours out! 🙂
      It was a fun challenge-within-a-challenge, I like allowing the characters to lead the story!
      Until next time! 🫡🙂


  8. […] and tenure in the school of ‘seat-of-the-pants’ writing. Tom’s concluding entry: Here  Our concluding entry: Here. We both provide backlinks to make the entire story available, which […]


  9. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    An end both expected and yet not. It was a toss-up to me which would double cross the other and get away with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It was a close call, Mimi, but the Apostrophe saw the opportunity right at the very beginning.


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