Just Heroic

I’ve been looking through a few old folders for something I created a while back to use in a future post (and no, I haven’t found it yet; I got side-tracked!), but I came across these images I created for my Superhero Diaries stories; some have been used, but quite a lot haven’t, and it seems unlikely they will be now.

So, that said, I created the images to be shared, so why not share them here?

A warning. I know superheroes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but they are mine… I’m sharing twenty pictures here, so if you fall asleep before the end I’ll understand.

The Elite Force of Britain were due to make a return; they may still do so, although not in this form. Above are Simba Katiya, Lycralad, Firetop, The Cloud and Psychic Sue from the EFB. Any likeness to any person is purely coincidental… I’ve always wanted to add that!

Above are five more EFB members, Bettystretch, The Diver, Invisible Charlie, Muriel Magnificent and The Crimson Songbird.

Bettystretch, above, appears to have had better days…

Lycralad has his hands full with a Scripulus, from the EFB Halloween Special back in 2018.

Above, the Witches Three (also from the Halloween Special), looking nothing like Charlie’s Angels, who they thought they were. The one in the middle is Beryl, who still crops up here and there from time to time.

Above, we have the alien Veridian and the Goddess Hera – who changes the superhero powers from time to time.

Something’s caught the attention of Firetop, Bettystretch, ParrotGirl, Lycralad and a special guest superhero, who had the name Freddy Flyboy, but was never used (to the best of my memory!)

Above, a very pensive Crimson Songbird and Bettystretch with the then US President Donna Thump.

At the same time, Lycralad and Invisible Charlie went back in time to enlist the help of the British Prime Minister, Marjory Thraxted.

And back in the then present, The Cloud and Firetop needed the current Premier, Tracy Major, to help them with the issue (whatever it was!)

Another downbeat superhero, above, this time it’s The Diver.

And here he is again, either before or after the previous image.

Matthew Mist above (an early version). Matthew currently appears in my Six Sentence Story serial, The Co-ordination of Supervillains.

And above is another early incarnation of a Co-ordinator, Bubblegum.

The lady caressing Invisible Charlie’s face above is a supervillain with hypnotic love abilities – and here she’s enlisted the help of ParrotGirl and The Crimson Songbird to do her – er – bidding.

Lycralad above, with Adam to the far left of the picture, and Luke Appleby (from the Mid Reporter newspaper) on Lycralad’s left, with another couple of characters whose names currently elude me. How bad is that? Sorry, characters.

Above an early picture with Felyne, a mask-less and make-up-less Cloud, the Early Muriel Magnificent and Sally Swift cornering a cat for some reason. Maybe it was Felyne’s pet who’d given them all the run around.

Bubblegum can be just about seen up there on the roof, with a bubblegum-controlled Psychic Sue, Invisible Charlie, Bettystretch and the Diver (just diving off the roof!) Below them is the Puddleton Protector, who cropped up from time to time.

There was a major Solar Flare which caused a lot of the superheroes’ abilities to go haywire. Lycralad’s top was reduced to threads. Luckily Adam was on hand to make sure he was alright.

And finally, Firetop has been captured by the predecessor to the Co-ordination of Supervillains, Supervillains United. I can see Matthew Mist and Bubblegum in with the mix, but here are another six characters whose names have slipped my mind. I really must do better with my characters.

20 responses to “Just Heroic”

  1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Big big smiles as I read through your narrative I was even recognising some before I read their twin namesake which was a bit scary lol
    As I did a time travel to Maggie and major. Lol
    The solar flair really made me chuckle.. lol
    Such talent in your creations Tom..
    So pleased you shared them and their IDs 😁👏👏👏💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Aw, thanks, Sue. I just like being creative and thought it a waste to create these and then do nothing with them, so I put this post together. I think you travelled to the right period with the ‘Maggie’ one, although you May have gone slightly wrong with the ‘Major’ one… hehehe… however any likenesses to anyone are purely coincidental! 😊
      I did publish the Solar Flare story, and Lycralad’s top was only one side-effect of the occurrence! 😃
      Thanks again Sue for not falling asleep! 🤣


      1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

        You could never sleep through your posts, but I know I did miss 5 months worth while I was Absent without leave.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          And no worries there, Sue, we all need our own time occasionally! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. The Atomic Mage avatar

    “I know superheroes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but they are mine…”
    Tom, I’ll have two sugars in mine please 😊

    Well, I loved this post so much, a fantastic and fun superhero team. So much invention going on both in the names (Bubblegum, Bettystretch, Lycralad) and art which is at times surreal, comic book, photorealistic, but always with that fun and edgy element.

    Agh… Donna Thump – so scary!!! I also spotted Maggie straightaway, now I need to wash my eyes. her latest ‘statue’ recently got egged. Lucky for her fanboys it wasn’t dynamite.
    But not to end on sour grapes (or eggs), this is a brilliant post matey! Do you like 2000AD comics? There is a flavour of this mighty British comic in your work, a high compliment!

    Off to check your newest Six now to see some more Bubblegum!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Ford… here’s your cuppa! ☕
      Really pleased you like this post, it took years to create! 😃
      I must correct you regarding ‘Maggie’, however… it’s Marjory. Don’t forget the line about any resemblance being purely coincidental! 😎
      I’ve seen a couple of the 2000AD comics, but from the early days (early days to me, that is, it may not be so with the comic), but I haven’t seen it for years. I’ll gracefully accept your compliment, though! 😊
      Thanks again, Ford.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The Atomic Mage avatar

        Thanks, Tom, I enjoyed that cuppa ta very much 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  3. paulenglishoriginal avatar

    Interesting cast of characters, Tom!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Paul; they’re a quirky bunch! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Chris Hall avatar

    That was great fun, Tom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Chris… it was fun to write and share! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Chris Hall avatar

        Safer than singeing kitchens, too!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          Much safer than that, Chris! 😳🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Diane Henders avatar

    That’s quite a pantheon of superheroes! Amazing, Tom. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Diane. They tend to build up over time! 🙂


  6. europasicewolf avatar

    That was fun! You have some very sensuous super heros in the line-up Tom🤩The artwork to create them.is pretty impressive too! They’re welcome to come to my rescue anytime😉😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      They’ll be pleased to hear that, Icewolf. Thank you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. europasicewolf avatar

    There are many occasions in my life when a superhero or two would be very welcome!!😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      True… it’s the same here! 🙂


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