The Winged Lion and the Gargoyle

The winged lion, mythical beast and muse for many a medieval gargoyle.

I’ve been creating a few mythical creature images of late, the latest was the winged lion. Recently, I had an on-line chat about gargoyles, and wondered if there were any winged lion gargoyles out there – and it seems there are rather quite a few.

I wondered who would have come up with the idea of the gargoyle, the sometimes grotesque-looking heads that we see on the sides of buildings. I never once thought that they’d actually have a function.

Apparently, they were the first waterspouts on buildings, long before drainpipes were invented. They were designed to move water away from the building… and thinking about it makes sense. And probably, they were very ornate when first created, only to be weathered by time to turn into the grotesque statues we see today.

Their name stems from the word to gargle, which is also obvious when you think about it.

So, now I know all I need to know about gargoyles, I just need to find out a little about the winged lion itself.

The griffin is a type of winged lion, although this creature has the head of a bird rather than that of a lion. A quick internet search reveals the ‘First Beast’ from the ‘Four Winds of Heaven’ seen by Daniel in a vision, is a winged lion, and represents Babylon. It appeared in an apocalyptic dream; but worry not! Apocalypses, apparently, were extremely common between 300BC and 100AD… they just represented major changes.

We’re probably going through an apocalypse right now, but are so caught up in our everyday things we aren’t even aware of it.  Hey ho! All we can do is keep on keeping on, with a smile on our faces and a bounce in our steps.

Posted for Six Word Saturday.

22 responses to “The Winged Lion and the Gargoyle”

  1. BeckyB avatar

    They are fascinating aren’t they – I have recently come up with the idea they were simply bad sculptors!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Some of them certainly look like that, Becky. Mind you, some of those portraits from medieval times have a similar look!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. BeckyB avatar
  2. Chris Hall avatar

    When Notre Dame was burning, I had the fanciful notion that the gargoyles would take to the air and find themselves new homes. I might’ve even written a story about it… can’t remember!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      There is a certain mystery to gargoyles, Chris, isn’t there? It isn’t too far-fetched to see them coming to life. Your story idea sounds a good one! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Chris Hall avatar

        I might have to revive that one. Mmm…🤔

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          Why not? Sounds promising!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Diane Henders avatar

    I never knew that’s how gargoyles got their name. What fun! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It’s interesting, Diane, isn’t it? The things you come across! Gargling gargoyles… who’d’ve thought it?


  4. europasicewolf avatar

    Love the pics of the lion gargoyle 😀 But what about the Icewolfie gargoyle?!😅 I’m sure there should be one knocking around somewhere!😉👍😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      The Icewolf Gargoyle you say… hmm… a very VERY rare one, if my memory serves me right, Icewolf.
      I’ll start my search immediately.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Tom avatar

      I couldn’t find an Icewolf Gargoyle, Icewolf, but I did find these Wild Winged Wolves:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. europasicewolf avatar

        Yay! It was in my notifications-I flagged it for tomorrow-the preview looked great!👍Still setting up new phone, just d.loaded ad logged into w.p app and signed into email accounts. Hopefully up and ru nig tomorrow 🙏 🤪 See you then!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          Hope it all goes well!


      2. europasicewolf avatar

        I found a 🐺 gargoyle! It has given me an idea💡 😉🙃

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          Excellent, Icewolf! And I’m curious to know about your idea! (I’m nosy, aren’t I?!) 😀


          1. europasicewolf avatar

            Wait and see young Tom! It’s just a small fledgling idea 💡 but it’s one you’ll be OK with 🌞 I will get to work on it when I get home 🏡 😀

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tom avatar

              OK, I’ll patiently wait to see it! 😀


  5. […] and share in the wonders of his blog world. You can learn all about gargoyles in his post The Winged Lion and the Gargoyle, and enjoy a further fantastic post about Winged Wolves (not the gargoyle wolves featuring in my […]


  6. […] on from Shifty Mansionic Dimensions on this blog. You can learn all about gargoyles in his post The Winged Lion and the Gargoyle, and enjoy a further fantastic post about Winged Wolves so do check this one out as well – it’s […]


  7. […] on from Shifty Mansionic Dimensions on this blog. You can learn all about gargoyles in his post The Winged Lion and the Gargoyle, and enjoy a further fantastic post about Winged Wolves so do check this one out as well – it’s […]


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