
Debbie’s theme for One Word Sunday this week is ‘Mobile’, so this week I took a photo of my mobile phone.

Actually, it’s a photo of a heron. Well, a photo of a photo of my mobile with a photo of a photo of a photo of my mobile with a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of my mobile with a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of my mobile with a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of my mobile with a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo of one.

Herons are quite mobile, aren’t they?

Visit Debbie’s site on the link above for more takes on the theme! How much further down the rabbit hole can you go?

12 responses to “Mobile”

  1. prenin avatar

    Clever! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      An alternative to the room of mirrors I think, Prenin! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Debbie Smyth avatar

    I’m thinking more red herring!
    Thanks for the big smile, Tom

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      My pleasure, Debbie. The heron photo will make another appearance in tomorrow’s post. It’s not too clear in this post! 🤣


  3. -Eugenia avatar

    I got a chuckle out this! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Pleased you did, Eugenia. It was a challenge to write! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Chris Hall avatar

    Like one of those endlessly receding halls of mirrors… I’ll have to take your word for it about the heron though. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I know it isn’t too clear in this photo, Chris. Being honest, it isn’t too clear in the heron photo either, but I’ve tweaked it a little for tomorrow’s post!
      And yes, I see this as a new version of a room of mirrors!


  5. sustainabilitea avatar

    Love it, Tom!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks Janet.


  6. Rural – Travel with Intent avatar

    […] go to Brian for a great out-of-the box approach; to David for speedy and daring mobility; and to Tom for whacky […]


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