Old Father Time

Well, Old Father Time The Younger, actually. They have a team of them, and it is the Younger’s turn this year to ensure that 2019 turns into 2020 without a hitch. I caught up with him just as he was on his way to the office. Yes, I know we are only just in February (and that I can’t really believe!), but they have a lot to prepare for.

Obviously, I needed to speak to him regarding his vote for my Love Referendum, which is my way of celebrating Hallo Valentine’s, which I most definitely do not do. I’m asking famous characters from all time to cast their vote on whether they think love is a good thing or not. So far, five votes have been cast, and the tally stands at:

Old Father Time The Younger was in a bit of a hurry, which is really strange when you are the person who actually has all of the time in the world, and he seemed to get into a huff when I asked him to write a haiku, which is part of this referendum process. It doesn’t do a thing to affect the vote, but it just means a little more thought has gone into the process as a whole.

However, as he wanted to cast a vote, he came up with the haiku.

Time and time again
Mistakes are made, lessons learned
Not all are the same

Old Father Time votes: NO

Old Father Time says: “This was a close call for me, I almost voted ‘Yes’, as being in love can be a wonderful way to pass the time, but it can also be a major factor in wasting time. All that ‘will they / won’t they?’ thinking, getting ready to look good on nights out, pretending to be someone different to appear to be in a better light: what for? In later life, none of that matters. It is the person that counts, and loving the person for who they are, warts and all, is far better than loving a fictitious copy. It is only time that really teaches that, however. Actually, can I change my vote? No. I shall stick with my original decision, as love can get in the way of a lot of other great things.

And with that, Old Father Time The Younger ran over to his waiting limousine and sped away into the distance. Time waits for no man, it seems. I wonder if Old Father Time The Elder would have voted differently?

Another vote tomorrow.

7 responses to “Old Father Time”

  1. Soul Gifts avatar
    Soul Gifts

    I bet he was sneaking off to meet a ‘secret someone’

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      He was in rather a hurry, Raili.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Soul Gifts avatar
        Soul Gifts


        Liked by 2 people

        1. Tom avatar

          Mmm Hmmm! 😀

          Liked by 2 people

  2. prenin avatar

    Remember this one Tom:

    Tempus Fugits as it may and all our dreams do fade away.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. prenin avatar

    And with them our immortality…

    Blessed Be: 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      True, Prenin.
      My dreams sometimes don’t even last the first minute.


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