So then, where has he been?

That, as they say’s the question. Ahem.

Apologies for the grammar, but it is Six Word Saturday after all.

Well, it was.

Since I last posted / visited, I have been up to umpteen things which have kept me away from blogging. They still are (keeping me away), but I am trying to break through that particular wall and get back into this blogging malarkey. I do pay for it, after all, and I have only recently renewed. So, blog I must. Not that I wouldn’t if I hadn’t paid, but paying gives just that little more of an incentive. Especially when you don’t have two ha’pennies to rub together. Which I do / don’t. Frequently. Erm, don’t have, not rub together. Oh, I’ll just move on.

It would seem since my last post I have forgotten how to blog. Must be a consequence of something, I suppose, but with a memory like mine I could put it down to that. Perhaps forgotten is a wrong term, and lost my way a little is more like it. Not that I had a way to start off with, so that isn’t right either.

Don’t you just love rambling streams of consciousness posts? Not that this post was intended to be one, I hasten to add. It’s just turned out that way.

Come one! This is meant to be a Six Word Saturday post. Sigh.

OK then. Where have I been? Where to begin…

I may have been abducted by aliens. It would have happened on Monday, as Tuesday I remember looking at my reflection in the mirror and thinking ‘ugh’. I did think something else at the time, but that has slipped my mind for the moment, and it isn’t really relevant to this post either.

I couldn’t have been abducted by aliens on Monday now, thinking about it, as I remember it being rather warm, and I have a feeling aliens do their abductions when the temperatures are rather more pleasant.

I think we can safely say I wasn’t abducted by aliens.

I know that this week I have been engrossed in copying computer files for one of my programs that I use to create art onto another drive that I have as I was running out of space on the drive that the program was originally installed on. And breathe! Sorry about the lack of punctuation there. After moving the files, the program didn’t work, so I had to move them back, where it didn’t work again, so then followed a series of deinstallations, installations, reloads, reboots and red faces. It was still warm after all.

That seems to be working now, so there is one reason why I appear to have been AWOL.

There’s the slight possibility that I may have been trapped in the Bathroom. Regular readers will know that this used to be a regular occurrence, but it hasn’t happened for a while. The Bathroom has been rather well behaved for some good time now, but with the ominous arrival of a new Bathroom dawning on the horizon, maybe the existing one is just exerting its strength one last time or so. That remains to be seen.

I could have been photographing ducks. I seem to do that a lot, and in this weather, they don’t tend to swim as fast as usual. In fact, thinking about it, they’re mostly dozing on the banks so they’re not swimming at all. And not very interesting to photograph when they’re half asleep, so I don’t think I have been photographing ducks. I could have photographed the geese on the Lake this afternoon, they seemed to be in a very frisky mood for some reason, but I was just too hot and rested in the shade, wanting to curl up and doze with the ducks.

Perhaps I’ve had my haircut. No! Don’t faint! I haven’t. Really, I haven’t! No. It isn’t time yet. I’m just saying that perhaps I had my haircut. There’s a lot of strength in the word perhaps.

I think on the whole, this week especially, I’ve been feeling the effects of the heat. I don’t do heat very well, and haven’t really at all this week. Even the shade has been warm, which was a bit of a blow around the Lake. And talking of blows, even the breeze has been warm. There’s just no escape! Good job I hadn’t had a haircut, and my hair kept the super-powerful rays from the Sun away from my tender scalp. And to top things off, we have two massive moorland fires which are proving tricky to control, one of which is on hill that serves as the home of the main TV transmitter in this region. That’s all I need, no TV when its too hot to do anything else!

Seriously, though, I’m hoping the wildfires are brought under control very soon, and safely to boot. And the twit who started one of the fires gets a jolly good stern telling off. Some people just don’t think, do they?

So there we have it.

We’re still none the wiser as to where I’ve been, and I’ll probably still be there for a few more days yet. I’ve still got my Superhero Diaries posts written and ready for scheduling, so they’ll keep things ticking along presence wise, until I get back to proper blogging once again.

July is now fast approaching, which means its World Watercolour Month once again, so I must try to get at least one painting done for this month-long splosh fest* .

I will try to post and visit during the course of my madness, but can’t promise.

And I WILL reply to those comments, some of which have been waiting for a reply since the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

Keep cool!I know I’m trying.

(Now that’s a loaded sentence… hehehe!)

A lengthy Six Word Saturday** post (a link should appear here to Debbie’s site, should I remember to add it!)

  • And I will do more than one watercolour. I simply must!!!

** Yes, I know it’s posted on a Friday, but I can’t help that. I could have scheduled it, but it’s just too warm. This heat has a lot to answer to.

10 responses to “So then, where has he been?”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    Oh I do understand. I have been here but not here for a while myself. At least we know because of the heros you haven’t completely gone anywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Oh no, I have to keep coming back, Beverly.
      I had to give myself time to reply to these comments, which makes things a little easier. For now.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. rugby843 avatar

    Perhaps you need a trip to Iceland? Cool and quiet ; )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I’d LOVE to go to Iceland, Cheryl. One day.


  3. Elaine - I used to be indecisive avatar

    It’s nice to see you back – I’m so pleased the bathroom hadn’t got you trapped!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      For now anyway, Elaine. The work doesn’t start for another few weeks…


      1. Elaine - I used to be indecisive avatar

        Fingers crossed that you don’t get trapped then….

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          I haven’t as yet, although it may seem as though I have been! 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  4. prenin avatar

    Yes it has been a tad warm hasn’t it???

    I ran into a crafty scam on Facebook, which would work via email with a minor tweak: They post a message claiming to be a You Tube clip and your Internet Security program says it’s safe.

    You open it to find a second link, but this one is highly toxic!!! 😡

    Thankfully I use Mc.Afee Internet Security which is paranoid like me!!! 🙂

    (Almost) score one for the bad guys… 🙂

    God Bless and keep cool!!! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Trust nobody, Prenin. Especially in his day and age.

      Liked by 1 person

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