ATC: Kraken

Here we are with the third ATC in my Mythical Beings and Imaginary Friends series.

This mythical being wouldn’t really be considered friendly, however, not in the slightest. The Kraken, legend has it, is a powerful sea creature which captures and wrecks any unsuspecting passing ship on the high seas, pulling it to its doom beneath the waves. It appears to be some kind of giant octopus with many tentacles which wrap and twist and crush anything that it wants to grab hold of.

My ATC, created once again using pastels, gel pens and metallic markers, actually has the head of a shark, with sharp jagged teeth, as if the tentacles weren’t enough. The body tapers away to a strong tail behind it, which I haven’t added to this ATC. And from the body, the many tentacles emerge, all the way down to the poison-tipped tail. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that little snippet.

Like I said… wouldn’t really be considered friendly.

Good job then that it’s a mythical creature, I suppose…


18 responses to “ATC: Kraken”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    My goodness… I wouldn’t want to swim with him. And all of that is on an ATC. !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I know, Beverly… and it kept growing arms and legs as well! Hehehe! 😀


  2. Soul Gifts avatar
    Soul Gifts

    My goodness. Remind me not to be around when the Kraken is released !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      If you see me flying passed you, Raili, you know it’s released! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Soul Gifts avatar
        Soul Gifts

        Uh – oh. I’ll keep an eye out just in case …

        Liked by 1 person

  3. -Eugenia avatar

    Kracken is a bit threatning. He doesn’t appear to be a friendly sort.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I don’t think he is at all, Eugenia… but that may just be his nature…! 😯

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Visionkeeper avatar

    Thank goodness Krackie is smiling….Thanks TL….VK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      He is smiling, VK… he may have seen his next meal! Eek! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. prenin avatar

    Still Kraken on my friend! 🙂

    Yes the beastie is out there somwhere and there’s a lot hidden in the depths we know nothing about!

    We know more about Mars than we know about our own oceans… 😦

    God Bless!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That’s the truth, Prenin… and there’s no smoke without fire, so something must have inspired these legends.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hélène avatar

    This could only be a disguise, underneath he may be a surprise if only we are not afraid.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      That’s true as well, Hélène, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
      Nice to see you again! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. thecobweboriumemporium avatar

    Playing catch-up, so late in commenting, (apologies), … well … I can see that some find this chap scarey, but … I think he’s smiling! He looks like a friendly sort of chap.

    However … is that a smile which is part of a plan to lull me into a false sense of security? Is he pretending that he’s going to be my friend and all the time he’s planning to chew me up and spit out my bones?
    I think perhaps I’m going to go with ‘caution’ and follow the lead of the others who find him scarey and stay well away.

    Nice artwork Tom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      There is no need to apologise to me for late commenting, Cobs! I’ve been at it for years now! 😀
      And thank you. Yes, caution is advised. That smile may actually be a sneer… eek!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thecobweboriumemporium avatar

        Yes, I guessed as much.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom Merriman avatar

          Who it’s sneering at is a different matter entirely… mwahahaha!


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