John Johnson and the Winter Queen

During the cooling latter days of the year, a pesky plan was afoot to cause a right royal commotion.

A servant by the name of John Johnson was using his utmost stealth and skill to smuggle and store gunpowder into a cellar, in readiness to blow up both the King of England and Parliament.

He wasn’t working alone, was John. No, he had accomplices and co-conspirators. And he would have probably gotten away with it as well, if he hadn’t been caught the day before.

It was November 1605. John, by the way, was an alter ego of Guido Fawkes, who in turn had been born Guy Fawkes.

John, or Guido, or Guy – and his cohorts – came up with a plan to blow up the House of Lords and King James I on the Opening of Parliament on November 5th, kidnap James’ daughter, Elizabeth, and place her on the throne as a Catholic Queen. They didn’t want a Protestant Monarch, as James was, and set about to make history.

However, on November 4th a search of the cellar beneath the House of Lords led to Guy being discovered, arrested, and the plot failing.

Because of this, King James (and his people) allowed the public to celebrate his survival every year on November 5th with ‘safe’ bonfires.

These celebrations continue to this day, with many people incorrectly thinking the bonfires are held to celebrate the plot rather than the survival, but events can tend to get warped over time.

Elizabeth did eventually become Queen, but not Queen of England. Her husband, Frederick (whom she married on St Valentine’s Day in 1613), became King of Bohemia on November 4th 1619, and she was crowned Queen of Bohemia a few days later. Their reign, however, was brief, and lasted for just one winter. Elizabeth subsequently became known as the Winter Queen.

Decades later, Elizabeth’s grandson George (her daughter Sophia’s son) became King George I of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714. And her great great great great great great great great (give or take a great) granddaughter is our present Queen, Queen Elizabeth II.

Just think how different things would have been if John Johnson had managed to put Elizabeth II on the thrown in the early Seventeenth Century, after succeeding with his Gunpowder Plot.

19 responses to “John Johnson and the Winter Queen”

  1. prenin avatar

    I can only wonder! 🙂

    Ironic that Anonymous now use his character as their face for political protests!!! 🙂

    God Bless my friend – I’m freezing my nuts off here!!! 🙂



    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Yes… and they were using the day to use their masks as well, Prenin! According to the news headline, that is… I didn’t read any more!
      Keep warm!


  2. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    I suppose history worked out okay in the end but it gives me the shivers.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I suppose it did as well, Tess. It’s interesting how you can actually see two paths leading from this story that could have led to today.


  3. Andra Watkins avatar

    I am just upset that we don’t have an excuse to light bonfires over here. I have always loved this English celebration.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Start a tradition over there, Andra! I didn’t attend any bonfires this year, but they are fun!


  4. nrhatch avatar

    Maybe the confusion stems from naming the day in his honor? 😛


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      There is that, Nancy!


  5. lameadventures avatar

    So are you attending a bonfire and wearing your Guy Fawkes mask?


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Not this year, LA. It was too cold. I was working. I was washing my hair.
      OK, I wasn’t invited to any…


  6. Saturn With Earrings avatar
    Saturn With Earrings

    Remember, remember the 5th of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot…
    Ah. Wow. Now that was an interesting read 🙂


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Pleased you think so, Rishika!


  7. Visionkeeper avatar

    Thanks for the history lesson TL….Very interesting. Things would probably have been very different, then again, things always happen exactly as they are supposed to. Everything happens for a reason and those reasons are created by the universe…. VK


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      A pleasure, VK. I love history (especially Seventeenth Century history!).
      But yes, everything is and was as it should be


  8. shreejacob avatar

    Thank you for the history lesson! I’d always wondered about the Guy Fawkes day…now I know 😉
    I think some people call it “same difference” whether it’s now celebrated for the plot of killing the king or his survival….I think.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      All things considered, so much time has gone on now, Shree, I don’t really think it matters that much. Apart from history-wise, that is!


  9. The Laughing Housewife avatar

    I love posts like this 🙂 I’m a massive royalist.


    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      I like this kind of post too, Tilly. Especially where they are so close to an alternative reality!


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