The Superhero Diaries 2.3: Heroes, Villains and Things in the Middle

From a note inside a Thank You card sent to the Elite Force of Britain:

My Dearest EFB,
I cannot express my thanks and gratitude enough for the recent help you have provided to me and my friends, and, of course, for the wonderful gift of £15,000.00 for my work in creating the new Uniqueorn Structure, which was highly unexpected but graciously received.

Utmost thanks must go to The Diver though, for he helped to rescue my party when my yacht, Mirage, became caught on that sandbank the other week. Although none of us are sure as to how the sandbank suddenly appeared when it wasn’t there a split second earlier, it was handy that The Diver was in the vicinity to rescue us.

We were concerned to see and hear the massive explosion shortly after the rescue, and hoped for The Diver’s safety. Fortunately, we caught the news report later that day, which informed us he was chasing a submarine being used by henchmen of the Octolord, and luckily for everyone, he stopped them.

So, keep up the good work, EFB, and if you ever need another structure creating don’t hesitate to ask!

Kind Regards, and Many Thanks,
Vladimir Mirage

11 responses to “The Superhero Diaries 2.3: Heroes, Villains and Things in the Middle”

  1. prenin avatar

    Nice to be appreciated! 🙂

    God Bless!



    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      It is indeed.
      Thanks, Prenin.


  2. mairedubhtx avatar

    So glad that everything turned out all right. That was close.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Yes, Maire… well, until the next incident anyway. These superheroes are very busy.


  3. Let's CUT the Crap! avatar

    And so well deserved thanks too!


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      The superheroes thank you, Tess! As do I.


  4. Andra Watkins avatar

    A nice windfall.


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      Wasn’t it just!


  5. kateshrewsday avatar

    Vladimir MIrage. How do you do it, Tom? And what a very polite gentleman to write a thank you letter…


    1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

      He is polite, Kate. Well, so far anyway.
      Vladimar appeared in one of the earlier TSD stories, so I thought I’d use him once again in this one.


      1. Tom (Aquatom1968) avatar

        Sorry, Vladimir. It comes to something when you can’t spell the name of one of your own characters correctly, doesn’t it? 😉


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