First Impressions

... of Heroes and the Misunderstood is a Six Sentence Serial story co-written by Clark (from The Wakefield Doctrine) and myself. The story so far can be found by clicking the link above.

Four years ago, Tunglkross Gestrisnimiðstöðin (Mooncross Hospitality Centre), Tunglfjőrður, Iceland: Alex dashed into reception, his light brown hair a few shades darker due to the heavy downpour of rain that caused it to be plastered to his head; his clothes soaked to his skin finishing off his how not to present yourself at an interview look. He was also forty minutes late, due to a landslide that had caused tailbacks on the road to the centre, although he had called ahead and had been told not to worry about it and he would still be seen when he got there.

After finding the gent’s washroom, from the receptionist’s directions, he attempted to make himself look slightly better, before going back to the receptionist to say he’d arrived.

His interview was on the fifth floor, and after managing to stick a label with his name on to his wet jacket, and waiting for a few seconds, the elevator doors opened with a musical ping up above; he walked in and pressed the top button for floor five.

‘Hold that elevator…’ a female voice cut across the hum of the closing doors, and instinctively Alex pressed the button to open the doors again; ‘yes, dahling, that’s right,’ the woman, dressed in a powerful black double-breasted suit with dashes of white around the collar and cuffs, dark stockings and black Elmay LeBoo heels, eyed Alex up and down as she walked through the doors speaking on a mobile phone, ‘Genevieve, I must go now, of course… of course… you have the word of Anya Claireaux… ciao, bella… floor five, if you please.’

The woman, Anya, stood looking at Alex for the duration of the elevator ride without saying a word, but waited for him to leave the elevator first when the doors opened; as she left to walk along the corridor in the opposite direction, she heard the wet young man say, ‘I’m Alex Jokullson, I’m here for an interview for an IT technician.’

Another Six Sentence Story with the prompt word Present. 

10 responses to “First Impressions”

  1. Frank Hubeny avatar

    Nice description of Alex: “finishing off his how not to present yourself at an interview look”

    Their encounter four years ago was very brief. I wonder if he remembers her at all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I doubt he does, Frank, but Anya, it seems, never forgets.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    They must have thought him most dedicated to show up at an interview anyway under such circumstances. It’s no wonder he got the job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      That’s a good point, and valid way of looking at it, Mimi.


  3. Chris Hall avatar

    Oh gosh, an interview… dun dun duuun

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      You don’t have to play that tune to me, Chris! Even the word ‘interview’ gives me chills and palpitations! 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Michael avatar

    That is some intriguing Use of punctuation to make that six sentences bravo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Michael. That’s the fun of the Six Sentence Stories challenge… punctuation is key! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. GirlieOnTheEdge avatar

    No wonder Alex got the job and yet…was it really something more than a casual twist of fate?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Things seem to happen for a reason, Denise… or, apparently, they are allowed to! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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