
I can see my place of peace and tranquility in my mind’s eye, whenever I focus on it. I’m immediately transported there when I shift my focus, and it feels as real as the place I am currently in in my physical reality. I can stay there for as long a time as I wish, or just ‘pop in and out’ for a quick refresher!

I’m surrounded by lots of different trees and plants and flowers. If I look in one direction, I can see the open ocean. Clear blue waters with white waves gently lapping the golden sandy beach. A clear blue sky is above, and the sun is lovely and warm. The beach is a short walk from the clearing where I am standing and the plant life seem to be holding themselves back so I can see the openness of the ocean.

When I turn slowly to my right, the forest becomes really dense, with a canopy over head with all of the leaves and vines and branches, and the wonderful smells from the forest are brought to me. It’s always a little cooler here, and it has the appearance as though the rain has just stopped. The freshness of the forest is invigorating and refreshing.

Continuing my rotation to the right, the plants give way once again, but this time to a cool rockface, with a small cave which is slightly hidden by a gentle waterfall. The sunlight is beaming through the treetops looking in this direction, and looking at certain angles I can see little rainbows being created in the spray off the waterfall. Beneath the waterfall is a small pool, and the water is so clear I can see my reflection in it whenever I walk over to it. And looking into the cave, into the darkness, I can see lights twinkling as though I’m looking into the night sky. I can hear the rhythmic cascading of the water from the waterfall and the sound from the waves from the ocean, and together the sound regulates my breathing, so I am ‘in tune’ with what is going on around me.

Turning further around to my right, the greenery is returning, and the forest is coming back into view. This side of the forest has lots of multi coloured leaves and flowers, as this side gets more sunlight than the other side, and the pool has a little stream that flows into this side of the forest. Occasionally, I catch a glimpse of a small animal drinking from the stream. And sometimes, the animal isn’t that small! I’m perfectly safe though, as this is my place of peace and tranquility.

And then I’m back looking out to sea again. A cool breeze takes away any uncomfortable heat I may feel, but the temperature is always just right. I’m never too hot or too cold, but the temperature does change slightly as the place is alive! Sometimes, the breeze is stronger, sometimes there is no breeze. Sometimes, the sun is just about to set, or rise, so it is a little cooler, but still a comfortable temperature. Sometimes, I can hear the rain falling in the forest, but I am always dry.

This is my own little paradise. It costs nothing to go there, I’m there in a split second, and my feel good batteries are recharged as soon as I get there!

I just love to feel good! 🙂

14 responses to “Focus”

  1. Val Boyko avatar

    Thank you for sharing this Tom. When we can be totally present and open up to whatever appears or opens up within us is wonderful spiritual expereince. 💐💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      My pleasure, Val.
      This is actually a quick reworking of a very old post of mine, but I do like visiting there, so thought another share was in order! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ladysighs avatar

    One might say, “Tom, you are just imagining all this.”
    And you well may be. But our imagination can be a real gift if we use it. We all long for some peaceful place. A place to be when the world often seems in chaos. It need not be a physical place. A place in the mind. It might only take a few minutes to get there or one might dwell there longer.

    Thanks for sharing how you travel there. I have done the same but never put into words the experience.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It is in my imagination, Ladysighs, and I love to share my imagination, too! 😃 However, my Place of Peace and Tranquility feels so real when I go there, I’m there! 🙂
      Writing it down / typing it up just means we get to go there again! You should write about your magical place! 🙂


  3. Diane Henders avatar

    Your peaceful place sounds lovely, Tom. Feeling Good is wonderful! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It so is, Diane!
      (Both parts of your comment!) 😃


  4. The Sicilian Storyteller avatar

    Ah. I feel like I just spent the last 15 minutes in a totally relaxed state of TM. There are times when I have done deep breathing where I am so relaxed that I have fallen asleep; those are the most peaceful and cleansing rests I have ever experienced. Meditation does not come easily to me; my mind is too active, my imagination always on the go. What you just described sounds like something I would like to try, perhaps even succeed. This was an incredibly illuminating read, Tom. Thanks for this brilliant share!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      I’m pleased you enjoyed it, Nancy. Visiting such a place with an active imagination should be easy… and calming when you get there! It’s a way to get away without getting away! 😃

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Chris Hall avatar

    How wonderful… calming and beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      It’s a calming and beautiful place, Chris… and one I intend to visit more often! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Spira avatar

    Leaving the baggage of Whatothersmaythink at the entrance and stepping inside your sacred place, allowing us a glimpse, is a courageous move, Tom.
    The path with heart…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Nick.
      I shared this eons ago, and felt it time for a reshare. This is the place where I shall be adding a temple! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. europasicewolf avatar

    This sounds like a delightful place for feeling good Tom! I should think you feel like superman when you return from this world of tranquillity!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It’s an amazing place, Icewolf. I actually feel like Superman there when I fly above the forest! 🙂


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