A Six Sentence Slamdown!

Visiting a particular Café & Bistro, at any time day or night, which always seems to be open yet ‘appears’ to have opening and closing times, takes a bit of getting used to… as do the ‘regular’ faces when seen in a different place or role; for examples, the one known as the Gatekeeper last month provided valet parking for attendees to the Jewellers’ Consortium Open Mic Night – he missed most of the night spending more time out parking cars, as did the lady who usually sits in her reserved booth sat instead in the Gatekeeper’s Lodge with the Gatekeeper’s dog. A well-dressed Tall, Thin Man, usually seen at the end of a darkened corridor entering and emerging from the Manager’s office, was replaced by a (or the) Sophomore… the lady Bartender was nowhere to be seen, off in a different bar or something, and the lady who was usually in the kitchen was on the bar (with that one who’s sometimes in the kitchen with her).

These theme nights the SSC&B put on really do prove popular, depending on the event there is always a character there to be seen who manages to fit right in, like a hand in a snug-fitting glove.

The Supervillains’ Fancy Dress Ball was a hoot, made all the more funny by those known as ‘The Proprietors’ deciding to paint bars on the windows on the opposite side of the room to the long bar, as well as dressing up as superheroes… and the house punch was extremely popular thanks to the fourth shot free marketing (every shot was actually free, but by the end of the night nobody knew what had been paid for and what hadn’t, although, oddly, the takings were up… and not by the supervillains!)

The next forthcoming event is a Poetry Slamdown… a refined evening of culture, classically enhanced with marble statues and red velvet drapes, provided with the finest wines from green and reddish grapes.

I’ll be there as usual, being The Observer, watching everything from the shadows, seeing the out of place out of place, the out of sight out of mind, and the out of the ordinary blending in magnificently in the place that is welcoming to all… but the question is, who will be the first to slam down?

A second Six Sentence Story this week, and a ‘Café Six’ to boot… ‘valet’ being the prompt word from Denise, at Girlie on the Edge, who runs this writing challenge.

As for the Poetry Slamdown… slots are filling fast, but with this being the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, there’s still plenty of room available… and I’m sure more details will be along shortly!

22 responses to “A Six Sentence Slamdown!”

  1. Spira avatar

    Teamwork reigns supreme.
    Fingers alone may have different degrees of abilities but put them together in a snug-fit glove and they pack a punch.

    You are a natural skald, Tom.
    Your Six is brimming with humor, wit and understanding of the true nature of the SSC&B. 👏

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Nick. This is actually from an idea Clark came to me with, regarding the Poetry Slamdown, I thought seeing things from a different viewpoint may be interesting. I may use The Observer again in the future.
      I do enjoy being a skald… the term even seems to buzz at my frequency! ✒️ 😊

      Liked by 3 people

  2. clark avatar

    Nice observering*
    Good to remind the Readers, (“…lots are filling fast, but with this being the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, there’s still plenty of room available… and I’m sure more details will be along shortly!:)
    to be on the lookout for further information on the festivities.
    A great example of how a-chronologic life in the blogosphere can be, given that when you and I talked about this thing, earlier this week, I was having so much fun (with the idea) I didn’t think very far ahead.
    Guess I’d better get another Six out tonight.

    (I’m thinking, since judges can be from the audience or from the performers, I’ll nominate Nick as one of the three judges)

    *not a ‘real’ word

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Spira avatar

      Thank you, Clark.
      But I will kindly decline.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tom avatar

        I’ve offered up an alternative to judging, Nick, which may work… 🤔

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Tom avatar

      Observering sounds real to me, Clark, so it must be a real word.
      Instead of judges, how about a poll after all performers have performed? Then everyone can have their say about their favourite… 🤔

      Liked by 1 person

      1. clark avatar
        1. Tom avatar

          Would you like me to sort out the poll after the event, Clark?

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Frank Hubeny avatar

    I’m looking forward to the poetry slamdown.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      So am I, Frank… it looks like it’ll be fun! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    A good question, i’m looking forward to the event.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      It looks like it should be fun, Mimi!


  5. Chris Hall avatar

    Poetry slamdown – excellent – bring it on!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Tom avatar

      It looks like it’s going to be fun, Chris! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tom avatar

        Ah! Hehehe!!! 🤣😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Hehehe! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The Vintage Toy Advertiser avatar

    A top notch Café Six, Tom. Bristling with sharp observations. But hey, you are The Observer, right? 😉
    Love it!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Ford.
      (I can neither confirm nor deny that The Observer and I are one and the same).🙂

      Liked by 4 people

      1. The Vintage Toy Advertiser avatar

        I wouldn’t have it any other way, Tom 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt! – GirlieOnTheEdge's Blog avatar

    […] making sure everyone is comfortable. Mimi will be there assuring all goes off without a hitch; Tom will keep the snicky-snacks coming. Most of the Proprietors will be in attendance (*clearing throat […]


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