Reverence Ep.7: Loaded Breakfast

Æthelstan burped loudly.

He’d been seated in the largest throne-like chair Ursulondix could find in the tavern, and at the head of the table. Hempsty had been seated at the opposite end of the table, and Gemevere and Katherine in the middle, opposite each other. On the table empty plates were scattered, with only a few scraps of food left on a couple of them.

“This waarn’s gorgeous!” Gemevere said after finishing her third glass, her lips turning almost as red as the fluid she’d swallowed. Her cheeks weren’t far behind, colour-wise.

“I heartily agree!” Hempsty agreed.

Æthelstan finished his tankard of ale in one gulp, burped once again, and slumped headfirst onto a plate on the table in front of him. He snored loudly. Katherine rolled her eyes and looked at Gemevere. “So noble.” She smirked, noticing Gemevere do the same.

“Ready for a refill, dears?” Ursulondix dashed out of the room in the back, carrying her large carafe. “Ooh. I think the king’s had enough!”

“It’s bin quart a mornin’” Gemevere slurred. “G’wan then, Ah’ll ‘ave another glass… ferth’ roard.” She thumbed toward the door.

“I certainly don’t mind having another glass as well.” Hempsty said, offering his glass to Ursulondix. Katherine put her glass into the middle of the table to be refilled without saying anything. Ursulondix filled their glasses and left the room again.

After the fourth glass, the three travellers who had remained awake started to feel considerably woozy.

“I say, we cannot travel to Nottingham just yet.” Hempsty said, trying to stand.

“Naw. Best sit ‘ere an’ wairt fer us to sorber up.” Gemevere flicked a grape she’d found on the table over towards Katherine. Katherine didn’t notice as she was sat back in her chair, looking up to the ceiling.

“Ready for a refill, dears?” Ursulondix dashed out of the room in the back, carrying her large carafe. “Ooh. I think the king’s had enough!”

“It’s bin quart a mornin’” Gemevere slurred. “G’wan then, Ah’ll ‘ave another glass… ferth’ roard.” She thumbed toward the door.

“I certainly don’t mind having another glass as well.” Hempsty said, offering his glass to Ursulondix. Katherine put her glass into the middle of the table to be refilled without saying anything. Ursulondix filled their glasses and left the room again.

After the fifth glass, the three travellers who had remained awake started to feel overpoweringly woozy.

“I say, we cannot travel to Nottingham just yet.” Hempsty said, trying to stand.

“Naw. Best sit ‘ere an’ wairt fer us to sorber up.” Gemevere flicked a raisin she’d found on the table over towards Katherine. The raisin bounced off her left shoulder, but Katherine didn’t notice.

“Ready for a refill, dears?” Ursulondix dashed out of the room in the back, carrying her large carafe. “Ooh. I think the king’s had enough!”

“It’s bin quart a mornin’” Gemevere slurred. “G’wan then, Ah’ll ‘ave another glass… ferth’ roard.” She thumbed toward the door, whilst at the same time biting her lip.

“I certainly don’t mind having another glass as well.” Hempsty said, offering his glass to Ursulondix. Katherine put her glass into the middle of the table to be refilled without saying anything. Ursulondix filled their glasses and left the room again.

After the sixth glass, the three travellers who had remained awake started to feel queasy. Katherine pulled a couple of chairs closer to her and lay across the three of them. She was asleep in seconds.

“I say, we cannot travel to Nottingham just yet.” Hempsty said, trying to stand.

“Naw. Best sit ‘ere an’ wairt fer us to sorber up.” Gemevere flicked another grape she found toward Hempsty, which splattered on his chest.

“What in…?” Hempsty tried to stand again, wiping down his chest whilst looking at Gemevere.

“Sommat’s goin’ on.” Gemevere whispered. She thumbed to the room at the back. She mouthed the word ‘poisoned’ to Hempsty, and then grabbed herself by the throat with her left hand. She stuck out her tongue, widened her eyes and quickly nodded her head back and forth.

“Outrageous!” Whispered Hempsty, realising what was happening.

“Ready for a refill, dears?” Ursulondix dashed out of the room in the back, carrying her large carafe. “Ooh. I think the king and the lassie have had enough!”

“It’s bin quart a mornin’” Gemevere slurred. “G’wan then, Ah’ll ‘ave another glass… ferth’ roard.” She thumbed toward the door.

“I certainly don’t mind having another glass as well.” Hempsty said, offering his glass to Ursulondix. Ursulondix filled their glasses and left the room again.

Gemevere smelled the wine. There was a metallic odour which she hadn’t noticed before, and a strong smell of sulphur. Hempsty noticed the same. Gemevere looked around the room for somewhere she could pour the wine. She noticed a potted plant on the ledge behind Æthelstan’s chair, but as she stood to walk over to it the wall at the front on the tavern tore open. Wooden beams and bricks were pulled outwards by powerful claws. A bright yellow flame burst in through the hole, followed by the head of a red dragon.

“Ooh ‘eck!” Gemevere shouted as she and Hempsty both dived for cover behind the table.


This is the seventh part in the Reverence storyline. The previous six parts can be found in my Storylines menu.

8 responses to “Reverence Ep.7: Loaded Breakfast”

  1. Chris Hall avatar

    Whoa… I didn’t expect that! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Neither did I, Chris! They like to surprise, these characters!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Chris Hall avatar

        I thought as much 😉 A tricky bunch.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          They are indeed! What with these, and the other lot, it’s a wonder their stories don’t overlap…

          Liked by 1 person

  2. prenin avatar

    Dodgy wine, maidens in their cups and now a Dragon!!! 🙂 ❤

    You do like to surprise Tom! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It’s these characters, Prenin. I write where they lead! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Diane Henders avatar

    Just when you think you’re safely stuck in a time loop… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Indeed… along comes a dragon!
      Thanks, Diane!


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