Week Two

My weeks in lockdown begin on Fridays, so that means today is Day One of Week Two. I don’t work on Fridays or at the weekend, so since Monday I’ve been working at home during my normal hours. The benefit of that is as soon as clocking-off time comes around I’m instantly transported back into the Mansion without the hassle of having to navigate the roadways with the, well, I’ll just say ‘other’ drivers.

The weather this week has been absolutely glorious. Obviously, I’ve only seen it through the window, but as I’ve had windows open, front and back, I’ve felt the occasional breeze as it slipped through one way or the other. Today was no exception, apart from instead of a gentle breeze it was more of a force thirty gale. I could bear it no longer and had to close one of the windows, then catch my breath, sort out my ruffled hair, and then climb out of the other window to retrieve the lengths of curtain that had been blown through. And then after that I had to sort out my ruffled hair again.

One of the benefits of not going out is the need to not need to use hair products. In one’s own presence, it doesn’t matter what one looks like, although I’m sure some of the mirrors here in the Mansion groan when they have to reveal my reflection to me. Mind you, the groan may be from me at having seen the reflection, thinking about it. And it’s more of a gasp, rather than a groan.

I’m finding myself becoming bored of the negativity that is constantly being saturated out about the virus. Yes, the pandemic is infectious. Yes people catch it. Yes the numbers are going to increase the more people that catch it. The numbers of those who recover is also increasing, but that news is positive so isn’t shared. The vast majority of people who catch the virus display mild symptoms. That too, in a way, is positive. but they are all collected together into that massive cloud of negativity. Sigh. Such is life. We mustn’t forget that we are here to live in fear, after all.

I’ve been focussing on my Place of Peace and Tranquility a lot lately. That’s a magical place that exists inside my head, where I can go whenever I need to. It is always relaxing there, with the most wonderful of views. I wrote about it a while ago here (this link opens in a new window), but the place has grown and changed a lot since then. It’s like an island paradise, where I can see whatever I want to whenever I go. It costs nothing, and I really do Feel Good after going there (and whilst I’m there as well, it must be said!) It’s probably a good job I’m here at the Mansion by myself, because for quite a bit of the time I’m here only in body… my mind is totally elsewhere (possibly gazing at a golden sunset, or the rainbows created in a mist by a waterfall, or the clear blue depths of a still water lake where the occasional swan glides on by)

So. In lockdown we do what we do. Some of us do it differently. The important thing is doing it so we Feel Good. We have time to make the most of it, so we should. Doing that for ourselves also means we are doing it for others too.

It’s gone a bit warm in here again now, so I’m going to attempt to open the front window again. I have my paperweights ready.

16 responses to “Week Two”

  1. Visionkeeper avatar

    I can imagine great discomfort swirling about the world as so many people don’t have a clue how to sit quietly with themselves without distraction. Thank God the Internet is still operating! When that goes dark we will really be at the peak of our challenge 🙂 The possibilities are endless and so are we….Enjoy…VK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Indeed, VK. An ideal opportunity to learn something new and different!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. anotherday2paradise avatar

    I also remain positive and try to avoid all the negativity, Tom. Lockdown isn’t so bad when you live and work in a mansion. 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Unless there’s a gale force wind blowing through, Sylvia. It went positively arctic at one point! Where you have those wonderful creatures to entertain you, I have wind! 🤣
      Have a great Saturday.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. anotherday2paradise avatar

        I’m sorry to hear you have wind, Tom. 😱

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          Hehehe. It’s less turbulent today!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Elaine avatar

    First of all Tom standards must be kept even in isolation, so get your hair sorted, you are lucky you have some so you should treasure it 😉 I love the sound of your special place so don’t be surprised if I’m sat on the beach when you visit again.

    Finally I too am fed up with all the doom and gloom too. We will get through this, we just have to get on with it and obviously 🙄 do our hair!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      My hair has had a mind of its own for years, Elaine. Even when it’s sorted, it looks like it needs doing!
      My special place is very special. If you’re there when I go again, I’ll wave if I see you. It’s a big place!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar


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  4. Chris Hall avatar

    No more doom and gloom. Definitely. The special place for me is my writing space, the place my head goes to when I deep in a story. Your beach sounds wonderful. I fear it might become quite crowded (no need for the social distancing of the mind). But the hair thing… if our lockdown lasts beyond 21 days as I’m guessing it might, I’m going to have to ’embrace the grey’ 😉
    And elsewhere I see you’ve taken a trip with the Space Cadets. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Plenty of space in our mind’s eyes, Chris. Even for our quirky hair as well! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  5. prenin avatar

    Hi Tom! 🙂 ❤

    Yes, we’ve had a glorious few days of sunshine and now we are back to dull, grey and cloudy days once more.

    The virus has everyone afraid (I had a taxi driver who said terrible, hate-filled things about the Chinese, but when I got a chance to look at him he was absolutely terrified!) apart from those of us who have had it.

    For most it is a mild illness of four or five days, followed by seven days of quarantine as our lungs heal.

    For those who have poor immune systems, and/or are elderly it is the creeping death and they are terrified.

    Hope you don’t end up getting it my friend, or at least very mild symptoms!!! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be my friend! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I hope the same, Prenin. Still, it’s happening and we have to handle it the best way we can.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Susan Feniak avatar

    My thoughts? This IS the perfect time to learn something new. Be creative. And possibly learn to live with oneself and like it. Avoid the negative with the positive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Absolutely, Susan. We have to make the most out of the situation. Here’s to the positives!

      Liked by 1 person

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