It’s About Time!

It’s a funny old thing, time.

One minute feels like an eternity, and next thing a complete hour or two has whizzed by. This past weekend has gone by quicker than a morning usually does in the dreaded Place of W. And they say usually when you’re busy the time passes quicker.

Not that I haven’t been busy this weekend, but nowhere near as busy as in the week. I’ve had a lot of spare time this weekend, which, I’m really pleased to say, I’ve spent lazing and napping. It was lovely, although it has left me feeling all the more tired now; and the naps were more like blinks hence the time passing by a little more quickly.

With my internet downtime of late, one would have thought that the time would be filled by something productive – watercolour painting, for example. Writing future blog posts for another. But no; due to the hectic work schedule my evenings have had to be spent, well, relaxing. Chilling out. Napping.

And passing the time all the more!

Still, everything brings us to now. All the ups and downs, the lefts and rights, the ins and outs, the fats and thins, the oranges and lemons, the ticks and tocks, the cats and dogs, the phone lines and exhausts.

The final telecoms engineer had to call to the Mansion the other day, between 08:00 and 13:00 to fix my problem, but a couple of days before my car’s exhaust started to sound as though it was literally dragging along the road… noise had nothing on it! So, the night before the engineer’s visit, I visited a local garage who could only fit me in first thing the next morning.

The morning came. The garage opened at 08:30, so I had to call my phone company to ask them to ask the engineer to call after 09:00 instead of 08:00. As the phone company only opened at 08:00, I was already pushing it. Twenty-five minutes later(!) I’d managed to get my request across, and dashed out of the Mansion to take my car to be repaired. Fortunately, the roads were quiet, and I got to the garage at 08:40, so not too late. I then walked (in a hurried running fashion, but trying to make it look as though I wasn’t running or hurrying!) back to the Mansion, where luckily the engineer hadn’t yet arrived. I got back at 09:15, cooled off and brought my red face back down to its almost normal colour, and the engineer arrived at 09:30. He did his required checks, and spoke to his contact at the phone company, and left at 10:15 to go to the green ‘junction box’ which tied all of the telecom lines in the world together. At 10:30 the garage phoned (on my mobile!) to advise the car was ready for me. I had to explain that the engineer was due to return in any second, so I would get there as soon as his work was done here. At 11:00, the engineer returned, everything was all connected and I was back on line. Woohoo! I explained the morning’s events to him, and he told me that he hadn’t received the call until 08:30 and he would have come back if I wasn’t in at the time, so all the first thing rush wasn’t needed. I then had to go to collect my car, and then head to the place of W and allow time to resume its normal course.

It’s all very fluid.

If there’s a simple, single gap, something will find a way to ooze into it and five spare minutes becomes the ultimate race against the clock!

But keep focussed! Time is good at allowing things to fill it at their own time… and no matter what, everything works out in the end… sometimes fixed, sometimes better, sometimes different. It’s just balance, really. With a bit of juggling and jiggery pokery thrown in.

image from pixabay

7 responses to “It’s About Time!”

  1. Soul Gifts avatar
    Soul Gifts

    It’s the same here, Tom. Same same but different!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      We just need a little more control, Raili, and then it’ll all be fine! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. -Eugenia avatar

    It’s all about balance. Seems you succeeded in accomplishing what you needed to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      It all got done, Eugenia… but it took its time! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Diane Henders avatar

    Just in time! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Looking back, Diane, exactly! 😀


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