The Unicorn Challenge: Contemplation

‘I’ve finished, my scrumptious pomegranate!’ Ognar Rance bobbed his head into the living room, where Myrtle, his wife, was feeding fabric covered with cogs through her sewing machine.

She stopped sewing when she saw Ognar’s overjoyed face peering through the doorway. ‘What was that, I didn’t catch what you said?’ she asked as she gathered the material together.

‘My latest piece,’ Ognar beamed as he smiled, ‘I’m calling it The Thinker.’

‘The Thinker?’ Myrtle replied, enthusiastically, ‘I’ll come and have a look right now.’

She followed her husband out through the patio doors and into the garden. In the centre sat a figure made out of driftwood. ‘Oh, Ognar, it’s wonderful, but…’

Ognar’s face dropped. ‘But…?’ he asked with a look of dismay.

Myrtle chuckled at Ognar’s expression. ‘No, I love it,’ she circled the life-size statue, ‘it’s just the name. The Thinker… I think that’s already taken.’

‘Oh…’ Ognar laughed now. ‘So what should we call him then?’

‘Driftwood Dave?’ Myrtle offered, before adding, ‘no, that’s too abstract. Even for an abstract!’

‘I agree. It is an abstract.’ Ognar pondered. ‘It needs a name for the concept, rather than an actual name.’

‘It’s a tricky one.’ Myrtle stated, distantly.

‘Let’s chew over it with a nice cup of tea.’ Ognar said, rubbing his chin.

‘Good idea. I’ll get my crossword answers book to see if it can give a suggestion, while the tea’s brewing.’ Myrtle reentered the house, Ognar by her side, both of them deep in thought.

Myrtle and Ognar Rance
Posted for The Unicorn Challenge. A magical challenge, hosted by Jenne Gray and C E Ayr. They provide an image for us to provide up to 250 words in return. 

4 responses to “The Unicorn Challenge: Contemplation”

  1. The Sicilian Storyteller avatar

    Another fun story with the Rances. Is there no end to their talents?

    A delightful piece, Tom!


  2. Margaret avatar

    I think they’re going to find a name very soon. They’re halfway to it already. Lovely story of these two. They’re very heart-warming characters.


  3. jenne49 avatar

    … and leaving us wondering about the name!
    I’ll bet they keep the name a secret between the two of them – just for the fun of it.
    Because the Ronces do like a bit of cheerful fun.
    Delightful characters, Tom.


  4. Liz H-H avatar

    I kind of like that name: Driftwood Dave. Another fun installment of the cute couple!


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